Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator

The news is out; Brain Boot Camp is rated # 1 again!! WOW..

We are here to challenge your brain(mind) and help you achieve a better life.. Who doesn't want that? DUH!!

Date:   8/16/2005 6:16:10 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3622 times

The answer is back we will go on to greater and better brain training.... So lets get started....   GOT IT!!

There are many things to challenge your brain, and thus thinking: books, certain type (things that enlighten or allow you to think) INTERNET sites, talking with people and sharing their lives, taking a hike, or just riding a bike....   These are some of the wonderful opportunities that allow you to expand your brain, and mind so that you will have a richer life...

Write a letter or email someone you have not spoken with for some time... GO out and talk to the Mail person next time you see them come around...  Take time to ask the person at the check out about them selves...  In other words get involved with outers, and forget about yourself for a while...  This will come full circle and you will be enriched and blessed....  You see brain training is not all that difficult... 

Remember most things in life are only as difficult as you let them be...  Happiness is a state of mind...  You are your own self do not let anyone take that away from you..  And last but not least, if you think you will fail then you most likely will....

  To quote Sir Winston Churchill,


And let it be so, until next time.... 

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