Blog: Catyrpel's fasting blog
by catyrpel

Post fast

post fast thoughts

Date:   9/5/2007 11:24:23 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 6601 times

I had mango juice today. Mangos are my very favorite and I have missed them. Thanks for those who have been congratulatory; I appreciate the support. Wish I had blogged a little more during the fast because it is a bit difficult to recall exactly how things went. I know at first I was exercising. I know I was exercising fairly intensely for at least the first month before it became impossible. After a while it was just way too draining. It sounds odd to say, but I began to enjoy spending more time in the sun. Yeah that just seems a little weird, disregard that. LOL After about 60 days of water fasting I began to feel some real muscle weakness and feared I might be low on potassium. At that point I began using electrolyte enriched water. I had been drinking Smartwater off and on and was disappointed to discover it hardly had any potassium in it. I don't know what I was expecting, but I decided I needed to make my own bottled water with electrolytes. Using potassium chloride salt substitute, iodized table salt and a liquid magnesium calcium supplement I mixed my own water. I mixed the RDA for each into a 12oz water bottle and made sure I drank one every 3 days. I know, only 1/3 the actual RDA, but I figured my metabolism had slowed so much by then that 1/3 the RDA would be more than adequate. I felt more normal after the electrolytes, well, normal for fasting. Normal meaning that nearing the end of the fast I had to rest at least once during an hour's time. I wasn't sleeping very much at night, but I felt like sleeping often during the last 30 days. I've read people saying how their eyes cleared or became more bright. Mine just looked a little glassy, but the same color. Hmmmm, that's about it. I've gained almost 5 lbs back and I'm still on juices, but I lost so much that even if I gain back 15-20 I'd count the fast as successful for weight loss.

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Comments (15 of 29):
Re: Ending fast to… mseri… 15 y
awesome! #85029 17 y
you are awsome! twinsmom1… 17 y
wow! twinsmom1234 17 y
Amazing manifesturdreamz 17 y
wow that is sooo a… beeda… 17 y
how do you feel sp… ellas… 17 y
electrolytes? lauray 17 y
?question? #85029 17 y
Re: Fantastic fast… Catyr… 17 y
Re: you can get po… Catyr… 17 y
Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!… Catyr… 17 y
Fantastic fast!! B… #8387… 17 y
Re: you can get po… Ayeha… 17 y
Re: you can get po… Catyr… 17 y
All Comments (29)

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