Blog: Uncovering The Starchild Within
by Ren

basement feng shui

a travelogue of my last weekend with jawnai before the wedding

Date:   5/6/2006 7:28:26 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4597 times

I am here with fiance cleaning out his basement apartment. It's not really an apartment since it is a house but he is the only person living down here. Having been depressed for years, he's buried himself in a considerable amount of clutter. We've cleaned out one third of the basement, separating all of his clothes and it feels bigger and lighter down here. I feel a more positive energy and even he looks better and seems to have a better energy about him. Change is hard. He felt embarassed but I wasn't turned off. If I was left alone, this could have been me. My college dorm room looked terrible too at the height of my depression. We are two well met people that's for sure. I understand his issues because I had the same ones.

Yesterday I was sitting down here and feeling extremely cofident. The drive up here was long and tiresome because of traffic. I was thinking on the way up that maybe I may not be able to take living in this house. I was completely wrong and chalked up my thoughts to the usual premarital self doubt. When I got here and had tim to sit and think, I knew I was marrying the right man. Also, I know I would be just fine living here. Small town, hardly any crime, no suburbal sprawl and overdevelopment. Fresh air and out in my new backyard, there are beautiful apple trees blossoming as we speak. I can forage for wild plants and eat the dandelion greens without worrying if they're sprayed or not because no one sprays. My father in law is older and is quite healthy. While he eats meat, he is in remarkable health because he hunts for his meat. He doesn't hunt at the grocery store either. I don't think the women are as healthy as the men from what I see. Also, no one is a flashy dresser as they are on Long Island. That is going to take some getting used to. There are no beauty salons or nail places on every street corner and no huge shopping malls. The upside is that one has not as many temptations to spend money and try to keep up with the Jonses.

This is a grand opportunity for me to truly be out in nature. Speaking of nature, I wish I knew how to put video on the internet so I can show you the video of me screaming when a groundhog ran across the street. I screamed because my fiance narrowly missed it!!! I'm off to continue to clean. Will keep you guys posted.

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