thanks pioneer. it's not all failure, much is better. I was totally overrun with
parasites before, so sick I couldn't work, constant anxiety, daily panic attacks, nausea/hunger sometimes at the same time even, freezing cold, weakness, fatique. the worst was the debilitating sickness.
and all these things are gone now. except the coldness, but less frequent. I've been quite a bit better for at least a year. it's not all bad, definitely.
but I'm not
parasite free.
barefoot's dewormer wasn't strong enough for me. seems to be good for others though.
Liver Flushes were phenomenal! I don't have stones anymore, I stopped counting after 50 flushes, but yes, absolutely, one of the things that helped me the most.
herbals I did for a long time. I turned to making my own because I needed to find what was most effective and control the dosing (usually high..much more than I'd get in a commercial product, which I tried many).
the homemade ones helped, as did essential oils. actually diet/juicing made probably the biggest difference for me in just bringing back a general state of health.
I did the antiparsitics for over a year straight, I mean that, with very little breaks (days, depending on response I was having). I rotated mixes, 'lighter', 'heavier' and inbetween combinations. I was learning through it, trying to monitor response, when to push through, when to back off.
and it helped, slowly, but not to the extent I'd hoped. some herbs I could not tolerate for long periods. the sickness or panic was too high, or other systemic reaction like blood pressure problems, heart irregularity, widespread muscle weakness, difficulty breathing. and I learned from previous mistakes...not to push it if it feels over the edge. why? because I've had scattering before and it was from ignoring signs of when to pull back.
anyway, it can be not so simple as take something longer. I wish it was that. but I'm not done, there's more I can do to strengthen myself and move forward.
dr christopher talked of healing in stages of 7. I kinda think this is my second set of 7. hope so.