By zapping I mean selectively electrocuting pathogens. For years I used a commercial frequency generator to "zap" one pathogen after another.
First I made a chart of the frequencies for most of the bacteria and viruses in my collection. Then I would test the sick client for each one of these, and hope they did not have one for which I did not have a sample. Even persons with a simple cold typically had a dozen they tested positive to.
Next it was time to tune in the frequency generator to a dozen frequencies for three minutes each. The total process, testing and treatment, would take about two hours. They frequently got immediate relief. But often the relief would be temporary. What I didn't know at that time was that viruses could infect a larger parasite such as a roundworm. Until you killed your roundworm and your virus, you would keep getting the virus back promptly.
In 1993 my son, Geoffrey, joined me and we tried a new approach. He programmed a computer controlled frequency generator to automatically cover all the frequencies populated by all the parasites, viruses, and bacteria, from 290'000 Hz to 470'000 Hz. It spent about three minutes for every 1'000 Hz it covered. This was more efficient, but it meant spending ten hours being zapped.
Again, the results were disappointing. Arthritis pain, eye pain, colds were improved, but not completely and overnight. Months later I would find that organisms were transmitting as low as 170'000 Hz, and as high as 690'000 Hz. My specimen collection was obviously incomplete. To cover this larger range, spending three minutes for every 1'000 Hz, would take 26 hours. Still worth doing if it would indeed help all our illnesses. But even this method of zapping was not 100% effective for reasons yet to become clear.
In 1994 my son built a hand held, battery operated, accurate frequency generator. The purpose was to enable everyone to kill the intestinal fluke at 434'000 Hz with a low cost device. When I tested it, however, three other pathogens at much different frequencies died also! This had never happened before. When I tested it on others, even though they had dozens of pathogens, all were killed!
Subsequent testing
showed it was not due to some unique design, or special wave form produced
by the device. It was due to battery operation!
positively offset [DC] frequency kills all bacteria, viruses and parasites
simultaneously given
sufficient voltage (5 to 10 volts), duration (seven minutes), and
frequency (anything from 10 Hz to 500'000 Hz).
Before this I had
always set my commercial frequency generator to alternate between positive
and negative voltage. Now I tried setting it to alternate between positive
and zero voltage (positive offset). It was just as effective as the battery
operated frequency generator my son designed.
positive offset frequencies is the best way to kill all pathogens
quickly. But it takes more than one treatment.
It takes three treatments to kill everything. Why? The first zapping kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. But a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often recur. I conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the parasites released them. The second zapping kills the released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear again. They must have been infecting some of the last bacteria. After a third zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later.
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