Blog: Transformation
by #31982

A new beginning

The beginning of transformation process. I expect challenges but will prove to my self that i can overcome this..

Date:   6/12/2006 11:32:15 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2424 times

Well, I have tried and failed so many times but I keep picking my self up. Today I am starting a new BLOG and intend to use it to my advantage to track my progress for the next couple of months. I am in a very stressful point in my life and need a source beside my prayer time with God to vent. I am setting forth this day 6/12/06 as of noon to go on a water fast till Monday July 3rd 2006 thats 21 days. I have read it takes 21 days to break a habit so during this time i intend to break the habit of Gluttony and my addiction to sugar and carbs. Starting July 4th with is the day we celebrate freedom i will set forth on a juice fast for the next 12 days till July 16 and then on July 17 I will gradually introduce food raw food for the next 7days+. Not sure how long .... I plan to start the gym in July after my classes are over and then i will begin the vitamins with the juicing. I believe God is going to heal me spiritually and bring forth a new thing in my life. I am trying to tame the flesh and be spirit lead. I want to focus on my spiritual life home life and school/work life. SO I am claiming change in my body thinking and life. I am calling forth health and strengthen my hair loss issue, my gums healed, my IBS cured, I call in a new Job, debt free, a new home successful marriage..... With God All things are possible

as of 12 noon which i did eat breakfast.

weight 163 i am 5'4"

Goal weight by end of water fast 145

Inches 13 neck 39 chest 33 waist 40 hips I want to loos mostly chest and waist also face. I know this sounds vain but it doesnt allow me to be open to people. I want God to help me get over these self esteem issues. I will remeasure only on Mondays so weight will be posted weekly with stats.
Goal weight by end of juice fast 138

Goal by end of raw is 133

By end of July I will be 125-130!!!!

Here goes please read for the struggles since i am finishing my MBA at the same time i am setting forth on this transformation. so i in classes now till june and then two classes in july till august.

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Comments (1 of 1):
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