Blog: journal of my master cleanse....
by pisces

day seven...

and i'm back!!!!!

Date:   11/12/2006 12:11:43 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3046 times

I FEEL SO GOOD TODAY!! FINALLY!!! back to my normal self. well, IMPROVED, normal self! i could tell the moment i woke up. i was SO HAPPY.

i slept good (although i did have a very lucid dream that i was having an affair with an old friend, hee hee- it was just a dream people....)

lost another pound. yippee! so down 8 pounds so far. not bad. i wasnt expecting nearly this much.

my intestines are awfully rumbly though. its like the philharmonic in there. been like that all night and morning. wait'll the swf hits em! its a comin, boys! (i dont know why i gave my intestines male identities...hmmmmmmmm)

oh, and my tongue is getting pinker but still have bad taste in mouth.
my sinuses are draining and am very snotty-but this is good.
not as achey today and have tons of energy.

now that i feel better maybe i will stick with this longer than 10 days.

so moral of the story? STICK WITH IT!! YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!!!


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Comments (10 of 10):
Re: Master Cleanse… pisce… 18 y
Master Cleanse - S… bluen… 18 y
congratulations! gwen17 18 y
You've Got This reek 18 y
wow! gwen17 18 y
yayyyyy! gwen17 18 y
Re: appetite suppr… pisce… 18 y
appetite suppresan… alley… 18 y
I know what you me… Willa… 18 y
thats awesome.. beachbumm… 18 y
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