I too have been troubled by this man's anger. I have held my peace 'til now (sorry, you were banned at the other forum), but when I stumbled here and saw trapper's kind welcome, I thought I'd chime in.
I have been so helped by so many good people and forums, but esp. RG and his wonderful product. I have no problem with reasoned dissent, but this als-fellow's venom feels, from a spectator's point of view, like he's cyber stalking against RG. The weird thing is how he admits he was having symptoms long b/4 he took Humaworm.
I recently did a 'Net search and accidently stumbled on an als-support forum site, where a poster, who sounds suspiciously similar in tone and circumstances to our CZ dissenter, wrote:
"If I had done my research properly I would have found that there was no way my floaters were in fact worms - and made the now fatal error of listening to what turned out to be a quack cattle farmer masquerading as a parasite specialist on curezone selling herbal products - instead of my doctors."
I call that kind of talk slander. Shame on him. And I agree, he needs to use whatever time he has left on this earth to bless, not curse, others.