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Hulda Regehr Clark


Bad Digestion
with its excessive gas and burping is another plague of the elderly. They would rather not go to church nor visit a friend than embarrass themselves in that way.

It all begins with the stomach although chewing food well is essential for really good digestion. Dentures should fit perfectly so the mouth does not develop sores. Using denture cream is not a good substitute for correct fit and is toxic. Denture plastic is often toxic, even containing mercury in its composition! Toxins in plastic can seep! Such toxins lower the immunity of the mouth and throat and stomach since it all flows down into the stomach. Low immunity in the mouth permits throat infections to be chronic. If your elderly loved one has a red-looking mouth or throat, instead of pink, an infection is going on in spite of no coughs and no complaints.

It will do no good to keep zapping bacteria when reinfection is so easy. First kill the bacteria in the dentures by soaking in 70% grain alcohol. Then test the dentures for toxins. Soak the dentures in water for several hours. Rinse and soak again in fresh water. Repeat a third time to insure that any toxin found came from the dentures, not the saliva. Save this water for testing. Search for heavy metals in the denture water. If you find any, you know the dentures are toxic! Get new ones, made of uncolored methaciylate (see Dental Cleanup, page 409).

The denture-soak should kill bacteria each night. Plastic has tiny pores where bacteria can hide. Use 70% grain alcohol which you make yourself or plain vodka which is about 50% alcohol. Since alcohol evaporates and is expensive, use a wide mouth jar with close fitting non-metal lid for all this. Fish them out with your toothbrush so it gets sterilized too. It only takes minutes to kill everything. Commercial denture cleaners are much more toxic than grain alcohol; don’t use them.

Use food grade hydrogen peroxide or salt water to brush teeth in your mouth, never toothpaste. Toothpaste has toxic metals (tin, fluoride, strontium) besides benzene pollution. See the section on brushing teeth (page 532) for details and sources. If you are responsible for this daily chore, use homemade floss (2 pound to 4 pound nylon fish line) first; then

brush. If your loved one is seated they may be able to handle the brush by themselves, giving them pride in the achievement.

If an elderly person refuses or can’t wear dentures, provide food that is soft and without chunks since this decides whether the stomach can digest it. The stomach is the weak point of the digestive process for the elderly because nearly all don’t produce enough acid to get the job done.

Stomach Acid
The body produces hydrochloric acid (HCL) which gets pushed into the stomach from the blood! The enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, a zinc enzyme, is involved. Not many ways are known to stimulate this whole process. Drinking water before meals stimulates it in unknown ways but is hard to do for the elderly. Next best is to provide acid.

Because strong HCL would dissolve teeth it is not available as a solution to aid digestion. Ask a pharmacist to make a 1% I-ICL solution and use 10 drops of it in a beverage at mealtime once a day. HCL as a tablet (“Betaine HCL”) is available but doesn’t have enough HCL in it.

Using a lemon or vinegar and honey beverage helps with digestion although this provides citric or acetic acid, not hydrochloric. These acids are completely metabolized so they don’t add to the body acid level. But the fact that it is not hydrochloric means that it can’t kill bacteria and parasites in the stomach like regular hydrochloric acid could. The stomach becomes a haven for Salmonellas and other bacteria and this is the biggest digestive plague of the elderly. Salmonellas dig deep into the stomach wall, safe from antibiotics and stomach acid and aren’t washed away with the food. When they take over the region near the top of the stomach, it weakens the esophageal sphincter and food keeps coming back up a bit—a most uncomfortable development, especially after supper or when lying down.

When the Salmonellas spread out further to invade the diaphragm around the sphincter, the diaphragm weakens, and lets a bit of the stomach up through the hole.

This causes hiatal hernia distress. Don’t settle your loved one in an easy chair after supper. This presses the stomach upward and the food up, too. Leave them sitting at the table a while, then walk a bit, to get the food down lower. The food will sink lower if some of it can leave the stomach at the lower pyloric end. But if Salmonellas are entrenched here, too, the lower end does not have enough action to push the food through the valve. Drugs like ReglanTM are given to speed this up.

What helps most is getting digestion completed. This sets up the natural cues for emptying. Digestive enzyme tablets have been in popular use to help digestion. But they may not be safe since they have not been sterilized. Always try the vinegar and honey method first. Coughing during eating is a sign that the diaphragm is irritated (by a hiatal hernia). If drinking water starts the coughing, omit it at the beginning of meals. Work in sips during the meal.

Salmonella and Shigella
Some Salmonella infections can bring dizziness to your elderly person. Dizziness is another plague of the elderly, keeping them from going shopping, getting to church and even from getting around their own homes. Drugs such as Antivert are given but only take the edge off the problem. Feeling dizzy can make your loved one home bound and stuck to a walker for every move.

Salmonellas, along with Shigellas, produce very toxic substances that cause dizziness. There are three common Salmonella varieties: Salmonella enteridiuis, Salmonella paratyphi, and Salmonella typhimurium (386, 380, 354 KHz). Kill Salmone/las daily for a month by taking Lugol’s iodine (6 drops in a half cup water, after meals and bedtime, see Rec4ws). Unfortunately, this will not kill Shigellas; follow the Bowel Program (page 546) to get them.

During this time set up a system of sterilizing all dairy products (see Milk, page 425) since this is the source of reinfection. Set up a system of rinsing fingers (and fingernails) in 10% grain alcohol in the bathroom. Deli food and restaurant salads carry Salmonellas and Shigellas, too. Kill them, routinely, after eating such food due to necessity. A warm stomach full of food at a neutral pH is just the right culture condition- for these bacteria. It’s like putting yeast into a bowl of warm water, flour and sugar. In half an hour it is overflowing with growth.

Once Salmonella is entrenched in an organ it is difficult to eliminate. Only an electric zapper can kill them all (in an organ, not the bowel). If your body has the right conditions (like a low acid stomach) to let them grow you dare not swallow another one! Shigellas arrive with dairy foods, too, but prefer the lower intestine as their headquarters. Indigestion that starts right after eating is probably due to Salmonellas. If your indigestion comes in the night, this suggests Shigellas, since they’ve had time to reach their favorite place further down.

Campylobacter and E coli, other digestive bacteria, are sometimes the culprits. The Bowel Program is effective against these also. Besides getting digestive improvement you get mental improvement, less depression, less dizziness, less irritability after clearing these up. Remember that eating bacteria and killing them later will not solve the problem. Stopping eating them will.

Other Clues
Digestion problems that remain after eliminating bacteria can be diagnosed in a rational way. Ask these questions:

• Is the stool orangish-yellow, or very pale, instead of greenish brown? If so, bile isn’t getting delivered to the small intestine from the liver.

• Is there abdominal pain? (More about this on page 97). It may be due to Ascaris, flukes, or other parasites.

• Is there constipation? This wilt let wastes accumulate, all the longer for bacteria to thrive on them.

• Is there bloating? This is due to gas made by bacteria.

• Does the stool float? If so, it must be lighter than water and contain fat or a great deal of undigested material.

Liver Bile
Bile is necessary for digestion. Absorption of fat and calcium depends on bile mixing with the food. When fat isn’t absorbed, it stays in the intestine. Fat is lighter than water; it makes the stool float. Feces should not float. When the stool floats you can assume that calcium isn’t being absorbed either, leaving the blood in a deficit which will be taken from the bones.

If the stool floats or is orangish in color prepare your elderly person for a liver cleanse (page 552) to clear a bile duct of obstruction. They get quite fond of these cleanses and will ask to have one. Liver cleanses are completely safe, even for persons in their 80’s. One of the stones pictured on page 554 came from a woman age 97. The general rules apply to the extremely elderly: kill all parasites first by upper if possible, otherwise by herbal parasite killing. Do a kidney cleanse (page 549) first, using half a dose instead of the regular dose, for three to six weeks. Attend your loved one in person for the liver cleanse, have a commode at bedside, protect bedding from accident: use paper underwear if necessary. Share the joy of getting gallstones out painlessly with your loved one; let them see and count them if they wish before you flush them (use a flashlight).

Be extra careful with the skin cleansing. Hot water soothes and heals. Use starch skin soother to dispense onto the wet paper towel, besides borax solution and alcohol. Don’t use ordinary soap. The starch skin softener gives the smoothness of soap, and prevents the pain of friction. An elderly person may have no diarrhea at all with the Epsom salts! Evidently the body absorbs all the magnesium so eagerly, none is left in the intestine to absorb water and create diarrhea. It is especially important though to rehydrate your elderly person after a diarrhea. This time they do not balk at water consumption. The liver cleanse, it seems, gives them new thirst as well as new appetite. But it doesn’t last long. As the stones from the far corners of the liver move forward, they compact into larger stones and plug the ducts again. Their previous symptoms return. Try to give a cleanse once a month until the dark color of the stool returns and it no longer floats.

The benefits of a liver cleanse will last longer if valerian herb is taken the day after the cleanse and from then forward. It may be preventing spasm of the bile ducts. Use 2 oz. of the herb (cut) in 3 cups water. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, let settle or strain. Add honey to sweeten. Give a few tbs. every 4 hours (or 6 capsules) for several days followed by a daily dose at bedtime.

If constipation is a problem, use an herbal product rather than a drug until you have removed the cause. Cascara sagrada (half dosage) or prunes work for many people. Adding roughage to the diet is a good solution but often doesn’t work. If you try bran, you should add vitamin C and boil it, first, because it is very moldy. But even eating tree branches for supper won’t move a bowel that has the wrong bacteria in it.

Bacteria are part of the cause; and part of the result! Constipation increases the bacteria level which causes further constipation! You may solve the constipation problem immediately by zapping. Even though this kills some “good” with some “bad” bacteria, no harm is done. The stool is recolonized in one to two days.

Poop Your Troubles Away
Two bowel movements a day are the minimum necessary for good health. The first one should be in the morning. The morning cup of water, drunk at the bedside has the magical ability to move the bowels. Cold water may fail. But the water effect only works in the early morning. Waiting until after breakfast may not work. Notice the energy lift your loved one gets from this most primitive body cleanse. Take advantage of this to exercise them. Go immediately for the morning walk. This might be the only time of day they can enjoy their walk.

Walking and liver cleansing are the most health-promoting activities you can do for your loved one.

Make walking as essential as eating. Walking is not merely walking about the house or shopping. Walking should be done outdoors. Walking is a brisk exercise, done as speedily as possible and lasting at least ‘A hour. Only if the weather doesn’t allow outdoor walking can an indoor walk be substituted. Don’t let your elderly person choose whether they will walk that day. To overcome resistance, find a cheerful neighborhood person willing to do this task for pay. The need to respond to a new stranger energizes the elderly more than your persuasion can.

Sugar Regulation
Diabetes is a common development in the elderly. If your loved one is already on a pill for beginning diabetes, take this as your challenge never to let it get worse. It is not a chronic metabolic deterioration. It is a destruction of the pancreas (specifically the islets) by the pancreatic fluke which is attracted to the pancreas by wood alcohol. Zap flukes and eliminate wood alcohol as described in the section on diabetes (page 173).

Use no artificial sweetener and no beverages besides milk, water and the recipes given in this book. This is one regimen your loved one will not resent. They are well motivated to prevent the need for giving themselves daily shots of insulin. Use this motivation to acquire the taste for new foods and beverages.

Clark, Hulda. The Cure For All Diseases. New Century Press, Chula Vista, CA. 1995. Pp. 295-302

Digestion Problems
Burping, bloating, and being gassy are signs that your digestion isn’t perfect. What has gone wrong? Burps are gases escaping upward. Bloating is due to bubbles of gas causing pressure. Your body does not make gas! Gas can only be made by bacteria. The immediate conclusion is that bacteria are growing in your digestive tract (stomach and intestines) that should not be allowed to do so. They are likely to be the common enteric (digestive tract) bacteria: Salmonellas, Shigellas, E. colt, Bacteroidesfragilis.

You may wish to identify them before killing them with the zapper. Or you can sweep through the whole bacterial and viral range killing all with a frequency generator. The good effects can be felt in an hour, although the last gases may take days to get rid of Salmonella and Bacteroides fragilis are two bacteria that can eat bile, and can do without oxygen, so they are cornmonly seen in the liver. Bacteroides probably escaped from its roundworm host, Ascaris. Salmonella probably came with non-sterile dairy food.

If you have an intestinal problem involving digestion or pain, start immediately to boil all dairy foods. Stop eating those that can’t be boiled: cheese sandwiches, yogurt, ice cream. It must be boiled for 10 seconds. The bacteria are in the liver because your liver attempted to strain them out of your blood and lymph in order to kill them with bile. Instead, they turned around and “ate” the bile, turning it brown as evidence. Now, every time the liver lets down bile into the intestine (and stomach), a population of these bacteria goes with it. The intestine becomes a seething mass of bacteria, bubbling away as they produce C01, SO2, I-12S, Co (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide). Some of these gases are quite toxic.

Help your liver expel its bacterial overload with liver cleanses (page 552) until all the bile is a beautiful bright green. This is evident as dark brown bowel movements. Without the green color of bile added to your intestine, the bowel movement remains light colored, such as tan, yellow or orange! By stopping eating polluted food, killing bacteria and cleansing the liver, digestion becomes normal again.

Of course, there must be enough acid in the stomach and digestive enzymes produced to make good digestion possible. Otherwise, leftover food goes to feed the waiting bacteria.

Persons with a chronic digestion problem may also find they harbor lead, cadmium, or mercury in the intestine! This is very good in a sense. Your body has kept these toxins in the intestine, preventing it from going into your vital organs. The bad news is that their presence in the intestine could start an intestinal disease. Toxins in the intestine would inhibit your immune system (here the white blood cells are in clumps called Peyer’s patches), from gobbling up the “bad” enteric bacteria. Maybe the “good” bacteria found your intestine too toxic to live there. Clean up your dentalware. Search for lead and cadmium in your drinking water. After improving your lifestyle, continue to do liver cleanses. Keep your goals high: a flat tummy that feels energetic, no burps or gas.

Stomach ache (page 98) and hiatal hernia (page 133) are also digestive problems but are dealt with under pain. (See also lower abdominal pains, page 97, and appendicitis, page 100).

Alan Barth had his two young Sons with him. One of them had a very sensitive stomach, a poor appetite! wanting nothing but sweets or chips to eat. The 16 year old had aches and pains that were keeping him out of sports. The father had a tonsil problem; they swelled if he drank milk. One problem was obvious. Their milk was tainted with Sa/mone f/as and Shigellas, setting up throat problems for the father, stomach problems for one child and a pain syndrome for the other child. Boiling all their milk, not bringing raw chicken into the house (Salmonella source) and stopping eating yogurt and cheese was the solution. There were traces of lead in their tap water and the house air had vanadium in it, announcing a gas leak. They were all heavily parasitized. When these problems were cleaned up, the whole family’s health improved.

Kae Nakajima, middle age, had a history of ulcers and stomach problems. She took a lot of Zantac and Tagamet over the years. She was drinking coffee, tea and colas. She had Ascaris and cadmium in her stomach. Five months later she had cleaned up everything except dentalware and was feeling very good. She didn’t need any medicines. She still had arthritis and sinus problems but felt so encouraged she had the dental work scheduled.

Sven Lippencott, age 4, had been tube fed for several years due to weak stomach action. He was quite underweight for his age. He had a population of intestinal fluke in his stomach along with arsenic (pesticide). The rest of the family also had intestinal flukes. After killing parasites and washing the upholstered furniture, Sven’s appetite went up so he ate more by mouth and grew immediately. But he soon picked up Ascaris and cat liver fluke (there was an indoor cat). Then the whole family got intestinal flukes again. They all, including Sven, drank carbonated beverages whenever they wished. With both parents working it would not be possible to discipline the habit. Sven had wood alcohol, methyl butyl ketone, hexanedione, methylene chloride and toluene buildup making his recovery hopeless.

Clark, Hulda. The Cure For All Diseases. New Century Press, Chula Vista, CA. 1995. Pp. 266-269

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The Cleanses (5)

  1. Parasite Cleanse
  2. Tapeworms, Ascaris Cleanse
  3. Bowel Cleanse
  4. Kidney Cleanse
  5. Liver Cleanse

The Clean-ups (4)

  1. Dental Cleanup
  2. Diet Cleanup
  3. Body Cleanup
  4. Home Cleanup


Ailments & Illness

Excerpted from the book "The Cure for all Diseases" by Hulda Regehr Clark

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