I have experience with SWFing during extensive
fasting. It would not be appropriate for you
right now. Allow your body to integrate. The
advice to use tiny amounts of
Epsom Salts is
appropriate. I have never needed to do this
but have seen Hanna post and recommend it and
so she would know.
Drink plenty of water...sipping frequently
will be good. The salt in the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) would be too
much of a burden right now on your kidneys.
If you feel all the other work you have been
doing has stirred up stuff in your kidneys
the parsley tea and things like juiced
watermelon or cranberry juice would be helpful.
Buy cranberry juice without fructose corn
syrup. I buy the concentrate and add to water
with a little stevia. More important is fresh
pure water. The
Bentonite can cause lots of
problems for people as well as the fiber if
one is not really focused on keeping hydrated.
Water will help you the most right now and
resting. You will be ready to flush again in
two weeks.