Blog: Blazin's Journey
by blackinese27

I hope you all had a great holiday!!

Just a little off topic rant!

Date:   6/1/2007 7:53:41 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2034 times

Ever notive that when you have guests that you forget to do stuff like oh say blog?? It's been a tireesome week. Highly annoying at some points to. But I will be getting back on track soon. My boyfriend lost his job from this backwards run corporation in Memphis Tennessee. He's never been fired before from anything, and he's taking it very hard. I would not say that he loved his job and that the people there were especially nice, but he gave it his all.

Actually I have no idea how he managed to go in there every day. I would have disappeared out of thier sites a long time ago. his workplace was like a bad tv soap opera, with people sleeping about left and right including the bathroon at work (he started coming home to use the bathroom in the middle of the day, former employees managing to steal things (because the thief was sleeping with the boss lady's daughter in the bathroom at work), and racisim spewing from the boss lady's mouth as well on a regular basis.

Now I understand him needing to have the job so that he can work his way thru his bachelors degree to law school and what not. But I can't imagine why he's upset about it all. I'd have yelled glory hallelulia (is that spelled right??) and made a break for the door, but then that's me. I've never been one to tolerate alot.I remember when i was an intern in a certaim hospital in Aventure Florida, there was a section I worked in and they treated me extremely funny and acted racist towards me. So I stopped going to lunch with them and stayed in the lab to study or read a book on my lunch break. I had never dealt with that sort of thing before, I grew up in the Bahamas, the only things I ever knew was what I had seen on television. Now I was facing it myself. I was there about 4 days when they called the head of my department and told her she needed to expell me, there reason because I was reading a magazine in the lab (yes dummy on my lunchbreak when I was alone by myself!!!). Does not bother me any, if anything it motivated me to go after my medical degree. The next time any of them here from me I'll have made a cure for something.

Oh well I guess that's life and not mch one can do.

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