Brain power of the hour... This message is a winner, folks...
Life is about what you learn.... Here are ten traits {complied analyzing successful people /via Investor's Business Daily..} to follow and then learn how to apply it!!
Date: 8/3/2005 10:55:01 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2553 times There are things in this life that we need to know.... Some of which are in your brain, but a few come from your heart... Life is a balance of your hopes and dreams; then the adventure, of living it....
We will go over is a list that was published by Investor's Business Daily... It was compiled over several years, analyzing leaders, and successful people from all walks of like... These were the top traits people combined to turn their dreams into reality... As follows:
1) HOW YOU THINK IS EVERYTHING: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of negative environiments.....
This has been one of the main themes on all my blogs....
2) DECIDE UPON YOUR TRUE DREAMS AND GOALS: Write down your specific goals and then develop a plan to achieve them....
With out a plan or purpose you will never reach your goal(s)....
3) TAKE ACTION: Goals are nothing without specific action(s). Do not be afraid to get started; just do it....
Dreams are wonderful tools, but without followup action there are no results, no change, no progress...
4) NEVER, NEVER, STOP LEARNING: Take training, go to school, read, go on line, and acquire new skills.....
Any day you fail to learn something new, is a day wasted...
5) BE PERSISTENT AND WORK HARD: Success is a marathon, not a sprint, go the distance. Never,never give up.....
The whole of life is based on your continuing the race, it is not who is the fastest, but who finishes that counts....
6) LEARN TO ANALYZE DETAILS: Always try to get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes....
To err is human; show me someone who never makes a mistake, and I will show you someone who has never done anything....
7) FOCUS YOUR TIME AND MONEY: Don't let other people or things distract you from your goal(s)...
Diversion is one of the oldest tricks to out smart and confuse people... Don't let it happen to you... Stay on course...
8) DON'T BE AFRAID TO INNOVATE; OR BE DIFFERENT: Following the herd is a sure way to medicocrity....
Following the crowd, like fads is what the stupid people do... Have never seen a follower become successful or become a millionair... DUH!!
9) DEAL AND COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE EFFECTIVELY: No person is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others...
We are in this life together, it is through education and efforts that people are reached and helped... Communication is the key.... DUH!
10) BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise all the above will not matter.....
Life is based on two basic principles: first that you get your life in proper order; and then how you help and assist others.... If you are not honest and responsible; all the rest doesn't count.... DUH!!
These are some of the best words of advice your can learn to live with.... There are many other words, which will impact your life; we will seek them, as we go through "Brain Boot Camp".... Stay tuned...
We are training to train your brain, lets get bust folks..... GOT IT!!
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