I can get pea-sized cysts when I overdo chemical exposures, eating foods I have allergies or sensitivities to, am under stress, push a new health practice too fast and back up my body's detoxification mechanisms, etc.
They go away with a few days or weeks when I remove the underlying causes. This has happened to me several times over the last 10 yrs.
The one time I went to a doc and he took a biopsy [negative] and talked me into cutting it out, I got a horrible infection [From the hospital, I wonder???] and ended up with the largest and most ugly scar on my whole body.
I am very sensitive to some electromagnetic fields and can not tolerate x-rays. I have not gotten a mammogram for many years. They are DIAGNOPSTIC not preventative, as is often claimed.
What PREVENTS any cancer is to optimize one's health with no cheating or half-measures. That is what I choose to do.
If I ever did get a cancer, I would not want any of the drugs or chemo. I am too likely to have a bad reaction to them. [I try to avoid ALL big pharma meds.] I might consider surgery if the cancer was really huge.
Given the above, I NOT trust my cancer or breast health to MDs.
I do recognise that no everyone may make this choice, but am putting it out there as a viable option, especially for the financially challenged.
Hope this helps!