Blog: My Enchanted Garden Onion
by Chef JeM

All The Garden Is A Stage

Intelligent people can appreciate the fact that Shakespeare represents deeper meaning than what meets the eye on the shakespearean stage and yet these same intelligent people do not appreciate that all the world is indeed a "stage" and that they themselves have their parts in which they act and in fact ware a mask (i.e. a persona) through which they can act and interact with the world!

Date:   6/7/2016 7:14:22 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 2001 times

November 11, 2023 - The Seed -

"No part of a fruit is more important than the seed, thanks to which you can have thousands of acres of fruit trees (if you actually plant the seeds and then care for the new life day by day for several years and beyond).

For nature, the essential part of a fruit is the seed; the seed or the pit is all it cares about. If nature has wrapped them in a little flesh, it is simply a way of attracting birds and people so that they will plant those seeds. (LOL)

Symbolically speaking, the seed or the pit represents the spirit; the flesh represents the space of the soul in which life circulates, and the skin is the material envelope, the physical body. There is no denying that the physical body is important. It is like a flask that prevents the perfume from evaporating; it retains the soul and spirit. However, the true (individualized being) is not the body, but that minute, invisible point contained somewhere inside, which thinks, loves and creates. The fact that Cosmic Intelligence allows the physical body to die and be buried proves that it attaches very little importance to it, whereas the spirit, which is immortal, is called back to the heavenly regions from which it came."[6]*

May 22, 2023 - "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth” -

"We begin by accumulating things. Later, we (may) reject much of what we had accumulated. The good things have to be planted in order to multiply and increase.
If we do not plant our good thoughts an feelings we really do not know anything about true multiplication. If we know how to plant, there will be multiplication and a rich yield so that then we shall be able to divide and distribute our riches to others. ..."[5]

April 20 2023 - "No Legacy Is So Rich As Honesty"! -

In Act III, Scene 5 of: "All's Well That Ends Well":

Mariana. "Come, let's return again, and suffice ourselves with the report of it. Well, Diana, take heed of this French earl: the honour of a maid is her name; and no legacy is so rich as honesty."

Comment: One would have to have been a "fellow gardener" at: "The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community" to possibly appreciate this quote of "All's Well That Ends Well."

December 22, 2022 - “All the world’s a stage” - By William Shakespeare

(from As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)

"All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances; ..."[4]

When an actor/actress is performing they are portraying a scripted part, a predetermined role that is virtually always about a character other than who they actually are "in real life." (Although this is a fact - this blog-writer won't assume that everyone realizes this! ; ~ ) However, "in real life" people (whether they are professional actors/actresses or not) also portray the "predetermined role" of their personality - that is regarded as a "person" or a mask, just like that of some actors/actresses. If we are just relying upon our personality then "Shakespeare" is right: "all the men and women merely players." But is personality all that there is for us to work with? .........

June 7, 2016 - A "former" gardener wrote:

"... - this is a great quote that you sent: 'The difference between a comedy and a tragedy, is that in a comedy the characters figure out reality in time to do something about it.'[1]

perhaps should be written out on the ... whiteboard? ... well, only if when folks read it they can laugh and see the comedy ... b u t at this stage perhaps it would only be stared at ..... with great avoidance ... (so must withdraw the idea of posting ... could only aggravate..)"

I responded saying if it were up to me I'd have the quote engraved over the front entrance!

June 16th -

"... Author Raymond Holliwell believes the reason the famous Shakespeare is the leading dramatist of the world lies in his understanding that our power to overcome things is within us, unlike the the great Greek dramatists who always saw the causes in an external fate or destiny, Shakespeare saw something within man as the cause of his failure or success. 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are the underlings.'"[2]

June 24th - Happy Birthday Melissa!

Things can be seen better when viewed in the right context. All the world is indeed a stage when we realize that: "... the entire universe is in a giant conspiracy for our well being if we can only listen to its promptings." - David Pond[3] If we omit the way to "listen" to the "universe" then the law of cause and effect will surely bend our ear!

This may also be attributed to David Pond: "You have to drop into another level of your being to stay centered in such crazy making times, accepting the as-is-ness of life, including the never-ending ups and downs. Drop into your heart and orchestrate all of the changes going on in your life from there. Thinking you will be able to get to your peaceful heart once all of the challenges of everyday life get settled just won’t happen; better to get into your centered heart first to deal with the never ending material of life." As presented by Carol Barbeau in her weekly astrological report.

In any case Carol definitely stated the following:
"... remember, there are 3 voices we hear.

The head which tries to reason when there is NO REASON: and the heart which wants to believe the best, or the worst, if the heart is in fear mode, and the GUT which is truly the true voice of reason if we can avoid the other 2 very loud decision making voices in our lives."

This underscores the Human Design System's insight regarding "the head" that is not for any important decision making. "The Gut" that Carol refers to could include the Human Design "Sacral Center", "Solar Plexus Center" or the "Spleen Center".


[1] "This quote from Bennett W. Goodspeed represents the Devil archetype" from a "private" email with subject: "Doubt Mutates Desire and The Cross of Chaos - Gemini Moon" from VerDarLuz.




[5] "Spiritual Alchemy" - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (2008)



Shakespeare, stage, acting, persona, comedy and tragedy, enchanted garden onion

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