Hello all!
I am posting this somewhat strange post here because it has long been like home to me during my long colon cleansing saga. Greetings to all my old die hard cleansing pals... this is what I am up to these days! I think of you all often and fondly.
Two years ago I achieved my primary goal, turning 50 with a clean pink colon (yaaaaaaay!). My main arsenal revolved around the Master Cleanse, regular juice fasting, professional
colonics and liver flushes. The combination got me where I needed to go and returned me to radiant good health. I am a poster child: If I can do it, YOU can do it!
Well folks, two years later, guess what? The gunk was back with a vengeance! And I have done interim MCs, juice, colonics, been fairly careful about my diet and exercise... perhaps over the years I have just developed a lazy colon (genetic for me) which requires extra attention.
Anyhow... my excellent
colonic therapist suggested I try a special routine of ten days fasting with strategic supplements to move that stubborn gunk, with a
colonic every day! Ack! That's a lot of water!! But as she says, nothing moves it like water, oral and colonic.
I started with an excellent
Liver Flush the night before the first colonic.
Today is my ninth day of this program and whoa, nellie! She kicked my butt!!! But in a good way! I released garbage garbage garbage, turning the corner at day 7 when it started to diminish. I never had a crisis (due to so much prior cleansing) except weakness, which disappeared day 7 and I felt super duper. One of the deals is 1-2 T. castor oil at night. The oil made me expel tons of trash on my own, then the next day's
colonic yielded more more more... where did I put all that! When did I pack it in! (I know the answer to that; I was clean two years ago.)
Last night was my first crisis. After the oil I developed a vise grip headache and fell into a coma like sleep for two hours early in the evening, then woke in time to chug more (!) water and fall back again. This morning I staggered to my car and got to the colonic... afterwards I feel AMAZING! I have pretty much the same clear, clean feeling I got after the sixty day fast/colonic thing... but after only ten days.
It was VERY hard work, definitely not for everyone, but I wanted to post my experience and over the years it seems to me the most serious fasting cleansers are here at the
Master-Cleanse forum. Blessings on you!
My therapist and her husband had this therapy at a special clinic in Florida. He was a first time cleaner in his 50s and she is in excellent shape, cleanses often. He did ten days, she ended up doing 14 because stuff was still coming out! I guess it was rough on her husband, but the benefits were well worth the work. She was extremely impressed!
She says 10 days is the cycle during which you develop new blood, and with this process it will be very clean. Your
Liver Flushes (especially if you do a standard flush as I did), and she says 10 days is also said to completely reset your immune system! I shall see, but I can believe it after my other mega cleanse.
I know this break will be very special. I feel like I am brand new inside as of today, tired but happy! I have one more shot tomorrow then the break, which i will definitely approach humbly!
In her opinion, I am the type who could benefit from this intense a cleanse every year! Ack!! I don't want to hear it today, but catch me in a year. ALL cleansing efforts are so worth while; either we take responsibility and keep our systems clean, or pay the price with drugs and surgery and dismal health in our futures.
My very best to all of you out there doing serious work. We are all in this together, and there is no place like Curezone to connect!
My very best to all,