Blog: The Cleanse of Masters: 10 to 15 days
by gwen17

day 7

over the hump

Date:   11/14/2006 12:16:10 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2060 times

so this is the halfway mark. exactly one week ago I was enjoying my last meal of a chicken ceasar salad and a bar of dark chocolate. that seems like such a long time ago!! i would probably be in a much better mood if today wasn't one of the crappiest days i've had in recent memory. so much bad stuff happened (nothing too serious, but I'm not graduating in june like i'd previously hoped, but will have to instead stay on an extra quarter; oh and i may not be an ethical person), but there is a silver lining to each peice of bad news i received today (I get to add an international management concentration onto my marketing concentration, and I learned an extremely valuable lesson when I had this epiphany about ethics and myself), so I guess it will all work out allright. i just feel like going to bed but i can't because I have so much studying left to doooooo... aggghhhhhh....

today I had to work really early this morning (i.e. 6 am) so I set my alarm for 4:30, thinking i could down my salt water and go back to sleep for 30 mins or so while it worked its magic. well, apparantly i'm completely out of it that early because my alarm went off, and i immediately thought, why the hell did i set it so early? and pressed snooze. Then, when I finally got out of bed at 5:15, i remembered... duh! salt water flush!!! so needless to say i didn't take it this morning, because i didn't think i'd have time for it to work before i went to work. maybe that's why i'm feeling so crappy today, those toxins are still in me, bringin me down. bummer.

one positive note: my tounge seems to be trying to clear itself. my disgusting perpetual bad breath seems to be lessening, only coming back sometimes. :) :) :)
but the roof of my mouth is still reallyyyyy sore. i don't think i can handle it getting any worse.

i slacked on my lemonade today, i only drank about 4 cups. :-/
here's the rest of my stats:
salt water: nooooo
BM: one little one
overall humor: bummed and exhausted

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Comments (5 of 5):
congrats bluenile 18 y
10 days is fabulou… pisce… 18 y
you rawk! ren 18 y
Good Luck- I love … babsb… 18 y
hi! pisces 18 y
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