Blog: Alternative Health (A to Z)
by Lapis

Perfect Eyesight 5

Here is part 5 of the Perfect Eyesight article.

Date:   7/18/2005 3:34:22 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 10996 times

Alternative Health(a-z)

Perfect Eyesight (part 5)

The "Eye-Power-Gaze" Technique

Here is a simple but powerful eye technique that can be performed quickly and easily at any time. O. Everett Hughes. ND, writing in Natural Health Guardian [February. 1958] said: "I wore glasses for years, but after taking these exercises for a year, optometrists told me I did not need glasses. How to perform the "Lye-Power-Gaze Technique": Close one eye tight. Put more power to it, trying to shut it tighter. Squeeze the eye hard, while shut. Go easy the first few times. Now change to the other eye and do the same with it. Then with both eyes; look hard at some object straight ahead. "Look at the object very hard. Put power behind the look. Then look hard to one corner, but keep facing ahead. Just turn the eyes. Put pressure behind that look. Now change and look to the other corner. Remember, don't turn your head. Do this 'hard look' exercise to all corners of the eye. If you notice any soreness, you can put a little more pressure in that direction."

The Secret of the "Steady Eye Technique"
Professor Robert B. Hagmann, a well known natural eye specialist in the early 1950s, gives us his secret to perfect eyesight in the "Steady Eye Technique": "Understand, our eyes work exactly like a camera; move or jerk the camera and the picture becomes distorted. A moving eye also distorts the vision. We must learn to hold our eyes with steadiness. How to perform the "Steady Eye Technique": During the odd moments of the day, practice keeping your eyes still, striving not to move them in the least; relax and breathe naturally. DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH. Do not frown or make faces; keep the face relaxed; while keeping the eyes as still as possible. "Your eyes may "tear" during this practice; don't be alarmed, just let the tears flow down the cheeks. It's only the eyes shifting back to their normal position. While maintaining the steady gaze, also pay attention to the side areas." [peripheral vision].

A Naturopathic Cure for Weak Eyesight: "Eye Gymnastics" - Part I
Dr. Benedict Lust, MD., DO., DC., ND., a well-known holistic doctor in the early 1900s, wrote many books and articles on health, diet, eyes and natural healing. This is one of his informative articles on improving weak eyesight: 'To cure poor eyesight means to restore it so that objects are focused right, so that the eyesight is 100% again. In many cases, glasses can be dispensed with and eyes made to see again by correcting the shape of the eye ball. This is accomplished in the following way. "The eye ball is the place of attachment of eight muscles. Muscles which pull the eye up, down, to the side and toward the nose. Like all muscles, these may be either strong or weak. If one or another is stronger than the rest. the muscle will pull the eye ball out of shape. "Thus, a good proportion of poor eyesight is due to weak eye muscles. The cure lies in making the weak muscles strong and firm again. Eye exercises strengthen the eye muscles safely, and eye gymnastics are a satisfactory and productive treatment. 'The following are simple and efficient eye gymnastics. Perform each exercise twenty times.

How to perform "Eye Gymnastics - Part I":
Step l: Roll the eyes "up." Try to look at the top of your head.
Step 2: Roll the eyes down, try to look at your bottom teeth.
Step 3: Look out of the right corner of both eyes. Roll the eyes to the right side.
Step 4: Look out of the left side of the eyes. Roll the eye balls to the left.
Step 5: Roll the eye balls around, in a circle; look up, right side, down, left side. Look at every corner, ceiling, and floor of the room you are sitting in, without moving your head.
Step 6: Look at the tip of your nose; make yourself cross-eyed.

Eye Gymnastics - Part II
Tired eyes, in many cases, become congested with blood, due to strain, too much close work, or weak eye muscles. Eyes can be toned up, blood circulation improved and blood vessels strengthened by practicing these eye care techniques regularly:

How to perform "Eye Gymnastics - part II":
Step 1: Close the eyelids, press the eye balls gently into the socket with your fingers; hold and count ten. Release. Repeat 10 times.
Step 2: Dip a cloth into cold water. Close eye lids and put the cold compress to the eyes. Repeat.
Step 3: Close eyelids. With tips of fingers, gently placed against skin over eyes, circle the fingers rapidly, barely touching the eyelids. This is a very relaxing eye-beauty treatment."

Important Eye Training Note: Practice these eye gymnastic exercises no more than twice a week for best results. Close your eyes and "palm" ten minutes after each eye exercise session.

Oriental Medicine and Eye Health
In an article by Beverly Brough "Who Needs Glasses?" in the East-West Journal/August, 1980, states: "Oriental medicine goes one step further in seeing good vision as part of total health. In the five transformations theory eyesight falls under the element wood and therefore is connected with the liver so those foods which affect the liver would also affect vision. Foods that are especially damaging to the liver are chemicals, sugar, alcohol, cold drinks, oily [fatty] food. and general overeating. These foods as well as [too much) fruits and too much liquid cause the eyeball to bulge. When the eyeball is elongated in this manner, nearsightedness results. Farsightedness is caused by a shrinking of the eyeball, due to an excess of meats...[and yang spicy foods]. "One treatment for getting rid of excess liquid in the eyes is to put a few drops of light sesame oil in each eye before bed. Heat the oil almost to a boil, then cool to room temperature and strain through cheesecloth before dropping in the eyes. Sesame oil repels the liquid, which is then discharged out of the eye. Splash with warm salt water in the morning. Try this for three nights in a row. "Another method to free up liquid in the eyes is to grasp first the upper lids between thumb and first Singer and vibrate rapidly. Do the same with the lower lids. You will be able to hear the liquid as it is released from around the eye."

Macrobiotic Liver Diagnosis: The Eyes Monitor the Health of the Liver
Bill Tims. Macrobiotic teacher, wrote an article entitled "The Liver" in "BODYHEALTH: A Guide to Keeping Your Body Well." an East-West Journal Anthology, 1985: "For the purpose of diagnosis, we can divide...liver conditions into two main categories: an overly tight and contracted condition of the liver and an overly swollen (yin) liver condition. "First let's... "determine which of these two liver conditions is likely to arise due to constitutional or inherited tendencies. In traditional [Chinese] medicine, the liver has been associated with the eyes due to their simultaneous embryological development as well as to their connection via the energy meridians of acupuncture. If the eyes are small or tend to cross, if they are close-set, or if the eyebrows grow closely together or slant upward. there is a constitutional tendency for the liver to develop problems from becoming overly contracted [yang}. If the eyes are large or tend to move outward, or if the eyes are set far apart, there will be more of a tendency for the liver to become swollen {yin). In addition, any inherited or congenital eye defects will usually indicate some related weakness in the liver. "...most important in determining the present liver condition, is a thorough assessment of the eyes. If yellow, fatty excess accumulates in the whites of the eyes, this shows a similar fat accumulation in the liver. "(This often will ooze or crust {Kapha/Water Body Type}, in the corners of the eyes. particularly during sleep when the liver does most of its cleansing of fats from the blood). If the eyes are red or bloodshot {Pitta/Fire Body Type} or if a rash or inflammation arises between the eyes, this suggests a swollen and inflamed liver condition. The eyes or eyelids or the area between the eyes also...develop red spots or stys, a sign of excessive storage of animal protein in the liver.

"If the eyes become watery or swollen or begin to burn or itch, this indicates an overly swollen liver. ...dryness {Vata/Air Body Type}, indicates an overly contracted condition. If there appears a single, deep vertical line between the eyes, the liver is overly contracted, yang-tight] which if there are several shallow vertical lines, the liver is overly expanded (yin-loose]. Crossed eyes, down turned eyes, and farsightedness all indicate a contracted liver condition; eyes drifting outward and upward as well as nearsightedness, all indicate an expanded liver condition. "A contracted liver condition is caused by an excessive consumption of meat, eggs, cheese and baked goods, while an expanded liver condition is caused more by an excessive consumption of drugs, stimulants, alcohol....citrus fruits, refined sugar, vinegar, fats, dairy and oil. "...most people have serious health problems resulting from some combination of these foods. In order to restore balance and revive the liver, ...increase your consumption of whole cereal grains and beans, and flesh an lightly cooked green leafy vegetables."

Special Liver Cleansing and Strengthening Eye Foods
These specific liver and eye foods and herbs are the most powerful for cleansing, healing and strengthening the eyes, liver and gall bladder: Liver Foods: Cabbage, beets, olives, mangos, lemons, raspberries, dandelion greens, grapes, lychii berries, tomato, celery, carrots, plums, prunes, apple cider vinegar, pickles, umebushi plums, miso, limes. Western and Eastern Herbs that clear away liver toadcity and help improve the eyesight: Eyebright, yucca, dandelion leaf, bupleurum, chrysanthemum, milk thistle, barberry, bilberry, mandrake, blue flag, rose hips. Haritaki and Amalaki are excellent liver herbs from Ayurvedic medicine.

Barefoot Walking Improves Vision
World Health Teacher-Educator, Dr. Bernard Jensen, author of many books on colon therapy, Iridology and health rejuvenation, recommends walking in a bed of sand, or the beach, in cold water up to your ankles. Walking barefoot a few minutes in the morning dew, in the grass is also very effective for releasing toxins from the body and liver. Dr. Jensen says: "Persons with poor circulation in the lower extremities put an extra burden upon the heart. When there is but slight muscular contraction in the lower extremities, blood is not properly returned to the heart, and leg disorders may develop. To remedy this condition, we devised at the sanitarium...the sand walk. "Every morning we wet down a bed of sand with cold water and patients walk in this cold sand. This massaged the bottoms of their feet and developed the small muscles in their feet and legs. One of the first comments usually made by these patients was that as a result of these sand walks they had warm feet when going to bed at night, whereas never before had they gone to bed with warm feet. The Kneipp grass walk, as used in sanitariums in Germany, is another excellent means of increasing circulation in the lower extremities. "I have noticed changes in patients using the sand walk or the grass walk that are hard to believe. In most cases the whole body responds when we build strong healthy feet; organs are reflex released. Eye conditions improve almost immediately. In fact, I have seen eyes improve to such an extent that glass were no longer needed." (Emphasis added).

Easy No-Routine Natural Eye Exercises Easy "Distant Vision" Strengthening Exercises:
- Focus your vision on a bird in flight
- Focus your vision on a moving ball or object at sporting events
- Practice juggling a ball
- Gaze at a moving car until it is out of sight
- Practice 'Distant Seeing'--"trace" distant objects, i.e., car, tree, house, letters, signs while in line at a store or waiting at a traffic light.
- Gaze as far as you can see into the horizon. or at the night stars.
- For relaxation: Look at nature's-trees, flowers, lakes, oceans, grass
- Gaze at the night moon. Look at the 'red' rising or setting Sun

Easy "Close Vision" Strengthening Exercise
- Gaze at a tiny period for 20 seconds
- Look up from your close work (reading, computers) every few minutes
- Perform the "Eye Palming Technique" often throughout the day
- Close eyes often and relax your mind and thoughts
- "Trace" close objects or letters 20 inches or less away from you

Easy "Peripheral Vision" Strengthening Exercises
- When walking or traveling in your car, notice the surrounding objects moving toward you and past you
- 'While looking straight ahead observe objects to your left, right, up and down. Do not move your eyes. See "objects" with your "peripheral vision only

Easy Natural "Eye Pupi1" Strengthening Exercise
- Go outside; cover your eyes for 2 seconds; next, uncover your eyes for 2 seconds. Keep your eyes open throughout this entire "Pupil Exercise." Perform this exercise for one or two minutes
- Sit next to a light switch; next, turn light on for 1 second; next, turn light off for 3 or 4 seconds. Perform this exercise for 2 minutes

How to Improve Distant Vision Using "Positive Lens" Glasses
A few eye doctors, in the early 1900s gave their clients "positive lens glasses" to help overcome nearsightedness (myopia). The nearsighted clients who had 20/ 100 vision or less obtained excellent results with the use of "positive lens" eye glasses. These "positive lens" glasses are usually given to those who have weak close vision. But in this case, these glasses are given to help nearsighted people see better in the distance. First go to a K-Mart or Dollar Saver Store and purchase three pairs of "positive lens" glasses of different strengths as follows. Look on the eye glass lens for a number, which indicates its strength, thusly--+ 1.00, +2.00 and +3.00. These glasses sell for only a few dollars in most discount stores.

Here's a short explanation how to use the "Positive Lens Glasses":
Step One: Begin by wearing the +1.00 lens glasses. Sit in outdoor or bright indoor lighting. Hold printed page in front of your eyes, and move it to a distance where you can see it clearly, with glasses on.
Step Two: Trace a letter on the page with your eyes; next, close eyes for ten seconds and relax.
Step Three: Open your eyes while inhaling gentle breath and gaze at the same letter.
Step Four: Move print one inch further away from your eyes and repeat the above steps.
Step Five: Continue to move the print further away in 'one inch' increments, as long as you are able to still read the letter.' If print become too blurry, move printed page back to where you can read it without strain.

Do not be in a hurry to improve your vision with this exercise. Make sure you can see the letter clearly, with the "positive lens glasses" on, before moving the print another inch away from your eyes. For example, if your distance in only 11 inches away from the print. stay with this distance until the print becomes clear, then move it to 12 inches away from your eyes. The ultimate goal of this exercise (using +1.00 lens glasses) is to be able to read the print clearly at least 20 inches away from your eyes. After you succeed with the +1.00 lens, change to your +2.00 lens glasses. And finally, when you can see the print 20 inches with the +2.00 lens, change to the +3.00 lens glasses and work your way to the 20 inch mark. When wearing the +3.00 lens glasses, and you can easily see the printed page at 12 inches away from your eyes, you will have obtained 20-20 vision. At 20 inches away while wearing the +3.00 lens glasses, you'll be seeing much better than 20/20. Practice this exercise two to three times per week, for 15 minutes each session. Finish your session by "Palming" your eyes for five minutes. Do not over-exercise your eyes. Vision improves faster when eye exercises are performed moderately. When performing this technique with other nearsighted exercises in this book, do not go over one hour per eye session total. Use your good judgment on the exercises that best fits your eye condition. 'The Myopia Myth" by Donald S. Rehm explains how to use 'positive lenses' in the treatment of nearsightedness. It is published by the International Myopia Prevention Association, RD. 5, Box 171, Ligonier, PA 15658.

The Art of Reading
"When reading, you should look at the while spaces between the lines and not directly at the lines themselves. The reason for this is that it is no effort to sweep the eyes over a plain background. Fixing the eyes on individual words and letters involves strain, and strain impairs vision. When a person with normal sight regards the white spaces with a sweeping shift across the page from margin to margin, he can read easily, rapidly and without fatigue. If the same person looks at the letters, the eyes grow tired and the vision becomes poor. "People who cannot read well at the near point always tend to fix their attention on the print.

Consequently they see worse. Improvement cannot take place until they learn to look at the white spaces between the lines. Reading can be improved by improving the power to remember or imagine whiteness. This improvement can be achieved in the following way. Close your eyes and imagine something even whiter than the page before you: white snow, white starch, white linen. Then open your eyes again. If your mental images of whiteness have been clear and intense, you will find that the white spaces between the lines will appear for a few moments to be whiter than they really are. Repeat this process as a regular drill. When your imagination of whiteness has become so good that you can constantly see the spaces between lines as whiter than they really are, the print will seem blacker by contrast and the eye will find itself reading easily and without effort or fatigue.

The Thin White Line
"When the imagination of whiteness has reached its maximum intensity, it often happens that one can see a thin white line much better than the rest of the white space. This white line may be compared to a neon light moving swiftly from one margin to the other immediately under the letters. "The consciousness of this thin white line is a great help in reading, increasing as it does the speed both of the eyes and of the mind. Once this illusion of the white line is seen, imagined or remembered, unlimited reading with, out fatigue becomes possible". Condensed from an Article by Wm. H. Bates. M. D.

Ayurvedic "Nasal Wash" for Clear Vision
Ayurvedic Medicine from India has taught for thousands of years the importance of cleaning the nasal passage ways to clear the sinus cavity and to attain 20/20 vision and beyond! They recommend using a Ned Pot, a little ceramic pot, that holds about 10 to 12 ounces of water. The Neti Pot has a three inch slender nozzle attached to one end to insert into the nose. The Neti Pot is unsurpassed in cleansing the entire sinus cavity, which helps to clear up sinus congestion, colds, poor vision etc. Swami Devi Dayal of India, from his Ashram, has this to say about the healing effects of the Nasal Wash: "The Nasal Wash helps to relieve nasal congestion in a few days or weeks. Pyorrhea can be cured in a month or two. Hearing and eyesight are greatly improved in three months. It helps stammering in two months. It strengthens the nerves, clears pimples. Memory is improved. One sleeps deeper and sounder. Snoring is diminished. Migraine headaches are relieved. Mental problems helped. It also helps to prevent and overcome TB, asthma, fevers etc.

How to Perform the Neti Pot Nasal Wash
Fill a Neti Pot (which can be purchased at a health food store) with purified lukewarm water and add about 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Next, tilt your head down low over a sink to the right (face is pointing toward left shoulder) and insert the neti pot nozzle into your left nostril. Let the water pour into the left nostril slowly. The water pours out of the right nostril. Repeat the same procedure with the opposite nostril. Next, tilt your head backward and pour water up your right nostril so it runs into your mouth, then spit it out. With your head in this backward position, close the opposite nostril with your 8nger, so the water will go into the mouth. Repeat on the left nostril. It is recommended to practice the Neti Pot Nasal Wash daffy for optimum health benefits. Here is some deep wisdom from the Yoga-Ratnakara, a treatise on Ayuvedic Medicine: "A person who regularly drinks water through the nose in the early morning and at night, becomes intelligent, develops eyesight as acute as an eagle, prevents graying hair, and wrinkling of skin, and is freed from all diseases." This is a powerful statement indeed! However, Yogis who practice the Nasal Wash technique, along with other physical and spiritual disciplines, are known for their superb health, tranquility and longevity. One never knows until they try it. At least you may avoid those nagging colds, flu and sinus and eye problems.

Taoist Secret Longevity Eye Exercise
This is a secret eye technique taught by long lived Taoist Masters from the mountains of China. These masters, never lose their vision and they are reportedly over one hundred years old and as spry as chickens! Master Da Liu, a Tai Chi Master from China, now living in New York, practices and teaches a variation of this exercise to his many students. Da Liu is 95 years young!

How to perform the Taoist Longevity Eye Exercise: Sit up with back straight. Close your eyes. With your 8rst two finger pads, press lightly on the closed eyelids.
1. Inhale gently, hold your breath and move eyes three times up and down. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again.
2. Inhale gently. Hold breath, and move eyes three times sideways. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again
3. Inhale gently. Hold breath. Move eyes in a clockwise direction three times. Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat again.
4. Inhale gently. Hold breath. Move eyes in a counter-clockwise direction three times.

Exhale. Take a deep breath and relax! Repeat . While performing the eye movements, gently press your 8rrgers on your closed eyelids. The value of this special eye exercise lies in combining massage(eye pressing with fingers), breathing and eye movement simultaneously. You can also press the heel of your palm on the closed eyelids while performing this technique. We hope you have enjoyed reading Perfect Eyesight, as much as we enjoyed writing it. We challenge you now to take the next step in your quest for improved vision. That next step is practical application: Practice, Persistence and Consistency! Others have perfected their eyes, and so can you. Start on your eye training program today and enjoy the blessings of Perfect Eyesight for the rest of your long healthy life!

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