Blog: The Cleanse of Masters: 10 to 15 days
by gwen17

day 8

okay... today was hard

Date:   11/15/2006 2:47:27 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2237 times

I don't know what it was about today that made it so hard!! Well, it could have been because I felt hungry today. My stomach actually growled a couple of times, which hasn't happened to me since day 3. And I was constantly having to talk myself out of having just a bite of real food. Hopefully this is just a heavy toxin release day, and these feelings will pass by tomorrow. Wow, tomorrow is day 9. If I wanted to do this for 10 days, I'd be almost done. When I describe what I'm doing to my friends, they are always think I'm crazy. I told one of my friends from back home today, and when I told her I was on day 8, I could almost hear her calculating in her head "Wait... so you haven't eaten since last MONDAY??" Haha, actually hearing her say that really made me proud of myself. Because NO, I have not!! That's crazy for me to think that I could just tell myself to not eat for 8 days straight. This PROVES to me that I have willpower (so no using weak will power as an excuse anymore!).

The one thing I regret about this cleanse is the timing. I wish I had done it when not so many stressful things were going on in my life. I feel like my outside activities are causing my feelings and attitudes more so than what's going on inside of me. This is just a stressful time of quarter, period, and I feel like I have a million other things going on in my life right now that are keeping me from fully feeling the benefits of the MC. But my school week is over on Thursdays, so I just gotta make it til then, then my life will calm down for a day or two and I can feel the full effects of this bad boy.

I think my tounge is clearing up slightly!! And my sore throat/roof of my mouth type thing isn't so severe, so I'm taking these as good signs. :)

Today's stats:
Lemonade: 6 cups
Salt water: cccccheck
Water: like 16 cups... I was peeing like a racehorse most of the day :)
BM: 3 or 4

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Comments (5 of 5):
congrats bluenile 18 y
10 days is fabulou… pisce… 18 y
you rawk! ren 18 y
Good Luck- I love … babsb… 18 y
hi! pisces 18 y
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