I did the first two (of three,so far) flushes with no
Epsom Salts . The first two flushes were good, lots of stones, and only a little bit of nausea, not enough to keep me awake. I took a chinese remedy, Shi Lin Tong, (which is also for bladder stones) for about three weeks, did a flush during that time. The first flush I did was the night after my ER visit, where of course the doctor told me that I had to have immediate gall bladder surgery.I am so glad that I knew better and went home, much to the doctor's dismay. The first flush was great. I drank almost a cup and half of olive oil, with the juice of two lemons. I felt good after for a while, then started to feel bad again and knew I had to do another flush. I think when I do the next flush it will be just the oil and lemon. I would not recommend to any one to take the
Epsom Salts , because of the way if affected me, however I know that there must be some people that the salts have helped. I am just not one of them. Thanks for your reply.