So sorry nobody answered your questions.
It sounds like you already have a real good idea that you should be eating more fruits and vegetables. That is probably the best advice I would give, but I'd like to add in a caution. Do not cut out fats, proteins and breads. Make sure you have a little of those or else you'll be sure to develope health problems. I know, I did it to myself last summer while dieting. I cut out fat for a couple of months and developed gall bladder problems which has brought me to this forum.
There is a superb weight loss forum that is very active, and your questions will get answered, I can guarantee you, is
It has food calculators, exercise calculators for almost every activity imaginable, including sleeping, tv watching and knitting. Everyone there is incredibly kind and offer wonderful support.
The people there will be able to help you with lots of suggestions that you can take or leave without fear of judgement.