The first thing: many times on the other forum, I've read that people suggest that they get hungry if they don't strain out every last bit of pulp. I guess it's not so much a debate as a differing voice. I've never bothered to strain it greater than my manual juicer, and I've never noticed for myself one way or the other that there's any correlation to hunger, even if there are pieces of pulp still in the juice. Maybe my strainer gets out more pulp or something, I don't know. I've used the same strainer for over 10 years (it's stainless and indestructable), and it's been my tool as I've done the
Master-Cleanse for over a decade too. Maybe people are talking about seriously pulpy juice (but what kind of defective juicers are out there that that's the case for so many that write? Everyone having massive amounts of pulp doesn't seem all that likely.) So I'm starting to wonder how much experiencing hunger pangs that people associate with pulp is the power of suggestion? From my experience doing the fast, I think that the mind and body work in mysterious ways.... Stanley Burroughs suggests using a blender to whip up pith, skin, pulp, juice and all. So what's with all the advice to remove the pulp, when he recommends the whole fruit, and surely bits of pulp would be present in that?
The other thing is also a dissenting voice of what most of the advice I've read has been. Many people post that the
Master-Cleanse does not positively affect yeast infections/candida and in fact it has been suggested that it could worsen it. That's not been my experience at all. I often have an overgrowth of yeast when starting the fast, and I've always had that clear right up. Maybe I'm not as overrun with candida as others. I don't know. But the
Master-Cleanse clears up all kinds of health issues for me, yeast among them.
I just wanted to put out a differing voice from the mainstream opinion/advice. Any comments?