Having not shared any advice with anyone for a while, a couple days ago I departed from my recent policy and suggested to a person to try cutting milk from their 3 year old's diet for a week, in response to something they communicated. In one ear and out the other 'twas, wasn't what they were looking to hear. So, in their questioning / asking for advice/info, many are just probing others to tell them something that feels good, but they won't know it until after they hear it, no matter how much truth they choose to ignore in the process.
One can identify these short-thinkers by their lack of going to the next step and asking "why" I believe what I believe, instead of just asking for conclusions. My opinions really don't count - as they have no power of persuassion. It is the underlying reasons for the conclusions that carry the weight. Those not mentally-equipped enough to even inquire as to the underlying reasons, will never get anywhere near the top of this mountain. I have no time for shallow ones, I'm focusing on paying clients this year. Once I get through the stack of paying clients, then and only then will I try to tackle the non-paying clients stack, after I've done enough boating to satisfy my primal urges for wetness.
Also happens in other areas / aspects. My driller buddy came over and we were discussing the knowledge of experience, versus booksmarts, and our mutual respect for old timers. One example was when my driller pulled a pump with his rig, he has a special method to separate the sections of pipe. On one occassion, the property owner saw the difficulty and claimed to know a "better way". Turned out that the property owner was a dubfmuck, of course.
I had a lady phone me a week back asking me how much I charge & she said other people suggest to do this or that. She knew so much about my craft, more than I even after 20 years experience, that I just had to tell her that she didn't need me or anyone else since she was obviously very smart, told her to have a nice day over her continued motor-mouthing in my ear, and promptly hung up.
They all think they're so smart, yet they know very little truth. They're geniuses in their own mind; yet, they're all in debt up to their askholes which have migrated to the top of their brains and couldln't fight their way out of a paper bag. The folks I'm mostly surrounded by are not true Americans, are not my countrymen, aren't worth fighting to defend - they're materialistic television-brainwashed mental midgets bent on bread and circuses, and orifice stuffing - animals, not men, who react only to barbaric primal instincts. As animals, they're destiny is in being fleeced, then slaughtered.
On the mammary issue re dairy in children, there's tons of evidence showing a large number of antigens stimulated by cow products ingested by humans. People can ignore me all they want, I'm generally through with these people. As always was the case in the US, I'm adopting the "every man for himself" policy. I'm even going to stop picking up hitchhikers, feeding the homeless, and smiling at women in the grocery store without compensation.
I hope you have a spare 5 mins. to get through this old article: