Going to bed at 10 or even 10:30 makes a BIG difference in feeling well-rested, energetic and alert the next day. But unfortunately I am a night owl and it is hard to force myself to go to sleep that early!
My cousin has always been a natural morning person. During college she would frequently go to bed at 9 pm or even 8 pm! And wake up naturally (no alarm) at 3:30, 4 or 5 am! Then she would be soooo productive, reading and writing papers, exercising, etc.
It was funny because we would be eating dinner and sitting around afterwards talking, around 8 pm, and she would say "I'm going to bed now" and go in her bedroom and sleep! Then in the morning, when we would wake up at 7 or 8 am, she would tell us the many many things she had already done that morning - "I read 100 pages in a book, wrote 3 2-page papers, chatted online for 1/2 hour, exercised 45 minutes, ate breakfast and showered!"
Good grief!!!!!!!
The whole body clock and sleeping times thing is very interesting...