Blog: Alternative Health (A to Z)
by Lapis

*** Centex's Story ***

I would like to thank our good man Butch for sharing his search for truth and knowledge as he took back his health and healed himself. We can ALL do this. Here is how Butch did. :-)

Date:   9/22/2005 12:15:13 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2844 times

4 mon ago
8 months ago I was diagnosed with nodular melanoma.Started as a skin lession,then found its way into a lymphnode,stage3. I had a lymphnode disection left neck.tons of scans.They found a small tumor in the left side of my brian.It is inoperable.But treatable. Ive been on the "Eat right for your type" diet since I was diagnosed. Now after reading these threads Im scared to go into my kitchen and eat a celery stick.
I for now am going to stay on a high antioxidant/polyphenol diet, green tea,fresh vegitables,fish,poultry,no dairy.I believe Ill do the one shot radiosurgery on th tumor itself to buy some time,but stay away from the whole brain.Then get healthy on my own,through faith, diet,and exersize.

4 mon ago
So far so good. My lypmphnode disection of neck, biopsy came back clean. The radioctatic surgery of malignant brain tumor went extremely well,The docs were very pleased. I swear I could feel that tumor dieing as they cooked it.

4 mon ago
Ive added small amounts of seasalts in my diet to fight my melanoma, although its really to help my mind by adding some flavor to foods:) One quater teaspoon per quart of water.

4 mon ago
I've added jogging,fast paced arm pumping walking and anything I can do to get soaked in sweat.

4 mon ago
I have an appointment with a naturopathic physician on wendsday the first of june. She is going to get me set with everything I need for the whole body cleanse/detox.She is also going to get me on a diet to get my alkaline right. I went ahead and ordered the dr. katz ozinator so I can do the water thing and the funnell to the ear thing. Ive been on bassicaly a vegan diet not 100%raw but close.So I think I got a good start.

3 mon ago
I have an appointment with a naturopathic pysichian at10:30 this morning.We are going to work on the cancer fighting protocols and try to get an upper hand on a stage 4 melanoma.

3 mon ago
The naturopathic physician I saw today was great. She put together a 6 month plan to put me in shape. We are going to work on my body functions for the first 2 weeks.Some super supplements and a good diet to get my body ready for a major detox.We are using a few things to actually stop cancer cell production and tumor growth ,But the most important now is to get the pipes in order for major cleanse. The way she explained it,it is safer to get your system ready and dont detox to fast.

3 mon ago
I highly recommend finding a naturopathic physician to be a guide for cancer treatment.I know It has given me a great battle plan as well as piece of mind.

3 mon ago
I just finished with my scr1pt of steriods. My appetite aslo was different,I wouldn't feel hungery untill I started eating,Then I was ravonous,I'd shouvel the food down fast and couldn't stop untill I was overfull and bloated.
Its a good thing I was on a 90% raw vegan diet or I think I would have made myself sick.
Im off the steroids 2 days now. I have had a headache for 2 days now. Symptom or side effect, Im not sure.

3 mon ago
All I know is, Ive been on a 80% raw vegan diet,nothing that comes from an animal.I do indulge in 2 to 4 oz's of organic salmon every sunday as a treat.This I will slowly ween myself off of.Ive been on this diet for about 2 to 3 months. My N.P. has added some supplements to get me ready for her detox programs.
1 TBLS. nordic naturals cod liver oil 2x a day(ok,ok this comes from fish)
1 Kaprex 3x a day
2 caps. jarrods brand probiotics 3x a day
2 caps.specta-zyme(digestive enzymes)3x a day
1 tspn. MCP powder 2x a day
2 caps IgG xymogen 3x a day
add 6 to 10 prunes per day to increase bowel movmments
1 whey protien isolate shake made with nut milks and fresh fruits in bender to prevent loss of muscle mass and decrease metastasis.

3 mon ago
Next step is to detox,get rid of all the POLLUTANTS from all that stuff has we've been putting in our bodies.

3 mon ago
I like almond and hazelnut milk.

88 days ago
I had surgry to stop the growth of a brain tumor to buy some time.
Now Im dealing with the cause.My prognosses was 6 months to a year to live.It will be 1 year july 7. I have no symtoms.80% raw vegan diet,no meat,sugar, salt,flour or rice. I am now on a cleansing,colon liver bowles for 1 month,the next step is the heavy metal and parasite detox.

3 mon ago
I started using all organic bath soap,toothpaste,and deoderant. Now what about household cleaners,laundry detergants,room and fabric deoderizers. I like to have a clean, germ and oder free home.

75 days ago
I just returned from the cancer center to have another MRI done to check the progress of my brain tumor.The tumor is now dead,wich is good news,But somthing happened that The docs said was very rare and probably would not happen.The tumor itself is shrinking.It has shrank 25%.Now, I attribute this shrinkage to my natural treatments and I believe this would have happened without radiation.It probably would have shrank away and died on its own. So, now Im going to continue with my cleansings and work even harder on my diet try to go 90 to 100% raw.Im saving for a good ozonator,Im going to add that to my protocal next.

74 days ago
My diet consists of 80% good clean raw fruits and veggies(organic when possible)10% steamed veggies,I try to only steam the ones I dont like raw.Then I use 10% of the ancient grains such as amaranth or quinuoa,These are also cooked.
As for my supplements,My naturopathic doctor and I are just getting started.Right now im mostly on things to help in digestion and to boost immune system, I'm also on some cleasing suplements.Our next step is a heavy metal and chemical cleanse I dont know what I'll need for that yet.Then after these mild cleanses with the use of diet and supplements,we will go on to a master cleanse type cleansing.
Im am currently using
1 tble spoon cod liver oil 2x a day
Kaprex 1 3x a day
probiotics jarrow brand 2 3x a day
Spectre-zyme digestive enzymes 1 with each meal
MCP powder modified citrus pectin 1 tsp. 2x a day
IgG 1 2x a day
Melatonin 20 mlgs at night
turmeric 2 tblspn a day ( I had to capsulize this stuff,tastes nasty)
Phytopharmica whole body cleanse for 4 weeks this consists of 8 caps of a fiber formula,3 caps of a laxative formula,and 1 cap of super milk thistle.
Add foods that contain high amounts of lutein and foods that raise alkaline level
6 to 10 prunes a day.

Now this is just a start to get me ready for a more "radical" cleansing.
I am also going to start ozone treatments as soon as I save enough for a good ozonator for my home,My doc is going to set up a appointmet with a colleague of hers to get me rolling on the ozone treatments.
I total believe in juicing,and that is getting added to my protocal next payday,gonna try either a greenstar or a champion.

74 days ago
I also forgot to add I gave up smoking 50 days now,and I gave up sugar,table salt,flour and white rice.No dairy.I use nut milks when I need a milk substitute and they are quite good.Ive been doing that for about 9 months now. I use a whey protien powder 1 to 2 times a day in a shake made from nut milk,whey powder,and organic frozen blueberries.

72 days ago
My N.P.persribed 2 tabls. of tumuric a day. I never did ask her why, or maybe i cant remember. Anyway Im on that stuff,daily.

69 days ago
I start the morning off with buckwheat spouts dehydrated untill crunchy with some fresh fruit in a bowl and pour some nut milk over it. Then I eat any leftover pineapple from the night before.Then I take all my supplements.Ive listed those on previous posts.Then a whey protien shake with frozen blueberries.Then its off to work.
For lunch its all raw veggies of all types mixed in a big bowl.some fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of tumeric.
for dinner about 80% raw vegitable mix.Maybe sume ammaranth or quinuoa,and at least 1 half of a pineapple.Then I take all my supplements.
I also drink about a gallon of green tea a day sweetened with stevia and good clean water.And I drink about a half gallon of good clean water.

46 days ago
God has given us everything we need to heal ourselves. The cleansings and raw vegan deit will return your immune system back to normal and your body will start killing cancer.
Consider ozone,juicing and a raw vegan diet. So far this protocol has been successful in my case.

46 days ago
Re: Quinoa
Ive been using this little tailed grain in moderation for a couple of months.Its not bad. I try to use it as a rice substitute.

39 days ago
I just added cayenne pepper drinks and kombucha tea to my protocol. I use it first thing in the morning and it sure gives me a boost.

5 days ago
Hi guys,
Just got back from M D Anderson for another check on the brain tumor.
Remember the docs told me the tumor would not shrink. And the last visit it shrank 25%,The docs said this was rare and that I got a bonus.
WELL GUESS WHAT? The results of this mri is(drum roll please).There is no tumor!Its completely gone!
The docs said this is extremely rare and I sould count this as a super bonus.
Now tell me natural cures dont help and there's no proof they work.
Bullocks, Im proof.
Thanks again for all your help and suggestions

4 h ago
Im sorry,
I have a bunck of posts that will tell you what I have done. The first thing I did was quit a bunch of stuff.I quit smoking,I quit using the deadly whites,Salt,Sugar,Flour, and white rice.
The next thing I did was go 80 to 90% raw vegan diet.No more meat, dairy or processed foods.(if man made it dont put it in your mouth)
I stopped using soaps,shampoos,detergents,toothpastes,that are not organic.(if you cant eat it dont put it on your body.
The next thing I did was go to a naturopathic physician,She assisted me in a few different whole body cleanses.I still am cleansing right now.
I studied hard,I learned so much from 2tuff,golfegg and lapis.I used 2tuffs alkaline protocols using cayanne pepper and cumbacha tea,also eating lots of pinapple and papaya.I'm just starting ozone treatments that cured golfeggs wife.I installed a whole house water treatment system in my home,so now I shower, drink,and wash my clothes I good clean water.
Last but not least I got my mind right with god and myself,I had to forgive myself of some wrongs Ive committed in the past,to get my mind right with god.
Positive attitude,and tons of study, dont dismiss what anyone says untill you look at it hard than make a decision on what is right for you.If that dosn't work try somthing different.
Take a look at all my posts and you can pretty much follow what Ive done.
God bless and sty healthy,


For those wanting to get started on a sound healing journey, a great place to start is diet and one diet has proven to heal more than any other.

Raw Food Articles Here

Also clearing one's menal emotional bodies is ciritcal to effective healing.

Spiritual/Consciousness Articles

Vibrational Articles Here

Energy Healing Articles Here

For those wanting to heal, never give your pwer away to someone else. It is your journey and you, and only you can heal yourself. I offer these blogs as a starting place for your jouney. Peel away those layers and truth becomes self evident.

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