Blog: The Cleanse of Masters: 10 to 15 days
by gwen17

day five!

gimme five, i made it to day five

Date:   11/12/2006 3:15:21 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2829 times

Whoooo hooo! Made it through day five. Actually, my day was pretty eventful, so that made it easier. I had a lot of stuff to do, aka less time to think about eating!!! That seems to work the best for me.

Really nothing out of the ordinary happened as far as the master cleanse goes... except I've been feeling super cold all of the time (could be that it's gotten really cold here). And I'm usually hot rather than cold, so it might be due to the MC... who knows?? Oh and yesterday the salt water really didn't sit well with my stomach. I felt very nauseous for the first part of the day. And then once I started walking dogs at the animal shelter i volunteer at it went away, so maybe I just needed some exercise!! Or something to take my mind off of the discomfort. Another observation: around 11 pm, my body seems to just shut down. Like I can't possibly stay awake any longer. It's happened a few times, where 11 pm hits and shortly after that I feel like I've been awake for a few days straight!! Then I go to bed and fall immediately to sleep, and wake up feeling completely rested. Perhaps this is my body forcing me to get onto a regular sleep schedule.... hmmm... and that means the cleanse is working!! YAYYYYYY!!! But being in college, it's hard to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night/morning. So we'll see how this works out... :)

Another observation: I think i'm addicted to the food network. I can watch that channel allllll day. I think it's because that's the closest I can get to food :D :D :D

Okay stats:

Lemondade: a full 6 cups baby
Salt Water: check
BM: 2 or 3, can't remember

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Comments (5 of 5):
congrats bluenile 18 y
10 days is fabulou… pisce… 18 y
you rawk! ren 18 y
Good Luck- I love … babsb… 18 y
hi! pisces 18 y
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