Blog: Alternative Health (A to Z)
by Lapis

Sugar -- part 2

Sugar article continued...

Date:   6/26/2005 3:21:12 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 4308 times

- Tim O'Shea


On the way to becoming a full-blown diabetic, lots of other problems arise from overdose of refined sugar. The most obvious is the destruction of the immune system.

If you're old enough, ever notice how children today seem to be sick all the time, compared with 20 years ago? Today they've always got colds, they're always running to the doctor for antibiotics, cough medicine, or spray inhalators. And what else are they always running for? What is their primary reward for 'being good'? Sugar.

The whole absurdity of the chase-your-tail drugs and big money sugar game was brought sharply into focus recently by two headlines which appeared two days apart in the San Jose Mercury News, one of California's largest and most insipid newspapers. On 2 Sept 99, the headline read :

"S.J. Unified poised to sign Pepsi-only deal."

The story proceeded to detail an agreement between Pepsi and the San Jose city schools to exclude all other soft drinks from the schools' cafeterias and soda machines for the next 10 years in exchange for kickbacks of nearly $10 million! It was so weird - the story wasn't even trying hide the sweetheart arrangement in any way, or suggest that it was anything other than business as usual for a private company to kick back a percentage of the profits in trade for a juicy public contract. Wonder what Coke offered? But the health issues were not even mentioned - tooth decay, allergies, hyperactivity, Ritalin, violence - not a word. Just business.

And then two days later, 4 Sept 99, the main headline in the same paper reads:

"Asthma at epidemic levels"

This two-page article, with its 'Gee, I dunno' stance, reported that asthma among American school children is higher than it has been for 20 years, and increasing out of control. In its standard disingenuous way, the Mercury pretends to be baffled that researchers and drugs have not even made a dent in the number of children who walk around schools with inhalators, take multiple medications, or who die every year from asthma.

"..asthma remains a medical mystery."

The article quotes the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) statistics showing how asthma in the U.S.

" grew more than 150% between 1980 and 1998 - from 6.7 million to 17.3 million" cases."

The article states that in some U.S. cities, as many as a quarter of the children suffer from asthma.

Clinton's answer? Increase medical spending from $110 million to $178 million. Brilliant. Give researchers who after several decades admit they still have no idea what causes asthma another $70 million to continue their investigations. CDC's David Mannino sounds so humble when he states that they're like "..a bunch of blind men on the elephant."

Now stop here a second. This is just like cancer research. Do you think if these researchers whose living depends on getting government research grants actually found a cure for asthma they would tell us? And then what? They'd be out of a job. As long as they "keep looking" everybody's happy - the money keeps pouring in.

In its plodding, predictable fashion, the Mercury goes on to highlight those areas where asthma is worst, and talk about the "epidemic" and quote various experts explaining how mystified they are. And then the requisite heart-rending individual story of the kid who "can 't even go to school any more because his doctors can't find a cure "

Come on!


You want your kid to lose his asthma? Stop two things for 60 days: dairy and sugar. That's all. Just try it. Both are major allergens. As we have seen, sugar inhibits digestion by destroying enzymes. Undigested sugar just stays there in the tract and in the blood, and then goes throughout the body, lodging anywhere it can, including the bronchioles of the lungs. And what's the body's response to any lung allergen? Mucus. Narrows the air passages, and the body goes into distress because it thinks it's going to suffocate.


is just as bad. The definition of pasteurization is that the milk is heated until what? All enzymes are destroyed. Without enzymes, it can't be broken down, because now man has created a food that doesn't exist in nature. Forget that we're the only species to drink the milk of another animal. Forget that we're the only species to drink milk after childhood. The main thing is - we can't metabolize it. (See ENZYMES


Another joke. Remember all those enzymes that got destroyed by pasteurization. One of them was called phosphatase - essential for calcium absorption. We don't get calcium from milk. Children don't need milk for strong bones and teeth. Milk doesn't prevent osteoporosis. All these ideas were ingrained into our conscious from where? The school dietary "education" programs since the 1950s. Paid for by whom? Right, the American Dairy Industry.

After you find all this out, the killing blow is when you learn that milk causes osteoporosis, because metabolizing all this artificial manmade food steals calcium from the bones and teeth. Who's got the highest incidence of osteoporosis in the world? Scandinavia, Germany, and the U.S., especially states like Wisconsin—places with what? Highest dairy consumption. (Twogood, Appleton, Howell, McDougall. Douglas)

'Lactose intolerance,' - you always hear that. There's no such thing. They want to pretend some people have a genetic defect whereby they can't digest milk sugar. Lactose is milk sugar. But it's not the milk sugar we're allergic to - it's the milk. We all have milk intolerance. No one can digest pasteurized milk!

But we're not allowed to know all this. The above paragraphs challenge three separate billion-dollar industries: the sugar trust, the dairy trust, and the drug trust. None of them wants people to discover that asthma and osteoporosis can be eliminated simply by removing sugar and dairy from the diet. No, no, that won't do. That's not "scientific." Diseases are cured by one thing; drugs. Right? That's real medicine. If people change their diets, they won't need all those drugs and calcium supplements, and even worse, Clinton won't be giving out any more $178 million presents to try and discover the "cure " for asthma.

In his forgotten landmark work, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Weston Price proves beyond the shadow of a doubt the association between deteriorating health of a country's people and their exposure to white sugar and white flour.

So let's bring this twisted puzzle into focus. With sugar and dairy, we're talking about immune compromise.

The main part of the immune system is the white blood cells. Their job is to circulate and locate foreign stuff. Once they locate something alien to the body, the white cells attack it, destroy it and carry it off. A slight oversimplification, but generally this is a big part of how the immune system works.

Refined sugar interferes in many ways. First of all, refined sugar blocks digestion, allowing undigested food to get into the bloodstream, thus slowing circulation way down. If the white cells can't make their rounds, they can't do their job.

Appleton cites two university studies (p 52) which demonstrated that sugar suppresses the immune system by decreasing phagocytosis. Phagocytosis refers to the Pac-manlike activity of white cells munching up foreign stuff. Sugar greatly reduces the activity of the white cells' little 'flippers' (pseudopods), which are for reaching out to locate foreign debris.

Secondly, the immune system gets sensitized to refined sugar. That means it freaks out at first, trying to normalize the blood. But after awhile, the immune system adapts to the abnormal levels of sugar, and accepts the idea that it will operate at a sub-normal level. The sugar no longer triggers such a violent response, and as a result, neither do other foreign agents. The immune system gets more and more lenient about what level of contamination it will allow the blood to maintain. Overall health declines. This is right out of Hans Selye, the guy who discovered and studied stress.

A third way sugar depresses the immune system is by sticking to protein. In the early part of the 20th century, Louis Maillard proved that refined sugar has a particular capability for sticking to protein foods, like meat, and forming a strange new complex called glycenated protein. Food chemists call Maillard's discovery the Maillard Reaction. We lack enzymes for these weird proteins, and so they don't get broken down very well in the digestive tract. The immune system is then exhausted by trying to attack them year after year, since they are foreign material.

That's why after a big burger and a large coke, you may feel slightly nauseated. The sugar binds to the meat, making a glycenated protein - a foreignburger.

Funny thing is, the Maillard Reactions have been studied not primarily by nutritionists, but by food processors. Food chemists have evolved very sophisticated methods of gluing sugar to proteins, which is useful in the production of bread, pastries, candy, processed meats and fish, beer, crackers, and coffee. Carmelization. Taste and color are their prime concerns, not nutrition. (Scandrett) These foods are chemically processed, making it difficult if not impossible for them to be digested in our bodies.

Lowered levels of immune response is called immunosuppression. Its leads to frequent flu, colds, fatigue, and other diseases of civilization. The more refined the diet became, the more degenerative diseases prevailed - arthritis, allergies, colitis, diabetes, etc. This is not a theory.


Obesity is defined as being more than 35% over normal weight. In 1993, 30% of Americans were obese. (Fats That Heal, p 405) At the present time, nearly half of Americans are in this category! The percentage increases almost every year.

Excess sugar consumption is largely responsible for obesity. Consuming 160 lbs per year of anything indigestible would probably have a less than salubrious effect on the body. But in the case of sugar, it's worse. Sugar becomes converted to fat. Excess glucose is changed to fatty acids, then triglycerides, then stored as adipose tissue. (Erasmus,p 34) This accounts for Joe Sixpack's spare tire. Or fat little Johnny, who must have his coke every couple of hours.

Worse news is that the types of fatty acids produced from refined sugar are killer types – the kinds that clog arteries. They are not essential fatty acids, which are necessary for complete health, and actually interfere with normal operation of the good, essential fatty acids. (Erasmus, p 35)


The main reason pro athletes don't chug soft drinks is that they know what sugar does to muscle. As we saw in the Creatine chapter, muscle is either torn down or built up by the opposing action of two hormones:


A third hormone is also involved: insulin. Before this gets too complicated, keep these three facts in mind:

1. cortisol wants to maintain high levels of blood glucose for fight or flight situations

2. cortisol's favorite target is muscle. Cortisol gets amino acids from tearing down muscle. The amino acids are then converted to glucose

3. insulin regulates cortisol

So. We have seen that a worn-out pancreas no longer puts out sufficient insulin. With no insulin, cortisol is not regulated. Cortisol then has a free hand to tear down muscle. Sugar works into this scenario in two separate ways:

1. After many years, a high sugar diet destroys the pancreas's ability to put out insulin

2. processing refined sugar out of the body requires chromium. Eventually, with a high sugar diet, we are chromium-deficient. Chromium is necessary to activate insulin. With no chromium, even the little insulin still present cannot do its job. Result: cortisol runs wild and tears down muscle.

This is why diabetic tend to be flabby - muscle destruction.

Remember all this after a workout. If someone hands you a coke, think of canceling out all the good you just did for your muscles by the workout.


As noted above, sugar promotes a condition of acidity wherever it goes - the mouth, the stomach, the blood. In the mouth the pH gets lower with the presence of sugar. At around pH 5.5, the saliva begins to dissolve tooth enamel. (Appleton, p98) After eating sugar, the pH of saliva may go down to 4.5 and stay there for 20 minutes or more. This is why the dentists always say that even if you can't brush your teeth after eating sweets, at least rinse the mouth with water as soon as possible. That would prevent much of the dissolving of the tooth enamel.

Again, the definitive study of the effect of sugar on the teeth was done in the 1930s by Dr. Weston Price. Price traveled all over the globe - Scotland, Switaerland, Africa, the South Pacific, the Arctic, Australia, America - photographing and examining the teeth of every primitive civilization he could find. The photographs alone contained in his master work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration tell an inescapable truth - sugar has been a detriment to the human race. In case after case, savages in isolated wilderness had teeth like ivory, from centuries of eating a traditional, natural diet. Then civilization showed up. Teeth became rotten, bones became soft, and the new weaknesses were then passed on to the offspring. Then followed epidemic tuberculosis and arthritis. Dufty also talks about how the missionaries always brought the sugar. And the processed foods. Then come the slaves, and pretty soon everybody's in the real estate business. Ask the Hawaiians. Or the West Africans.

In 1955, Royal Lee noticed that impoverished people in India had "one-thousandth the tooth decay" that existed in the U.S. at that time. Many of those Indians were starving, and wouldn't cook anything that didn't require cooking, yet Lee noticed that "only one person in eighty had any cavities at all." (Food Integrity, p2)

Demineralization of bones and teeth is also promoted by the acidic environment created in the blood by refined sugar. Calcium, magnesium, and chromium are squandered in the body's attempts to rid itself of this non-food.


No discussion of sugar would be complete without mention of a phenomenon unprecedented in history: the marketing of a toxic chemical as an alternative to a devitalized food.

Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal, etc.) was discovered in 1965 by the pharmaceutical firm G.D. Searle. The whole story of how aspartame and diet soft drinks became a billion dollar industry is a dark tale, beyond the scope of this chapter. We will just look at a few highlights here, which should be enough to make you switch back to pepsi or coke classic. Refined sugar is only like a drug; aspartame is a drug.

Searle, the pharmaceutical compant, was doing research to invent an "ulcer drug" when a chemist James Schlatter licked his hand one day to detect a very sweet taste from contact with aspartame. Noticing that he did not die immediately, he had an idea for an artificial sweetener.

It took Searle and Monsanto 16 years to get aspartame approved by the FDA. The political implications of this food additive which could also be added to drugs to make them taste better - powerful forces lined up at the trough.

From we find

When the FDA approved [aspartame] for human consumption in 1974, it went against a body of evidence so enormous as to stagger the credulity of virtually any thinking person. "What most consumers don't know," says Mike Wallace of CBS's "60 Minutes," "is that aspartame's approval was one of the most contested in FDA history. Consumers have reported more than 7,000 adverse reactions to the FDA, ranging from dizziness to headaches to seizures."

How could such a toxin get approved for mass consumption? Consider this: aspartame was OK'd during the Reagan Era. Ronnie's appointee as FDA Commissioner was Arthur Hull Hays. A few months after approving aspartame, Hays left the FDA. Take a wild guess what his next job was. A top position as consultant for Monsanto's PR office! Ain't that America/ for you and me

From the very beginning, researchers had problems with aspartame's effects on the body, especially on the nervous system. A more complete list of aspartame's side effects is found in a Feb. 1994 report from the Department of Health and Human Services:

muscle spasms
weight gain {!}
rapid heartbeat
vision problems
hearing loss
anxiety attacks
slurred speech
loss of taste
ringing in the ears
memory loss

Other researchers found that aspartame could cause

brain tumors
multiple sclerosis
chronic fatigue
Parkinson's disease
mental retardation
birth defects
diabetes {!}
-------- Blaylock

Read these two lists again. This is what people really get when they think they're getting what? A "diet" drink that will let them lose weight and still enjoy soft drinks? And it still causes diabetes and weight gain? Looks like some more masterful marketing, the type that sells vaccines and heart medication and fake insulin and pain killers. And the beauty of it is that the drug companies will get money both ways -

-when people drink the diet soft drinks
-when people then get all these diseases, which require more drugs.

Aspartame is a triple molecule composed of aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (wood alcohol).

Russell Blaylock, a professor of neurophysiology, is the real expert on aspartic acid. In his book, Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Dr. Blaylock reminds us that MSG is 99% aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is a major neurotoxin which can cause virtually any neurological disorder you can think of. (See above list) It does this by producing free radicals that kill nerve cells. Blaylock has over 500 scientific references to back up this notion of nerve damage from aspartic acid.

A chemical that kills nerve cells may mimic several neurological diseases. One is Multiple Sclerosis. With true MS, the insulation around nerves - the myelin - is being slowly destroyed, for some unknown reason. This shorts out the affected parts of the nervous system. The result is a wide range of possible symptoms - numbness, pain, confusion, headache, blindness, organ breakdown, etc. But aspartame may cause the identical presentation, and be misdiagnosed as MS. This would render any treatment for the MS useless, obviously. The point is, if someone has been diagnosed with MS, or with any other incurable nerve disorder, and they're drinking diet soft drinks on a daily basis, the physicians may be barking up the wrong tree. And the patient will continue to poison himself, maybe to death. (

Aspartic acid is very dangerous to infants, whose nervous systems are still forming and have not developed a defense system as yet. Very similar to what we saw with DPT shots (Sanctity of Human Blood) It may not be wise to give your infant diet anything.

Phenylalanine is an amino acid necessary for brain function. In excess, phenylalanine lowers serotonin levels, causing depression. (Elsas)

Methanol is wood alcohol. In the 1920s when liquor was illegal, people would sometimes resort to wood alcohol, even though the dangers of blindness from doing so were well known. Methanol is a by-product of aspartame after aspartame breaks down in the small intestine, from the action of our enzyme chymotrypsin.

An additional problem with methanol is that it is then changed into formaldehyde in the body. As we saw in Sanctity of Human Blood, formaldehyde is a well-known neurotoxin and carcinogen, documented in every toxicology and pathology text ever written.

Researchers found out that digestion is not even necessary to break aspartame down into these three toxins. If the diet soda sits around in a room where temperature goes above 86° F, formaldehyde is produced. (Moser, p 42) Other researchers have correlated the neurotoxic components of Gulf War Syndrome with the boatloads of diet soda that sat around in the desert sun for weeks, at temperatures above 100° F. But such a thing happens every day in America in warmer climates. Soda delivery trucks aren't refrigerated.

Toxicity levels? The EPA has giving methanol as consumption limit of 7.8 mg per day. Problem is, a one liter bottle of diet soda contains 56 mg of potential methanol! (Monte)

How could something this toxic be approved by the FDA? That's simple. The demand. By 1986, Americans were drinking 20 billion cans of diet soda per year, all of it with aspartame. (Metzenbaum) In 1987, Monsanto sold 8,500 TONS of aspartame, according to USDA figures. After that year, they refused to release production figures. But it's unlikely that production has gone down since then, considering all the foods that now feature aspartame. A partial list:

diet soft drinks
breakfast cereals
malt beverages
pie fillings
fruit juice concentrates
baked goods
breath mints
chewing gum
wine coolers
------- Gold, p 9, 10

Then Monsanto found the real motherlode - chewable vitamins. Here is a partial list of the drugs and vitamins which now are flavored by the proven neurotoxin aspartame:

- Mylanta Natural Fiber Supplement, Sugar Free.
- Centrum,Jr vitamins
- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets
- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Grape Flavored Chewable Tablets
- Childrens TYLENOL acetaminophen Cold Multi-Symptom Chewable Tablets
- Junior Strength TYLENOL acetaminophen Fruit Flavored Chewable Tablets
- PEDIACARE Cold-Allergy Tablets for Ages 6 to 12
- PEDIACARE Cough-Cold Tablets for Ages 6 to 12
- PEDICARE Childrens Cold Relief Tablets
- TYLENOL Cold and Flu Hot Medication
- TYLENOL Cold and Flu No Drowsiness Formula Hot Medication
- Childrens Chewable CO-TYLENOLv

- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Night-time Cold Medicine
- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Cold and Cough Medicine
- ALKA-SELTZER PLUS Sinus Allergy Medicine
- BUGS BUNNY Vitamin Products (ALL)
- FLINTSTONES Plus Calcium Multivitamin Supplement
- FLINTSTONES Complete Multivitamin Supplement
- FLINTSTONES Childrens Chewable Multivitamin

- DIMETAPP Cold and Allergy Chewable Tablets

- TEMPRA 3 Chewable Tablets, 80mg acetaminophen tablet
- TEMPRA 3 Double Strength Chewable Tablets, 160mg acetominophen

- Zantac Efferdose

- SKAGGS ALPHA BETA Childrens Pain Reliever
- SHOP'N SAVE Childrens Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever
- KINNEY"S Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever
- PAY'N SAVE Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever
- PEOPLES Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever
- PIGGLY WIGGLY Childrens Chewable Non-Aspirin P.R.
- RITE AID Childrens Aceteminophen Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever

- Childrens Anacin-3 Chewable Tablets


- ECKERD Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative
- LONGS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative
- PAYLESS Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder Laxative
- RALEY'S Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Powder
- RITE AID Sugar Free Regular Flavor Nat.Veg.Bulk Powder
- SQUIBBCARE Sugar Free Natural Fiber Laxative
- THRIFTY Sugar Free Natural Vegetable Laxative

- HEALTH BALANCE Childrens Chewable Multivitamin
- ZOO CHEWS Animal-Shaped Chewable Multivitamin

- MEDIGUARD Childens Multivitamin Supplement (Cherry,Orange and Grape)

- EQUATE Chewable Vitamins Animal-Shaped (with Iron)

- MEIJER CIRCUS SHAPES (Complete with Calcium,Iron and Minerals)

- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Plus Extra C
- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins Complete
- ANIMAL SHAPES Chewable Vitamins With Iron

- REVCO Childrens Chewable Multivitamins
- LONGS Children's Chewable Multivitamin
- GRAY DRUG FAIR Childrens Chewable Multivitamin

source: Use of Aspartame By Pharmaceutical Companies
Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research

The above list can be verified by a trip to your local drugstore. The lowest example of bold-faced pandering that can be imagined is palming off known poisons to children by disguising them with cutesy names. Anybody see a correlation with the epidemic asthma levels cited above? What are we doing to our children?

This section is getting too long. The story of the politics and deceit behind the FDA approval of aspartame during the past 25 years is a classic in the usual format: poisons legislated into public use through sweetheart arrangements among manufacturers, legislators, and regulators, complete with the usual fraudulent research, hired-gun medical 'experts' proclaiming the safety of a proven toxin, etc. For the whole slimy tale, start with:

- Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame by Mary Nash Stoddard,
Odenwald Press, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-884363-14-8.

- Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Russell L. Blaylock, MD, Health Press, 1997.

Don't miss the part about the Magic Rat. There was a famous investigation of all the research submitted to the FDA for aspartame's approval. The investigators wrote their findings in a document called the Bressler Report. The Magic Rat was a representation of the type of fraud uncovered by the Bressler Report. It seems there was one rat whose name was A23 LM. According to the Report: "that animal A23LM was alive at week 88, dead from week 92 through week 104, alive at week 108, and dead at week 112."

Want to know how lame the FDA really is? After the Commissioner and several key lawyers and researchers who were investigating aspartame had accepted lucrative positions with Searle and Monsanto, the FDA had the temerity to come out with a statement like this in 1995:

"FDA has no further plans to continue to collect adverse reaction reports or monitor research periodically done on aspartame." (Thomas Wilcox, FDA branch chief, Food Chemical News 1995)

So who's going to monitor it then? The FBI?

Here's the bottom line with aspartame: it's too big to get rid of. Just because it's sweet doesn't mean it's a food. Aspartame is not a food; it's a manmade synthetic. Food additives aren't necessarily foods. Aspartame is the #1 food additive on the market. It is also a component of thousands of prescription and non-prescription drugs. We're talking billions and billions of dollars every year. It would take a boatload of Ralph Naders to stop this kind of trade.

What can you do? The only thing that matters anyway: protect the sanctity of your own blood. And that of your children.


That's what everyone addicted to anything for the past 300 years has said. So do it. If you think you aren't addicted to white sugar, prove it. For 48 hours. Not only cokes, high fructose corn syrup fruit drinks, donuts and ice cream, but condiments, sauces, and aspartame drinks as well. 48 hours. Meet the monkey.


Shakespeare, W --- Henry IV, Part I act 3, sc 2, l.70 1597

Guyton AC MD--- Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th Edition 1996 Saunders

Appleton, N--- Lick the Sugar Habit 1996 Avery

Dufty, W--- Sugar Blues 1975 Warner

Freeston N--- Production of high fructose corn syrup
Chemistry & Industry Highlights 3 Mar 1997
Nene College, Northhampton

Selye, H---- The Stress of Life McGraw-Hill 1978

Anderson, R--- Cleanse and Purify 1998

Miller, J et al.--- The Glucose Revolution 1998 Marlowe & Co.

Scandrett, C --- Maillard Reactions 101: Theory 1997

Podell, R MD--- The G-Index Diet Warner 1993

Price, W--- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

MacDougall J MD--- MacDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion

Lee, R --- Food Integrity -- from Conversations in Nutrition 1955 Standard Process

Monte, W--- Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health
Journal of Applied Nutr 36(1) p 42 1984

Gold, M --- The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners
Nexus Magazine vol.2(28)Oct 95

Blaylock R, --- Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills, Health Press, 1998, p. 107 Leading Edge Research Group.

Stoddard, M--- Deadly Deception: The Story of Aspartame
Odenwald Press, Dallas, Texas. ISBN 1-884363-14-8.

Bressler, J--- The Bressler Report -- Congressional Record p. S5499 of 1985a.

CDC--- 10 Leading Causes of Death 1996

Metzenbaum, H --- Letter from Senator Howard Metzenbaum (Committee on the Budget) to Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee February 3, 1986

Gyland, S MD--- Letter to the editor Journal of the American Medical Association
vol. 152, 18 Jul 1953

Food Chemical News, June 12, 1995

NewWest 2001

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