I just wanted to say I'm around the same age, and in 2006 was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis, only to be discharged, and only to find that I experienced the same excrutiating pain the following month. Sore breasts, severe
Acne and pain that was so awful. I was at my wits end and was searching for help, so I visited a medical herbalist. I thought about seeing a doctor specialsing in using nat. prog. cream, but decided on herbalisim instead.
It was in someways the best thing I could have done, I could simply not have imagined going through severe pain and bleeding each month. I was given a tincture herbal blend, and it worked and has continued to work for the past 2 years, with ocassional blip, but nothing like as awful as it was before.
The herbalist suggested that I had colitis (due to antiobiotics), and endometritis/ios cannot decide, just a hunch given symptoms.
I was prescribed the following herbs;-
YARROW = This is a brilliant herb hat helps with cramps and blood flow
PULSITILA = Relieves menstrual pain, (it works!)
FALSE UNICORN ROOT - Uterine tonic, that balances levels of ostrogen
DANDELION ROOT - Brilliant for liver
LEMON BALM - Uplifting and helpful for liver
ROSE - Calming and uplifting herb, (other properties can't confirm)
The above was provided as a herbal tincture, and it was my life line!
I am sharing this as I truly believe that herbal medicine can help!
Also, one other thing I used was kelp, it is brilliant for menstrual problems and can lessen bleeding!
It seens to me that the above re. kelp is not rocket science, kelps assists thryoid function which is essential. Adrenals, thyroid, liver.... it's amazing how one thing impacts on the other.
Adrenals and liver are so over looked! As for blood tests, I some times wonder....
It's strange that all our blood tests are fine, and all would appear well...but we are not!
I am approaching 46 and desperate for a pain free/
Acne free menopause..
Keep well and best wishes!