I have taken some time to study intelligent design recently. I look at what some of these evolutionists write and it seems to me that they in a state of panic over I.D. I see it in various books I find at the bookstore or reading info on the net.
Here is one example:
Here is a reply from Michael Behe to the above: http://www.iscid.org/papers/Behe_ReplyToCritics_121201.pdf
Such a brief story is of no use at all in understanding how the irreducible complexity of the
clotting cascade could be dealt with by natural selection. It strikes me that the main purpose of
the paragraph is not to actually contribute to our understanding of how clotting actually may
have arisen, but to persuade those who aren't familiar with biochemical complexity to believe
Darwinism has the problem under control. It doesn't.
...and another one:
This link above tells us that researchers estimated arthropods diverged from primitive chordates over 900 million years ago.
That is fine but the problem is I can't find any fossil records for primitive chordates before the Cambrian explosion that occurred some 530 million years ago. I can't find any pre-Cambrian arthropods either.
Let me put it this way. When I saw the movie No Intelligence Allowed, I heard on of the scientists say, "Beware of one hand clapping." I recently took that advice and I started reading a couple of books that support evolution. I have not finished them but I was surprised when I actually found myself debating the information that supposedly crushes positions of ID. One was the new evolution book called Only a Theory by Kenneth Miller. Inside he claimed his book proclaimed some sort of victory over ID. From my point of view, he did nothing of the sort. I read his answers to ID positions about the Cambrian explosion and irreducible complexity. Now I don't even have a college degree but I was able to see obvious flaws in his arguments. I have only read a small fraction of his book. If you wish to cut and paste this information right out of his book, I will refute it.
I have lost almost all my fear for reading books that support evolution.
I do have a respect for science. It obviously has its place in our society but it seems to me that these evolutionary scientists are indeed humans after all.
There was a time some 150 years ago when evolution made sense and creation didn't. Science had made a lot of discoveries in the past century. I think the pendulum is swinging the other way and it has moved into the hands of those who are proponents of ID.
I challenge you to find any real science that is not in line with ToE, there is none.
Unfortunately I cannot because this is like a loaded question. Since hard science is defined by what can be tested and if there is any idea that a creator was involved, it is automatically disqualified. I can give readers something to wonder about.
How about the sudden appearance of just one phylum "trilobites" and other had bodied groups of phyla during the Cambrian? No apparent ancestors were before them.
If you fit the Earth's history into a 24 hour period of time, the Cambrian would have lasted one minute. During this period of time, a large majority of new phylum suddenly appeared. Even evolutionists have stated that there should have been enough evidence in sedimentary rocks before the Cambrian to preserve ancestors even soft bodied ancestors. Even if genes were responsible for the sudden diversity of body plans, how did they evolve? What process of natural selection led to their development? If this was the case, why didn't these genes reassert themselves during the 510 million years after the Cambrian?
The simple to more complex body designs is what we have seen in cars and automobiles. We saw the basic body designs first and then engineers improved on these machines. I think biological body designs were made in the same way. This probably explains the jumps in evolutionary lineages of various groups of animals.
Back to my original point about evolutionists panicking. This is a paraphrased quote from Miller's book, "When people see a rainbow, scientists might want to understand the physics of light but creationists attribute it to a creation of God. Inquiry will become lost because that is where it ends for creationists." This is just one reason why we have to stop ID from being taught in our schools. If you ask me this is ridiculous. There will always be people like Miller who wish to study the physics of light and I think the vast majority of creationists believe that the world is a unified order that sustains itself.
Anderson Cooper? LOL
Does being in "the bible belt" preclude intelligence?
Although I can certainly see that there is a lack of sound agreement on just what teaching intelligent design might entail and how much of what passes for intelligent design theory could be considered merely religious myths in great part, some also might argue that the reason ID cannot be taught in schools is because Scientists cannot except that there might be any entity more knowledgeable and highly developed than themselves, even though a great truism about science appears to be that today's science often becomes tomorrow's de-bunked quackery.
Do not many scientists believe in the possiblity, if not the probability, of other intelligent life in the universe? After all, it is a very big and very old universe (no I do not doubt the "scientific" age of the universe being billions of years old). I have seen "scientific" estimates that some planets likely exist where there is life that are at least 5 million years further along than we are. If such is true, then when one take humans at their present woeful stage of development (or some other life form at a similar stage of development) and gives them 5 million more years to develope, surely there is a distinct possibility that they could have reached a point where their abilities and technologies would be truly "godlike" in comparison to we mere highly fallible mortals on this tiny speck in universe - even the almighty scientists.
And if such highly advanced beings existed, would that not give at least the possibility of entities existing who could design, create, and even guide the development of other life forms? Perhaps including programming the genetic code itself for adaptation and survival. Actually, I cannot see how someone could believe in evolution and not believe in such a possiblity - or at least not totally exclude it.
Just thinking out loud here, or trying to (you know how it is for us who are disadvantaged by being in "the bible belt").
You stated the two basic tenents of evolution. I think there is onc in creation that science has never been able to adequately explain away. How did the universe begin in the first place? In other words, where did the very first matter come from. How did it get created in other words. Oops - there's that word . . .
"Jerk" you say? I merely remarked LOL because you just happen to have, or have chosen, the same name as a noted journalist and writer. It is rare to see someone choose their real name here. Got a phota?
It is also funny how you resemble someone else who comes newborn to the evolution and vaccination forums and immediately begins attacking other members by calling them "jerks" and further slurring them with terms like "ignorant" instead of sticking to the debate. Pretty ballsy for a Newbie. aren't you "Anderson"? Maybe you should do some scientific research on the CureZone TOS policies.
ToE stands for THEORY of evolution, does it not? Lots of definitions for that word, such as "hypothesis", "conjecture", "speculation", etc. As pertains to science it generally means "the general or abstract principles of a body of fact," or "the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another" but even so, nowhere is a theory itself defined as a fact.
Just to sit you at ease, I am fully aware of the reasons put forward as to why creationism should not be taught in schools. The same reasons are often used by science poeple to protect what they believe is their turf. Nevertheless, as it so happens I do not believe that religious creationism should be taught as science in schools either. Perhaps as part of elective classes on religion, but certainly not as science. And the ToE itself should be taught as a scientific theory based on a set of facts, because by definition it has not been completely proven regardless of the facts that have been presented to base the theory on.
BTW, since you seem so interested in correctness, the correct verb you should have used is "accept", as the other Anderson Cooper could have likely told you. Taken literally, your sentence would be nonsense and not at all "scientific".
"There are plenty of marriages between Andersons and Coopers"
So you ended up with one family's last name as your first name? Whatever you say, AC. Were these two families closely related perchance?
Yes, by all means do stop by the homeopathy, silver, cleansing, liver flush, and Rife liars and set them straight too. You will no doubt be welcomed with open arms and quite the popular guy here by providing information the vast majority of members have already rejected on a website which was created to provide alternatives to mainstream medications. Just like the graveyards of America are littered with millions who have died from the side effects of approved mainstream medicines, so is the CureZone graveyard littered with the dead and banned IDs of mainstream trolls who come here and post nothing but information contrary to the stated purpose of this website. Good luck!
I personally will take homeopathy, silver, cleansing, liver flush, and Rife over anything mainstream medication has to offer beyond diagnoses and repair of broken parts.
I believe you are correct when someone states when a theory is a fact is lying to their students. It seems to me that when an evolutionist proclaims something as a fact, what they are actually doing is of the same things they accuse proponents of ID. When proponents of ID start say something like the universe is fine-tuned, we are accused of abuseing science or that we are stopping all injuiry into further investigation. Like evolution, ID is based on a preponderance of evidence. At least they both can demonstrate a preponderance of evidence. I think IDs greatest stength is a fine-tuned universe. Atheists seem to hate hearing things like this so they come up with theories such as "guided transpermia" or the concept of a multi-universe in order to to build an escape hatch from the idea that there was a creator. Unbenounced to them, the mulit-universe theory actually calls for a creator because there has to be something that creates universes such as a machine.
As far as your beliefs that there are ancestors to trilobites or other groups of unique creatures of the Cambrian era, you cannot prove it with the fossil record. Your belief is based on your rigid adherence to your belief system thinking that ToE is the only acceptable theory.
First of all, I didn't say that I do not believe in ToE. I think it is a legitimate theory but only to a certain extent. What do you do to a computer then you want it do perform a new task? You have to program it with new information. The same thing goes with DNA. With evolution you can shuffle existing genes and create a new related species but you have to input new information into the genetic code to create new phylum.
Sure there is information on trilobites. I think there were approximately fourteen species and they survived many millions of years after their sudden appearance. They were all variations of each other and this I believe was an example of what can happen when genes become reshuffled.
When IDiots declare the universe is fine tuned, they are not making a primary observation, they are making a conclusion and introducing magical beings into the equation.
Have you ever heard of the cosmological constant? It says that the chances of getting a universe arranged the way it is 1 part in 10 to the 120th power. If I am right that is 1 chance over a 1 with 120 zeros after it. Common sense says that you must conclude that there was a supernatural explanation. This is just one sign out of many others that suggests universe was designed. Even our solar system suggests design. It sits comfortably between two spiral arms in this galaxy so it isn't exposed to dangerous radiation of the activity in the arms of the Milky Way.
Michael Behe's flagella has already proven to be false.
If you are referring to the bacteria that inject poison, this is just a point of view. I think Miller's mousetrap analogy with a device that fires spitballs was flawed. His finger and the spitballs are two new parts of a new irreducibly complex design but I don't think that was really his point. His veiw is just a point of view dictated from the neo-darwin paradigm. It also depends partly on someone changing of the definition of irreducible complexity.
You are being
dishonest regarding the appearance of trilobites, it was not
"sudden". It wasn't magic; the putative ancestors of the
trilobites are known and they left plenty of evidence.
Talkorigins has a few pages explaining the nonsense of the comosmological constant/fine tuning. Read up on it.
Axle-Less F
1-ATPase Rotates in the Correct Direction
Science 15 February 2008:Vol. 319. no. 5865, pp. 955 - 958
There are so many other experimental examples showing that Behe is
simply wrong that it is brutally dishonest for you to bring it up as
supporting evidence
I can't find any good information about the cosmological constant in Talk Orgins. You didn't document your evidence here very well at all. You usually appear professional on CNN but I see you are showing much more of your liberal bias when you are not on TV.
Here is something interesting:
Archaeoraptor was touted by scientists as a bird-dinosaur transition, but it was revealed as a fake.
Read #1 and #3 under Response
They say that the body is from one genus and the tail is from another genus. So Talk Orgins says that attaching two different fossils and naming it Archaeoraptor saying that it is a transition between dinosaurs and birds will not make it a scientific fraud! Is that not a convoluted point of view? Once again it seems to me that evolutionists are on the defensive and panicking.