Just adding a few more natural / herbal methods to Glaxony's advice, you may also see some good results against bacteria in the ears (or anywhere else in the body as far as this goes) using Garlic Oil. Garlic is said by some herbalists to be one of nature's best, powerful, broad spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-biotic.... and it happens to be a natural anti-biotic which the human body and the bugs it contains will NOT develop resistance to the way happens with synthetic, big-pharma meds.
When formulated as an oil extract (usually Olive Oil), the oil helps to act as a buffer. Garlic is strong and can sting or burn on contact with skin/flesh. This is sometimes a desired effect, like, when ridding warts, moles, etc., but in the ears, you definitely want the garlic to be buffered with some olive oil.
J.R. Christopher had a simple formula for making Garlic Oil. He also often supplemented the use of Garlic Oil with a separate forumula he calls B&B - a Nervine formula. The basic directions are, at bed time, put about 6 drops of Garlic oil in the problem ear. If necessary, do each ear. After the garlic oil is in, you can supplement this (optional) by putting about 4 drops or so of B&B into the same ear. Then plug the ear with cotton and leave in while sleeping. I've used this approach with good success in combating constant problems with ears & eustachian tubes going through a cycle of clogging, aching, infecting, repeat. I suspect this is fallout from long term smoking that also produces a regular cough that sprays phlegm backwards and up into the tubes. Various things help combat this, including occasional H202 in the ear.
With the B&B formula being a Nervine, the ear is a great path for applying it; straight path to the brain where the B&B will nourish the nervous system while also soothing & helping to calm nervous activity. Some people have had their long term deafness resolved using this formula.
Also note, Garlic Oil is fairly easy to make home made. I've done it myself, it only takes about 3 days of macerating the garlic (preferred organic) in some good olive oil (preferred organic). There are a few tips to learn, which I learned the first time through and will know better the second time through.