Blog: journal of my master cleanse....
by pisces

day NINE!

almost there...

Date:   11/14/2006 12:14:01 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2991 times

oooooooooooooooh mannnnnnnnnn. day nine. cant belive it. (ha! i think i write that every day!) well i definately have will power. this cleanse has shown that. through all my craziness, crabbiness, cravings, tiredness, awakeness, and sips of lemondade, i KNEW i would stay with the cleanse. there is not a CHANCE in hell that i would have stopped this early. maybe its because i gotta prove myself? i dont know but whatever reason, im staying the course (oh man, im brainwashed by fox tv!)

hopefully this will transfer to the rest of my life... post cleanse, i mean. i have lost 70 lbs over the last 3 years (actually lost 70, gained 30, relost the 30) so ive lost 100lbs! never thought of it that way... anyhoo... i am still 40lbs from my goal. doing this cleanse has made me realize that the weight has only come off for me if iam SO STRICT with my eating. i ususally eat REALLY healthy. pretty obnoxiously healthy if there is such a thing, really. but i am not a naturally skinny person. in order for me to lose weight, i have to eat 1500-1700 calories/day and do an hour of cardio and sometimes weights. EVERY DAY. trust me, ive tried other ways. i have to be SO STRICT. thats why i have been plateau'd for the past 6 months. i have let myself have that extra apple, extra handful of almonds, extra bowl of oatmeal. well, this mc has shown me that i still have an ENORMOUS amount of will power and if i just stick with it for the next 3-4 months i CAN get to my goal weight. I MUST GET TO MY GOAL WEIGHT. it has been 3 YEARS! going to the gym almost EVERY DAY. i know i will still go to the gym when this is all over but i dont have to be so obsessed with it.

whew! that felt good. i needed to get that out!

i feel good today. im done with the swf, cant do it anymore. drank some lax tea last night and it worked! so im happy.

cant believe tomorrow is my last day. well the oj days are still fasting to me but at least the flavor will change. :)

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Comments (10 of 10):
Re: Master Cleanse… pisce… 18 y
Master Cleanse - S… bluen… 18 y
congratulations! gwen17 18 y
You've Got This reek 18 y
wow! gwen17 18 y
yayyyyy! gwen17 18 y
Re: appetite suppr… pisce… 18 y
appetite suppresan… alley… 18 y
I know what you me… Willa… 18 y
thats awesome.. beachbumm… 18 y
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