Blog: A Tightwad's Journey to Health - MC, Raw Food, and Walking
by t1ghtwad

Day 4 of my MC ... weight dropping FAST!!!!

After only 3 days, I've dropped 9.5 pounds!

Date:   7/25/2006 9:48:07 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1786 times

So, I didn't start Monday or Tuesday, but procrastinated until Saturday. But, I DID get started, and it's going to be a great cleanse! I have been away from the house the better part of each day, so I've been making 1/2 gallon to bring with me each day. Days 1-3 I had a bit more than 1/2 the maple syrup per drink. My recipe was 3/4 cups lemon juice, just under 1/2 cup syrup, top off bottle with water, add 1/8 tsp cayenne to each drink. When I'm driving for a long time, I can't add the cayenne, so I just drink it without, and put extra in the next cup. I try to avoid this because I have a tendency to skip the cayenne too much, and it's so GOOD for me.

I'm using the Smooth Move tea each night, and have 3-4 bm's each morning. No need for the second tea for me until my bm's show a need...

My weightloss has been incredible. I was holding a LOT of fluids, so I know it's mostly water weight at this point. BUT IT'S GONE! After 3 days, I've lost 9.5 pounds!!!!!!

I'll be leaving on an out of town trip Thursday a.m., and all of my supplies are coming with me. I will stick with the plan and continue to cleanse. Usually, my feet swell excessively during our conventions, but this time, I'm counting on the MC to keep it under control. No scales on the trip, so I'll be excited to check my progress when I get home.

Here are a few detox symptoms I've experiences so far: headache, concentrated at back of the neck; thick white coating on tongue, "toxic cleansing breath" and "body odor". Temps have been over 105 for over a week here, and I'm taking 2 showers per day, and doing wet brushing. I need to get a new brush and start dry brushing again!


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Re: Every great jo… count… 18 y
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