Blog: journal of my master cleanse....
by pisces

evening of day five

not so crabby :)

Date:   11/10/2006 9:51:02 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2973 times

why do i always feel so much better at night? im usually a day/morning person but i have been having so much energy at night.

let see.... tongue still coated and i feel like my spit is really mucousy. have a really bad taste in my mouth. like i can taste my own bad breath. yuck! i feel nervous every time i talk to someone worried that my breath reeks. plus i HATE the smell of other people's bad breath. ha!

one wierd thing is i cant stop sneezing!! i have sneezed like 100 times today! i think its all the snot coming out of my sinuses. yay!!

drank some psyllium today. my bowel movements have been only from the swf and pretty loose so i thought i might harden them up a bit. too much information??

so one thing that i am worried about is that my grandpa might pass away during my cleanse and i will have to fly accross the country to go to his funeral. he is very old and very sick so this is not a surprise (and im not being insensitive, already flew back a month ago and said my goodbyes) but i thought i could keep on the cleanse but you cant bring LIQUIDS on the damn airplane!!! so i would have to end it. alas.

we'll see what happens.

sorry to leave with such a bad thought....

tomorrow is DAY SIX!! i cant believe it!!!


swf (yucky today, almost puked!)
8 glasses lemonade
120 oz water (at least)
1 T molasses
1 cup ginger tea
1 cup peppermint tea
1 t psyllium

lost 7 lbs so far.

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Comments (10 of 10):
Re: Master Cleanse… pisce… 18 y
Master Cleanse - S… bluen… 18 y
congratulations! gwen17 18 y
You've Got This reek 18 y
wow! gwen17 18 y
yayyyyy! gwen17 18 y
Re: appetite suppr… pisce… 18 y
appetite suppresan… alley… 18 y
I know what you me… Willa… 18 y
thats awesome.. beachbumm… 18 y
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