Blog: Alternative Health (A to Z)
by Lapis

Good Trudeau Review

Here's a decent/fair assessment of Kevin Trudeau's Natural CUres book. Some are saying he's all about the money but I disagree. His book can be had for around 10 dollars now at places like costco, his 12 tape cd set is under 40 dollars and his website for more info at a small monthly fee(fda forced him to give some info privately so this loophole is a great way to take info further). What Kevin Trudeau is doing, we should all be very happy. He is bringing this very important issue to the mainstream and getting people to open up to the real facts concerning healthcare in the world.

Date:   12/8/2005 6:23:08 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 5812 times

Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures Book & Other Critics Are Undermining Big Pharma's Brainwashing

By Mike Adams
Friday, October 07, 2005

As Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book has suddenly become the top-selling self-published book in history, a lot of readers are emailing and asking what I think about Trudeau, his book, and his commercial success. A few people are even asking whether I feel like Trudeau is stealing the spotlight and getting all the attention on the very same issues and advice I've been writing about for years.

Are they kidding me? Why on earth would I be unhappy to see someone spearhead a successful public education campaign that challenges Big Pharma and the FDA? I think Kevin Trudeau's success is outstanding. He's opening the eyes of millions of people, exposing the horrifying truth about the drug companies, the FDA and even the FTC. He's turning people on to genuine cures and remedies that work better than drugs, with zero side effects, and at very little cost. I'm thrilled with his success, and I hope he sells another ten million books.

Frankly, I'm thrilled any time a natural health author makes the bestseller list. Every time Dr. Gary Null publishes a new book, I cheer. When Dr. Joseph Mercola publishes a new book, I'm elated. Any time a natural health author grabs the attention of the public and teaches people the truth about this miserable system of symptom masking called organized medicine, I'm ecstatic.

It doesn't mean I agree 100% with everything in Trudeau's book (although most of it is right on). And it is true that the FTC, AMA and the FDA have been after Trudeau for years with various lawsuits and condemnations, but as I see it, nearly all these actions are rooted in our modern-day system of outright oppression of anything that competes with the profits of drugs and surgical procedures. In fact, I believe Trudeau is relentlessly attacked by the U.S. government precisely because he's exposing the lies of modern medicine and Big Pharma. They attack him for the same reason they attack me: because we open peoples' eyes to the truth of what's going on out there.

Now, I've never met Trudeau, and I don't personally vouch for anyone I've never met. I have no idea what his ethics are, nor his true passions, nor his long-term plans for achieving such commercial success. Personally, if I were making that much money on a bestselling book, I'd be founding a major non-profit organization and launching a national effort to get direct-to-consumer drug advertising outlawed. I'd use the money to affect lasting social change. What Trudeau does with his money is his own business, but in my view, if he's really passionate about this natural health issue, he would designate at least some portion of his proceeds (15% or so) to fight the drug companies head-on through public service announcements, grassroots campaigns and other similar endeavors.

But that's his decision, not mine. And frankly, I think I'm doing a decent job spreading the word about natural health (and the truth about Big Pharma) on what is essentially a shoestring budget. For the number of people we're reaching, and the volume of content we produce around here, you'd be absolutely stunned to find out how little we actually earn. Since we don't sell vitamins supplements, and we don't have national television campaigns, we basically just survive off minimal ads and our own self-published book sales.

Relentless assaults What really amazes me about Trudeau's Natural Cures book is just how utterly ridiculous and outrageous the criticism has been towards this book. In one section of the book, Trudeau explains how sunscreen actually causes cancer -- a fact that's absolutely true! (click here to read my own articles on sunscreen) -- and yet critics charge him with "fraud" for daring to say such a thing.

I've been called everything under the sun for claiming that sunlight is actually good for you, too. And guess what? The research supports the fact that sunlight PREVENTS cancers: prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and many other ailments. And yet the defenders of organized medicine are going after Trudeau for daring to tell the truth here.

They can't stand the fact that somebody would actually dare to question the legitimacy of the billion-dollar sunscreen industry.

Other critics say the Natural Cures book is misleading, and that is distracts people from seeking "real treatment" for serious disease. Would that real treatment be... let's see... high-profit prescription drugs? Of course! Talk about misleading people, how about the whole Vioxx scandal where Merck sold deadly prescription drugs to people for years after knowing the drug doubled the risk of heart attacks and stroke. If you want deception, look at the psychiatric community, doling out powerful narcotics and antidepressants that make people psychotic and suicidal -- all while calling it "treatment" for mental illness. Did you know the Columbine massacre students were both on antidepressant drugs when they blew away their classmates?

Let's face it: you can't trust the mainstream press to provide an honest review of Trudeau's Natural Cures book. For one thing, the entire mainstream press is heavily influenced by billions in drug advertising dollars. Some people describe the mainstream news outlets as "drug whores," which is hilariously accurate. You can't seriously expect the major media outlets to offer fair and balanced coverage to a book that's threatening the profit centers of their primary advertisers, can you? Of course not. Trudeau will never get a fair shake in the eyes of the drug-supported press.

A milestone in changing times There's a more important issue here than just Kevin Trudeau's success with his Natural Cures book, however. Trudeau knows, as much as anybody, that half the recipe for success is being at the right place at the right time... with the right product. Five years ago, his Natural Cures book would have flopped. But today, the environment is just right. And why? Because organized medicine is losing this war.

Historically, I think the runaway success of Trudeau's book, combined with the recent $253 million jury verdict against Merck over the Vioxx trial, will be seen as milestone events that heralded the demise of Big Pharma and the collapse of the highly corrupt U.S. drug racket. I think the tide has turned. The public is no longer asleep at the wheel. They realize they're being outright killed by prescription drugs.

People now recognize that antidepressant drugs will make you psychotic. Cholesterol-lowering drugs will destroy your hormones and nervous system. Diabetes drugs will destroy your liver. And anti-inflammatory drugs will kill you with a heart attack or stroke. The drug companies are no longer able to hide the truth about these dangerous drugs (although they've certainly tried), and the lies of the FDA have been blatantly exposed by its own senior drug research Dr. David Graham, who testified before Congress that, "The FDA is incapable of protecting Americans."

The game is up. Big Pharma has exploited the public health so much, for so long, that the backlash has begun. The lawsuits are in full swing. Congress is contemplating restricting drug advertising, and talk of FDA reform is everywhere. The only thing holding the drug racket in place, in my opinion, is the Bush Administration, which remains strongly pro-drug and continues to enact legislation that amounts to little more than handouts to Big Pharma.

Exposing the lies of Big Pharma The earthquake has begun, and the success of Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book is simply a sign that the public is ready to hear this message. People have been exploited and financially ransacked by Big Pharma for so long that they're desperate for alternatives. The big lies of Big Pharma are finally hitting the mainstream. Which lies? Lies, for example, like, "every new drug takes $800 million in research to develop, and that's why we have to keep charging ripoff drug prices to all Americans."

Hogwash. In reality, each new drug requires less than $100 million to bring to market: that's less than 1/8th what Big Pharma claims. They exaggerate the numbers to justify profiteering, pure and simple.

There are all sorts of other lies by Big Pharma. I've covered most of them right here over the last 18 months or so. One of the biggest lies, I think, is well covered in my article, If prescription drugs are so good, where are all the healthy drug takers?

Big Pharma is an outright evil industry, preying upon the pain and suffering of human beings in order to pad its own profits. That's why the CEOs of Big Pharma giants walk away with $134 million in annual salaries, with $115+ million in annual stock option bonuses on top of that. Meanwhile, these drug companies are claiming they're investing all their drug revenues into research and development to, "find tomorrow's cures." Give me a break. Drug companies spend far more on marketing and advertising than research. And technically, the vast majority of drug company research is funded by taxpayer dollars through NIH grants to research universities. And by, "tomorrow's cures," what they really mean is, "tomorrow's blockbuster seller drug that may technically be no better than yesterday's generic drug." The whole system is a giant con, folks. And if Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book helps wake people up to that reality, then I'm thrilled that it's a top seller.

Where is the spotlight for Dr. Gary Null?

In terms of sheer recognition for fighting this health information battle, though, there are individuals far more deserving of the national spotlight, in my opinion. And my list starts with Dr. Gary Null -- a genuine champion of natural health and health freedom. Dr. Null is so consistently right about health, nutrition (see related ebook on nutrition) and medicine that I personally believe if Dr. Null were in charge of the health of our nation, and could have free reign to change public policy to enact genuine health reforms, he'd have this country out of its health care crisis in less than ten years.

If there's anyone who deserves the national spotlight on health, it's Dr. Null. But he's not the only one who deserves a little recognition. Guys like Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Julian Whitaker, Dr. Sidney Wolfe (of Public Citizen), Dr. David Williams, Dr. Bruce West, Dr. Jonathan Wright, Dr. Elson Haas and many others have been fighting this battle for decades. Heck, even I'm a relative newcomer to this arena. My own knowledge about natural health is dwarfed by what these health authorities know.

All of us, and especially Kevin Trudeau, are rebels. In a less civilized time, we would all be rounded up and shot for daring to challenge the authority and wisdom of the "King" -- in this case, the AMA, the FDA, Big Pharma, and the rest of the evil bunch. The FTC and FDA have attacked all of us at one time or another. Heck, Dr. Jonathan Wright even got raided at gunpoint by FDA thugs who shut down his healing clinic. (Read a full list of FDA raids here. Dr. Gary Null has fielded decades of assaults by his critics. Dr. Julian Whitaker has long been targeted by various government agencies because of his support for breakthrough cancer treatment therapies (among other brave endeavors) that actually reverse cancer.

We're ALL enemies of the status quo. And that's because we show people a better way to be healthy. We teach people alternatives that don't require financial servitude to the drug companies. We challenge the FDA. Some of us call for criminal prosecution of the CEOs and top manager at drug companies. And each of us, at some level, just cannot sit back and watch the public be lied to. We have the deep desire to stand up and shout, "The Emperor has no clothes!"

Should health information come from people who are healthy?

Tell you what. Try this for a health contest. Grab Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Joseph Mercola and myself, and put us three up against any three FDA bureaucrats, drug company executives, or old school M.D.s you can find, and compare health statistics.

It would be no contest. We'd blow those guys off the charts. Between my own publicly-posted blood chemistry, Gary Null's pulse and endurance (he's an amazing distance runner), and Dr. Mercola's own health stats, we'd be unbeatable. You know what the three of us have in common? We don't take prescription drugs. On top of that, we all take supplemental nutrition and, of course, we all exercise regularly. Pretty simple, huh? Good nutrition + exercise + avoiding drugs = great health!

If prescription drugs made people healthy -- if Big Pharma was right about anything -- then they should be able to dig up people who are super healthy, right? Drug-prescribing doctors should be the healthiest people on the planet, right? After all, they get all the free drug samples they could ever want. If they're taking those drugs, and if those drugs actually made people healthier, then these should be icons of perfect health, right?

But they aren't. People who take drugs are SICK. Or they're DEAD. They're certainly not healthy. And doctors are the least healthy bunch of professionals you can find, in my experience. Organized medicine is a con. It's a cruel hoax. It doesn't work. And finally, the public is starting to wake up to this fact.

The great disease / profit con

You see, here's how the con works: the food companies make you sick, nutritionally deficient, and diseased. Then the pharmaceutical giants convince you to take $500 / month in pills for the rest of your life to mask the symptoms of disease caused by the foods you bought in the first place. And then some pharmaceutical giants launch vitamin companies (or buy existing ones) and sell you crap vitamins loaded with antifreeze chemicals (I'm not kidding), hydrogenated oils, coal-tar artificial colors and other chemical toxins just to make sure you never really get well from taking those cheap vitamins.
The result? You end up hooked on drugs for life. That's how the con works. And, of course, your doctor fully supports it and the FDA rubber-stamps the whole thing, going the extra mile to make sure that herbs are outlawed and deadly drugs remain perfectly legal.

I'm pretty sure Kevin Trudeau would agree with everything I've said here. His talent is that he's really, really good at getting the message out to people. If our country had ten more people with that kind of talent who could fight the propaganda of organized medicine, we'd be better for it.

Some people even say I'm one of those people. Maybe, but I'm just a regular, hardworking, everyday guy who happens to have a very low tolerance for evil in the world. If I lived in the South during the 19th century, I'm the kind of guy who would be running the Underground Railroad, shuttling slaves to freedom in the Northern states. If I lived in Germany in 1933, I'd be running an underground printing press, producing material that challenged the racial cleansing policies of the newly-elected head of state, Adolf Hitler. If I were an Indian citizen living under British occupation in the 1930's, I'd be mirroring the actions of Ghandi through peaceful non-compliance as a form of public protest. I'm just a rebel who can't stand to see evil having power and control over the people.

When I see lies, exploitation, and outright evil running amok in the free world, I just feel obliged to point it out. And frankly, except for the Nazi Germany concentration camps, I have seen no greater evil at work in this world in the last hundred years than what is happening today with our pharmaceutical companies and our corrupt system of organized medicine. Even the atrocities of Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao do not compare with the scope and depth of deception now practiced by organized medicine. It is a corrupt system that promises cures, yet delivers destitution and death. All in the name of profits, of course.

And to think that the whole thing hides behind the facade of "scientific thinking" or "evidence-based medicine" is, truly, an insult to the history of science.

The bottom line: the raging success of Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book is a milestone that signals the approaching demise of today's system of organized crime / organized medicine. Watch for the FTC, AMA, FDA, the mainstream press and others to do everything in their power to silence Trudeau to prevent him from doubling his success with a second book that reaches even more readers.

In the end, though, they can't silence us all. In the end, truth will prevail, and like the downfall of Nazi Germany in 1945, Big Pharma will soon find itself stretched too thin, hated by all for the pain and suffering it caused, and clinging to a desperate, discredited existence.

It will be a glorious day, indeed, when people can walk this earth with true freedom: freedom to choose the healing method they desire for themselves and their children, freedom to learn about herbs, vitamins or prayer, and freedom to access all the relevant information they need in order to make their own private health decisions.
It is the vision of that day that keeps me writing.


€ Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book review


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