Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF)

News, Alerts, Wise Traditions Journal & related from the Weston A. Price Foundation plus comments By: Chef-doctor Jemichel

Date:   2/1/2016 5:04:29 PM   ( 8 y ) ... viewed 8256 times

February 8, 2024 - New, Free Video Of Healthy Traditional Diets -

"We are excited to announce a new, free video of Sally Fallon Morell's main talk: Nourishing Traditional Diets: The Key to Vibrant Health. This 2.5 hour video captures the essence of Dr. Weston A. Price's research and how to implement those ideas today.

Watch by yourself or get a group together. Instead of a 'book club' have a video club in two parts with discussion; show your family; share with a doctor; a person interested in healthy food; a spouse who doesn't understand why you eat this way; etc.

Share this widely! People report that this information is life-changing. Our dream: every person in the world sees this video!:

December 11, 2023 - "The New York Times and other publications, predictably warning the public about the dangers of Nature’s perfect food" (LOL)!

"Our big news for 2023 was the passage of a bill allowing raw milk sales in the state of Iowa! This brought the subject of raw milk into the news, with articles in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and other publications, predictably warning the public about the dangers of Nature’s perfect food. But the public is no longer listening. (More LOL!) Raw milk sales are booming, as any raw milk farmer will tell you. And the number of raw milk sources is growing by leaps and bounds—there are now over three thousand listings on, and farmers can now provide raw milk legally in all but four states. In the aftermath of the Covid debacle, it seems many more people are questioning government dictates!"

Comment: This Blog-writer is All-Grateful!

May 7, 2023 - Wise Traditions Conference 2023 -

Featuring keynote speaker: Dr. Naomi Wolf

At: Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Friday through Sunday, October 20-22, 2023
with rooms at the neighboring Marriott Downtown.

... Raw Milk Evening October 19 and farm visit October 23

Early Bird Rates Until July 21, 2023

In spite of inflation, our early bird rate is still $440!


Dr. Naomi Wolf on What is Really in the Pfizer Documents?

Dr. Naomi Wolf is a bestselling author, columnist and professor. She is a graduate of Yale University and received a doctorate from Oxford. She is co-founder and CEO of, a successful civic tech company. A charismatic personality with a passion for activism, Dr. Wolf questions establishment views on gender, foreign policy, economics and journalism. In her talks, she exposes the real threats to liberty and democracy and provides audiences with effective tools to empower citizens and promote engagement.

A year ago, Wolf began to lead, with DailyClout COO Amy Kelly, a crowdsourced project in which three thousand five hundred medical and scientific experts read through the fifty-five thousand pages a month of documents that a judge required Pfizer to release subsequent to a successful lawsuit. In the sixty-eight reports compiled by these experts, the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history has been documented. It includes a 360-degree attack on human reproduction. [An extract from an interview (transcript) with Naomi follows.) Wolf published the reports in book format—The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports[65]—and it has sold out three printings and been used by courts, members of the European Parliament, state and federal U.S. senators and teams of attorneys in taking action to redress these harms and inform the public.

We are excited to have all 40 speakers join us this year:

Naomi Wolf, Doug and Stacy of Off Grid, Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell, Blanche Grube, Josh del Sol, Mark Steffen, Jim Stephenson, William Trebing, Alec Zeck, Ken Rohla, Patrick Jones, Martha Carlin, Dawn Ewing, Natasha Campbell-McBride, Mary Ruddick, Nina-Marie Rueda, Bill Schindler, Christina Schindler, Hilary Boynton, Ellen Brown, Paola Brown, Steve Campbell, Isaac Chilton, Maureen Diaz, Corey Dunn, Anthony Jay, James Kirkpatrick, Celeste Longacre, Leslie Manookian, Alex Miller, Christine Muldoon, Courtney Queen, Beverly Rubik, Pam Schoenfeld, Raymond Silkman, Laura Villanti, Cal Washington and Will Winter[64]

Episode Transcript

Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda Labrada Gore and the regular text is Naomi Wolf.

The Pfizer documents were released by court order in March 2022 to little interest from the public or the media. That is about to change as a detailed analysis of the documents reveals that not only was Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection far from safe and effective but it was intentionally designed to harm the world’s populace.

This is episode 421. Our guest walks us through the many shocking revelations of the War Room/DailyClouts Pfizer Documents Analysis. Over 3,500 doctors and scientists participated in the project of analyzing the information and concluded that Pfizer didn’t witness the side effects of the mRNA injection that they were promoting, side effects like death, stroke, infertility, neurological symptoms, COVID itself, and clotting. They designed the shots to harm in this way and to impede human reproduction.

Our guest goes over a number of the alarming conclusions reached, including the fact that the injections were meant to shed and transmit through inhalation, skin contact, and sweat from the vaccinated to anyone in their vicinity. Our guest is Naomi Wolf, the CEO of the DailyClout, and author of The Beauty Myth and The Bodies of Others. She is a tenacious journalist and activist who goes over the findings of the recent War Room/Daily Clout Analysis Project of the Pfizer documents.

Before we dive into the conversation, a quick reminder that the Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit organization that depends on your membership to keep going. In other words, we can only do education, research, and activism related to food farming and the healing arts. With your help, there is no other way to move forward. Please become a member of the foundation. Don’t put it off for another moment. Act now. Go to Weston A Price and click on the Become a Member button. Use the code, POD10, to join for only $30 for the entire year. Your support means a lot, and thank you so much. Welcome to the family.

A shout out to Earth Runners, Go to Earth Runners and use the code, WISE23, for 10% off your purchase.

"Welcome to the show, Naomi.

(Naomi) Thank you so much for having me.

The Pfizer documents were released in March 2022 to crickets. Why were these papers overlooked by most people? What was in them that is important for us to know now?

(N) These documents were released subsequent to a successful lawsuit by Aaron Siri and his firm. They were demanding that the FDA, which is the custodian of the documents, release them all, and the judge agreed. This is fortunate because those documents are historic. They represent their record of the greatest crime in human history.

It was crickets when they were first released because they are difficult to understand and they are voluminous. They are written in scientific language, which you need to be a specialist to interpret. There were tens of thousands of documents. I knew that we were looking at a journalistic black hole because lay journalists couldn’t understand what was in the documents, and they were going to come and go.

We put out a call on Steve Bannon’s War Room, which is one of the examples of the many surprising alliances that have been created in these crazy times. To his credit, he supported us in asking for a crowdsourced interpretation of these documents. We initially got 2,500, and now 3,500 experts ranging from biostatisticians, physicians, RNs, medical fraud investigators, pathologists, cardiologists, research scientists, and biologists to review the documents and to create what are now 62 reports, explaining to people in lay language what they show. The bottom line is they show the greatest crime against humanity ever."[65]

March 16, 2023 - UPDATE (from Weston A. Price for Members) ON VIRUS NON-EXISTENCE

“The truth about the non-existence of viruses is beginning to emerge. Many of the biggest names with the largest health freedom platforms have not fully embraced or reported on this truth... until NOW!

Thanks to our grassroots efforts, the formidable team of Tom Cowan, Mark Bailey and Andrew Kaufman has been invited onto the larger stage by key health freedom voices. This comes right after multiple freedom-based alternative journalists and podcasters have finally featured the truth about the non-existence of viruses for the first time! Watch the latest reports on the truth below:

Dan Dicks Interview exposes the computer simulation behind virus isolation.:

Ernie Hancock interview reveals the history & future of the terrain paradigm:

Tom Woods Interview on whether viruses actually exist (with Mark Bailey - True Medicine Library exclusive) 

The team was also invited onto blogger Steve Kirsch's podcast (, to potentially debate him and James Lyons-Weiler. Better yet, Steve fully agreed to our terms for a productive, logical, fallacy-free discussion set for April 20th.  Finally, the team is working on a debate moderated by RFK Jr. on the Children's Health Defense platform.
If you'd like to see these debates happen, please make your voice heard by reaching out to these shows.”

December 16, 2021 -

"... To reveal the truth about 'America’s Doctor,' Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has written a #1 bestselling book titled: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health ( Childrens/dp/1510766804).
We here at the Weston A. Price Foundation highly recommend you read this book, and share it with others, in order to understand Fauci’s disastrous 50-year history with public health in our country.

It is imperative that Fauci be properly investigated. ...":

November 23, 2021 - Help for making an informed decision regarding children

From Weston A Price Foundation on 2021-11-23

Document -

'The Top 10 Reasons' is an informative page about the shot for children produced by the Children's Health Defense. It is excellent for sharing with family and friends. ... here is a link:

Videos -

These are powerful videos for adults and even for children so they can know the facts:

COVID Vaccine "Secrets" - simple chalk drawing video, accessible for children:

Important must-see testimonials: Trial participants speak out

Six studies showing why children don't need this:

Real risks: 12-yr old died

Cardiologist, who is generally pro-vx, sounds the alarm. He says adamantly that no one under 30 should get it:

CDC ignores risk & approves shot for children (5-11); explains heart inflammation concerns:

November 20, 2021 - Good news about mandates -

From Weston A Price Foundation on 2021-11-19 16:24




The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has suspended the implementation and enforcement of the Biden administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses!

Previously, under an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), employers with 100 employees or more were given until Jan 4th to require their employees to either be vaccinated for COVID or be tested weekly and wear masks. Businesses that didn't comply could have faced federal fines of up to $14,000 per violation.

However, a Nov. 12th ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals barred OSHA from enforcing the ETS "pending adequate judicial review" of a motion for permanent injunction.

The ruling comes after the New Orleans-based appeals court issued a stay on the order last Saturday. That ruling came after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a challenge to the mandate directly to the court, along with the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Utah and South Carolina.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals stated that the Biden administration's vaccine mandate "raises serious constitutional concerns," was "fatally flawed" and "likely exceeds the federal government's authority."

Additionally, at least 27 U.S. states, as well as private employers, religious organizations, and other groups, have sued the Biden administration, claiming that it is exceeding its authority in issuing the mandate.

Despite the ruling, the White House is recklessly telling businesses to move forward with the mandates. At this point in time, any business that does so is making a voluntary decision. No law requires private businesses to mandate vaccines.

Unfortunately, OSHA's latest action does not affect a separate directive from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requiring certain employees of medical facilities to be vaccinated by Dec. 6th. It also does not affect federal contractors.

To learn more about the OSHA suspension, read this article:

To learn more about the Biden Administration's irreverence for the ruling, click here:

If your employer or school attempts to require you to get a COVID shot, we recommend using the legal notifications provided by the Children's Health Defense legal team.

Please help the Weston A. Price Foundation restore nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.

Comment: Re: "any business that does so is making a voluntary decision" and they are contributing to certain blind faith in an un-verified experimental jab that is increasing the chances of "sudden death"/"unexpected death" that have been increasing since the roll-out of the jabs.

March 11, 2021 - March Member Email -

Upcoming WAPF Events -

April 10: Wise Traditions Winchester, Virginia: Two tracks: Sally Fallon Morell presenting her popular traditional diets seminar and a health track with several speakers. $85 includes lunch; additional $50 for dinner and film.

April 25: The Contagion Myth at P.A. Bowen Farmstead, Maryland: One day event with Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell presenting the topics in their book, The Contagion Myth. Limited to 135 people. Includes a delicious lunch and a farm walk (Sally Fallon Morell's farm). $125.

Wise Traditions Podcast -

YOU are the solution to these times! Chef Pete Evans, popular author and producer of "The Magic Pill" documentary, put it this way in Wise Traditions podcast 279: "This is our opportunity to cultivate our inner magic. If you're not looking at your shadow or parts of you that you don't want to look at, this is your opportunity. You will come through this with grace, humility, power and compassion--and this is what we're here to do. Regardless of this virus, regardless of anything, our journey is inwards to know ourselves and to remove our fears, one layer at a time. It's time to level up through our nutrition, spiritual practices and our emotional understanding of who we are."(i)

This episode reminds us that we each can make a difference in these troubled times! Listen on our website or through your favorite podcast app.

NEW! Health Freedom Defense Fund -

It is frightening and heartbreaking to hear that Americans across the country are losing their jobs for refusing experimental Covid-19 shots. Americans have also been forced to wear masks and test for COVID or risk termination. If that's not enough, immunity passports are in the works. That's the bad news. The good news is that Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) is fighting back and you can help.

Leslie Manookian, producer of The Greater Good, founded HFDF, a non-profit focused on defending our health freedoms whenever they might be infringed. HFDF has assembled a world class legal team of highly accomplished international commercial litigators who have successfully battled and defeated some of the biggest corporations in the world. They know exactly what we are up against in the struggle against the pharmaceutical cartel that wields such power and controls much of our world.

Since last year, they have been working hard to draft challenges to mandates for masks, COVID testing and vaccines, as well as to immunity passports. They have been contacted by countless individuals who have been fired or face imminent termination if they do not comply with these mandates. HFDF will be filing some of these cases in the coming days and weeks.

With your help we will eliminate the violations of our health freedoms and reaffirm the universal truth that we, and we alone, own our bodies.

To support this important effort, go to Health Freedom Defense Fund.(ii)(iii)

What The Experts Say: Flyer & Webinar -

WAPF has prepared a page with quotes from experts about the Covid-19 that you are don't hear in the mainstream media. We fear that people expect more from the injections than what the experts have actually promised. There is a printable version at this link. Please help us spread this message far and wide.

We also recommend this seminar for a thorough look at various issues related to COVID:

Please help the Weston A. Price Foundation restore nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.


(i) Regarding "our journey is inwards to know ourselves and to remove our fears, one layer at a time." -

This writer highly recommends being introduced to your "Gene Keys" which can support you in many ways to be more able to face "your shadow" fears that are part of our genetic survival programs. When we face and embrace these frequencies we are gifted by higher frequencies that are released in the process. The Gene Keys offers an insightful and potentially enlightening "Golden Path" that can support this "journey"! You can start your Gene Keys journey here:


(iii) In addition to this offer of collective support - Individuals can be greatly empowered by knowing how to respond in the most lawfully powerful ways. One brief video hosted by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (vaccine truth warrior/advocate) presents four quintessential questions to know and to ask when presented with freedom-inhibiting corporate policies:

February 8, 2021 - Chef Jem Comments -

Re: “The FDA is proposing a new rule that would apply to almost everyone involved in the food system …” This statement is regarding jurisdiction. The true Lawful jurisdiction of the FDA needs to be clearly identified and most especially regarding the Lawful limits of that. Otherwise people are left with an erroneous belief that whatever the FDA proposes applies to them. That is a dangerous belief. This belief needs to be illuminated with an understanding of what Lawful jurisdiction (if any) actually exists.

Re: “TAKE ACTION” Once you begin realizing that “We The People” were deliberately denied full disclosure regarding the true nature of what we have been told is “our government” and especially regarding what the limits of “not exceeding ten Miles square”(i) means.
(i) The “Constitution Of The United States of America”, Article I, Clause 17.[63]

January 1, 2021 -

"...there isn't a single word in any Federal or State of State Constitution given any incorporated entity or employee thereof any ability to force us to do anything at all with respect to our health or any 'Public Health' issue, either. Their opinions about medical processes and procedures and therapies don't count and aren't enforceable on us. Why? Because our private interest in our bodies and our health is unlimited..." - Anna Von Ritz[62]

October 14, 2020 - WISE TRADITIONS 2020 CANCELED!! -

"It is with a very heavy heart that I must announce the cancellation of our conference, Wise Traditions 2020. ...

Several weeks ago, the Sheraton Hotel in Atlanta abruptly reneged on our contract because they had the opportunity for another contract that would fill the hotel until the end of the year. ... (... we will be seeking compensation from the Sheraton for breach of contract!)


Sincerely yours,
Sally Fallon Morell

Comment: What is the maximum amount of "compensation" that a party can reasonably ask "for breach of contract? ......... I hope WAPF can ask for that amount!

"The standard measure of damages is an amount that would allow the non-breaching party to buy a substitute for the benefit that would have been received if the contract had been performed."[61]

In this instance a good-faith attempt was made to find another venue that would accept conference attendees without masks - just as the Sheraton had agreed to. How many hotels are there in Atlanta that can accommodate this conference? ......... Would any of these allow a mask-free conference? ......... It's a formidable question that might be worth investigating because if there are no other hotels that would allow a mask-free conference then the value lost from this "breach of contract" might possibly be incalculable! I would start by asking for at least the full value of the total hotel fee for the cancelled event.

October 9, 2020 - Comment Posted -

Sep. 30th PM Report -

"Stop Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination in Virginia!"[60] With a comment by this Blog-writer.

September 30, 2020 - Protect Small Farms and Stop Electronic ID -

The USDA is yet again pushing a mandatory electronic Animal ID program that is likely to drive small farmers out of business, in order to benefit the big agribusinesses.

By issuing its latest plan for mandatory electronic ID without going through the normal rulemaking process, USDA has avoided doing a cost-benefit analysis. But we have a real-world example of what happens with mandatory electronic ID. One state, Michigan, has required electronic ID for cattle since 2007.

So let’s assess the costs by looking at the impact of the program. ...[59]


We are sad to announce that our new book, The Contagion Myth, is banned on Amazon—sad for what has happened to American freedom of expression. But Amazon's actions tell us that we have already struck a nerve and the powers that be do not want the paradigm-busting information in our book to circulate.

Amazon will be refunding your money or not charging you if you pre-ordered on their site. However, you have many choices for ordering the book online at:

Barnes & Noble




Thank you for your patience!

Thomas S. Cowan, MD

Sally Fallon Morell

The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or "fizzing" feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.

That's the message of The Contagion Myth, now available from Skyhorse Publishing. The authors, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell, are the founders of the Weston A. Price Foundation and well-known advocates for a nutrient-dense traditional diet as the best protection against illness and environmental toxins.

Scientists from the U.S. Public Health Service were never able to prove that the Spanish Flu of 1918—which burst on the scene with the worldwide rollout of radio towers--was contagious; and no health agency has carried out the needed contagion studies on Covid-19.

Initially formulated by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, the germ theory of disease—that bacteria and viruses attack us and make us sick--has never met the common-sense criteria of Koch's postulates, which call for subjecting a healthy organism to the isolated bacteria or virus. In fact, while bacteria have received the blame for disease since the nineteenth century, the last two decades have witnessed a complete paradigm shift. Science has demonstrated that we live in symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the intestinal tract; bacteria help us digest our food, enhance the immune system, and also appear when necessary to clean up dead tissue. Bacteria only produce poisons under conditions of filth and lack of oxygen.

Cowan and Fallon Morell argue that we will soon see a paradigm shift when it comes to viruses; that viruses are not harmful, but helpful exosomes that our cells produce to rid the body of poisons and make adjustments to new environmental threats, such as 5G millimeter wave radiation.

It follows that masks, social distancing, testing for genetic material (not an actual virus) and vaccines will not solve the Covid-19 problem. The challenge instead is to institute etiquette and rules for the safe use of wireless technology. The authors also propose dietary and life-style strategies that can help protect against 5G and other electromagnetic frequencies.

Please help the Weston A. Price Foundation restore nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.


Amazon is simply a corporation and as such it is not obligated to respect any form of "American freedom of expression."

September 21, 2020 - A Most-Highly Recommended Book Especially For the Current State of "The World"! -

New Book Just Released, The Contagion Myth - By Kimberely Hartke

Authors Present Evidence that “Coronavirus” Does Not Cause Disease

WASHINGTON, DC, USA, September 21, 2020– The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or “fizzing” feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.

That’s the message of “The Contagion Myth,” now available from Skyhorse Publishing. The authors, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell, are the founders of the Weston A. Price Foundation and well-known advocates for a nutrient-dense traditional diet as the best protection against illness and environmental toxins.

Scientists from the U.S. Public Health Service were never able to prove that the Spanish Flu of 1918—which burst on the scene with the worldwide rollout of radio towers–was contagious; and no health agency has carried out the needed contagion studies on Covid-19. See Is Coronavirus Contagious by Sally Fallon Morell.

Initially formulated by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, the germ theory of disease—that bacteria and viruses attack us and make us sick–has never met the common-sense criteria of Koch’s postulates, which call for subjecting a healthy organism to the isolated bacteria or virus. In fact, while bacteria have received the blame for disease since the nineteenth century, the last two decades have witnessed a complete paradigm shift. Science has demonstrated that we live in symbiotic relationship with bacteria in the intestinal tract; bacteria help us digest our food, enhance the immune system, and also appear when necessary to clean up dead tissue. Bacteria only produce poisons under conditions of filth and lack of oxygen.

Cowan and Fallon Morell argue that we will soon see a paradigm shift when it comes to viruses; that viruses are not harmful, but helpful exosomes that our cells produce to rid the body of poisons and make adjustments to new environmental threats, such as 5G millimeter wave radiation. “Masks, social distancing, testing for genetic material (not an actual virus) and vaccines will not solve the Covid-19 problem. The challenge instead is to institute etiquette and rules for the safe use of wireless technology,” explains Fallon Morell. The authors also propose dietary and life-style strategies that can help protect against 5G and other electromagnetic frequencies. See Coronavirus Caused by 5G? video with Dr. Tom Cowan.

Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Thomas Cowan are two of the leading voices in the alternative health field. The pair have a long history of challenging medical and food system dogma. This is their third book together. Their previous titles are “The Fourfold Path to Healing” and “The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care.” Sally is the founder and president of Weston A. Price Foundation and editor of Wise Traditions Journal. Tom is a retired medical doctor, a founding board member and vice president of the Weston A. Price Foundation.[58]

Kimberly Hartke

About Kimberly Hartke -
Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation. Her public relations company, Hartke Communications specializes in health and wellness clients. To book a nutrition education expert, contact Kimberly via,

Comment: This Blog-writer ordered 10 copies with complete confidence of a much needed presentation! He has already had previews of presentation by both authors plus additional research presentations by a medical doctor researcher as well as findings by others working on cutting edge approaches in the health field.

August 27, 2020 - The 21st Annual Wise Traditions Conference -
(Free of "Social Distancing" and Without Masks! ; ~ ) -

Atlanta, Georgia - November 13-15, 2020 -


Greater health with nutrient-dense food

True causes of disease

The perils of 5G wireless

What happens when money intersects public health policy

Vegetarianism explained

New GMOs

Vaccine freedom and how to talk about vaccines

Aluminum dangers

And more!


How to make sourdough bread and bone broth

How amalgam fillings can be safely removed

How buildings can be more healthy

How to homestead

How to build a holistic treatment plan

How to use natural healing remedies

Why to avoid seed oils

Why to eat cheese and organ meats

And more!

Impressive Speakers:

Del Bigtee of The HighWire and producer of Vaxxed

Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, PhD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Jason & Lorraine Contreras, city dwellers to country homesteaders;

Monica Corrado, MA, CNC, CGP, author of The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet

Tom Cowan, MD, author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart

James DeMeo, PhD, founder & director of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab

Marc DiNola, DDS, biological dentist

Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions

Janine Farzin, of

Babs Hogan, Med, author of Strong Choices, Strong Families: A Parent's Guide to Preventing Childhood Obesity

Diana Jabour, BBEC, EMRS, BBNC, building biology environmental consultant

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children's Health Defense

Chris Knobbe, Md, founder and president of Cure AMD Foundation

Brandon LaGreca, LAc, Cancer and EMF Radiation: How to Protect Yourself from the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution

Kendall Nelson, director and producer of The Greater Good Movie

Greg Nigh, ND, LAc, naturopathic physician & licensed acupuncturist

Robert Quinn, founder of Kamut International

Beverly Rubik, PhD, president & founder of the Institute for Frontier Science

Theodora Scarato, MSW, executive director of Environmental Health Trust

Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on glyphosate

Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception and Genetic Roulette

Timothy Weeks, DC, author of Whole Body Health

Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine

Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock

Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH, classical and modern homeopathy

August 20, 2020 - Help Prevent Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination![57] -

By The Weston A Price Foundation -

Companies are rushing to develop COVID-19 vaccines, which many believe will be forced upon every American – despite the fact that volunteers are experiencing serious side effects in clinical trails.

For example, 20 percent of Moderna’s mRNA-1273 vaccine recipients in the Phase 1 trial high-dose group suffered Grade 3 Adverse Reactions. Grade 3 reactions, according to the FDA, are serious enough that they prevent daily activity and require medical intervention.[i]

These adverse reactions are not a surprise. There has never been an approved vaccine for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from a coronavirus because all previously developed vaccines proved dangerous. (Before being labeled “COVID-19,” the current virus was named SARS-CoV-2.) But the media is not reporting about the problems with previous SARS vaccine attempts. Nor are Americans being told that vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete indemnity if their vaccines cause harm.

Despite the warning signs, “Operation Warp Speed,” aims to deliver 300 million doses of a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. In fact, the U.S. Government has spent 9 billion dollars to purchase millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines in advance.[ii]

Let us not allow history to repeat itself. In 1976, President Ford authorized the Swine Flu (H1N1) Immunization Program as a result of a possible swine flu pandemic. A vaccine was created in 6 months (as opposed to the usual 5-15 year process.) Over 40 million doses were given, but the vaccine program was suspended due to a high number of people who got Guillain-Barre Syndrome – a disorder in which a person’s immune system attacks their own nerves, which can cause paralysis and even death.[iii] [iv]

Similarly, in 2009, the European Commission authorized the GlaxoSmithKline H1N1 vaccine before they completed clinical trials. The fast-tracked vaccine was given to 6 million British citizens. The immunization program was suspended because of high rates of permanent narcolepsy.[v]

These are just two examples of what happens when you fast-track vaccines. There is no way to know if a vaccine is safe unless you wait at least 1 year to monitor side effects of those in who participate in clinical trials. Under emergency use authorization, COVID-19 vaccines will not require extensive monitoring before they are dispersed worldwide. Manufacturers have been given a full pass to push out the vaccines as quickly as possible and reap the profits!

The bottom line is we can address disease issues, including COVID, without forcing people to accept high-risk vaccinations (while letting the companies that produce them walk away with no liability for the injuries they may cause). A healthy diet with lots of fat soluble vitamins, preventive measures to boost people’s immune systems, the use of intravenous Vitamin C and zinc, and other measures can reduce the severity of the disease without side effects, and without destroying people’s civil rights.

Even if the federal government does not mandate the vaccines, states or private entities could compel vaccinations in more subtle ways. How many people will be told that they cannot go to their jobs, use public transport, or send their children to school unless they are vaccinated?

We must speak up before it is too late.


Help spread the word. Share this alert with your friends and family and ask that they support you in opposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and urge them to OPPOSE any legislation that would force vaccination. You can look up who represents you at:

Sample script for emails or calls:

“My name is ____ and I live in (town). I urge Senator (or Representative) _______ to OPPOSE any legislation that would mandate vaccinations for COVID-19.

The normal stages of vaccine testing are being skipped or abbreviated, even as original results for some show high rates of injuries in the volunteers. And manufactures have been shielded from liability for any harm they may cause.

People should not be forced to be injected with a vaccine that could cause serious side effects, the scope of which will be largely unknown because of how quickly the vaccine is being rushed to market.

I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent mandatory vaccination.”

Talking Points:

Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.

2006 Federal legislation removed all civil liability from pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and drugs manufactured in response to declared public health emergencies, including the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

On April 10, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that the government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus. In other words, the government is considering creating two classes of citizens – those who can move and work freely and those who cannot.

A coronavirus vaccine will likely not be safe or affective, based on previous failed attempts to create coronavirus vaccines. All previous coronavirus vaccine candidates have produced “robust” antibodies, however they have also shown a propensity for “pathogenic priming,” meaning that the vaccine makes the illness worse, not better, when the recipient is later exposed to the wild virus.

Many of the new vaccines being created use DNA or mRNA technology which use a faster and less expensive technology. Neither DNA or mRNA vaccines have been tested in large-scale clinical trials. These new technology platforms have been used to develop experimental vaccines for SARS, MERS, and HIV, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans.

For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, checkout these articles:






August 12, 2020 - "Preserving Our Health Freedoms During Covid-19"[56]


Thank you for this announcement and especially for your book – the thought of which (believe it or not) was percolating in my mind over the resent days!

Also appreciate the attention toward getting “involved … to protect health freedom.” This current plan-demic is the perfect “exercise” (a term that has been used in several different governmental settings including that of the “United States”) and not only for the governments of the world – as it is also a crisis/opportunity for virtually all people to hopefully take courageous steps toward recovering their original Lawful self-government as the Rightful sovereignty.

For the American people – the “Reconstruction” of original State Sovereignty was supposed to have occurred after the so called “Civil War” however that was not accomplished. Now that “Reconstruction” is entirely up to the people and fortunately it is a process that has begun in all fifty American States.[i]

The difference between acting as individuals (even with group association/s) and acting as a truly Lawful (unincorporated) State with original land and soil-based jurisdiction is the different between resistance and/or possible rebellion (depending on the political status of the individual) and exercising Organic Authority over all the incorporated entities including All of Those Corporations That Are Supposedly Providing the American People with Governmental Services!

Every incorporated entity is based on a corporate charter granted on the basis of providing beneficial services for the public good. When that provision is violated the charter deserves to be revoked and the legal entity liquidated.

In The United States of America – it is the non-incorporated land and soil-based (truly) American States that have the original Lawful authority to revoke the charters of any corporate fiction that is essentially trespassing within the physical boundaries of the Organic State. By doing this the People pull up the trespassing foreign entity by the root (rather than simply “hacking at the branches”![ii]

[ii] “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” Henry David Thoreau.

July 6, 2020 - COVID vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete indemnity if their vaccines cause harm. -

Please contact Governor Chris Sununu today and ask him to VETO this terrible bill.

It is bad enough that COVID vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete indemnity if their vaccines cause harm.

All previous coronavirus vaccines in vaccine trials have shown significant harmful side effects, and there is every reason to expect that a fast-tracked COVID vaccine would as well. For example, 20 percent of those in the high dose group of Moderna’s recent vaccine trails experienced a “serious” vaccine reaction that required hospitalization or medical intervention.

Pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or handle serious adverse vaccine reactions, nor are they likely to have full knowledge of patient or family history. They should not be administering what is almost certain to be a high-risk vaccine.

Please act now!


Contact Governor Chris Sununu and ask him to please VETO H.B. 1246. You can contact his office by calling (603) 271-2121 or by sending an email to

Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.

Sample script:

“Hi, my name is ____ and I live in (town). I am calling to ask Governor Sununu____ to VETO H.B. 1246, which allows pharmacists to administer COVID vaccines.

The vaccine doesn’t even exist yet. And given how it is being fast-tracked, with many of the normal procedures sidestepped, it is all too likely to pose unknown risks when it first comes to the market. The early vaccine trials have already reported high rates of side effects even in the healthy volunteers.

People need to be in a doctor’s care for medical procedures. Vaccines may have serious side effects, which pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or treat.

As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court – and evidenced by the $4 billion that has been paid by the federal government to victims – vaccines can injure and kill an individual.

I urge Governor Sununu to VETO H.B. 1246 today.”

Talking Points:

Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.

Federal law recognizes vaccines kill and disable some recipients. These risks depend on a person’s medical history and family history. Pharmacists do not have knowledge of, nor the time to learn about, a person’s medical history. This is dangerous.
Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Pharmacists are not equipped to recognize, nor handle serious adverse reactions.
The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US government has paid out nearly $4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination. Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death, additionally, no one knows in advance who will be harmed by a vaccine. It is careless to permit pharmacists to administer a product that carries such risks.

COVID vaccines have NOT been proven effective or safe to date. This bill is premature.
Fast-tracked vaccines bypass critical safety testing and have proved dangerous in the past.

COVID vaccine trial volunteers are reporting very serious illnesses.:


View the Senate version of the bill here:


The above alert does deserve immediate attention in order that the good people of New Hampshire can avoid all the harmful consequences that come from being injected with the poisons that are in the product and especially if this injection is mandatory. It should be noted that he legal nature of "this terrible bill" pertains to the "STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE" which is an incorporated fiction (apparently of a "municipal" jurisdiction) and therefore applicable to corporate officers of this "STATE" rather than to the actual people who live upon New Hampshire land and soil.

May 2, 2020 - Getting to The Root of the USDA -

Comment submitted at the WAPF site:

May 2, 2020 at 1:31 am

Truly informative and genuinely appreciated! This presentation underscores the finding s of Mark McAfee: “The food chain stress test has been performed. The results are in and America’s big food systems have failed miserably. This has become a serious threat to American national food security! “[i]

There appears to be three parts to the above presentation “Lab-grown food,” USDA-FSIS, and “compensatory damages to farmer Bill Bader.” I hope the first part is sufficiently convincing for any of the non-WAPF people to at least give deep pause to the idea of adopting “Lab-grown food” into their diet. If so then that is a part that deserves to somehow go “viral” (although we may need a new term for that ; ~ )

At first glance the third part appears to be a positive report for the sake of “farmer Bill Bader.” This deserves a followup report as to the actual payment. (That would be “some encouraging news.”) However there is still the problem of the predatory egregores that are co-created by legal fictions claiming to be “persons.” At their very best all lawsuits can only “hack at the branches.” Is there anyone here who can identify the root? ………


Continuing – Prt, 2 – Re: ‘USDA-FSIS” – This subject needs additional research as to its original Lawful jurisdiction and every American individual with this knowledge could then play a supportive role in a very great recovery of our American heritage!

This writer could consider an invitation to participate in an American Law research group as that might very well be what it will take to fully identify and produce verifiable evidence on this particular “root.” So far the research that this writer identified indicates that any and all Lawful USDA jurisdiction is strictly proprietary based unless the expansion of that jurisdiction is by actual fully-informed voluntary consent. The problem with this is that any non-assertion of reservation of Rights by an American individual is assumed to be a “silent acquiescence.” People will not typically protest an apparent legal presentation under the “color of law” if they do not know the true nature of a governmental entity (egregore). This condition comes back to intentional ignorance that has been the MO of government education for well over the past century and therefor conditioning virtually every American raised individual!

Conclusion: a new de-conditioning based re-education specifically regarding Organic law-based American government is now urgently needed to empower the American people with Right-Knowledge of American Law and especially in regards to the American people individual and collective Rights to be left alone by what amounts to as foreign external government service entities that are suppose to be our employees but have been conditioned in their own ignorance to act as predatory agents for undisclosed private interests and not in the true interest of the public good of the people.

The question now arises – can WAPF support this kind of “re-education”? ……… If not can WAPF give some consideration as to what other “foundation” or the like can serve in this capacity? ………[55]

April 18, 2020 - Help Prevent Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination and Tracking! -

As a misguided response to the Coronavirus pandemic, some have suggested that if vaccines become available, they should be mandatory for all people.

It has also been suggested that everyone should be required to obtain a “digital certificate” to display their health and vaccination status.

Experimental vaccines are already in development and will be fast-tracked to licensure for global use. The vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete immunity if their vaccines cause harm. All previous coronavirus vaccines in vaccine trials have shown significant harmful side effects, and there is every reason to expect that a fast-tracked COVID vaccine would as well.

Vaccine tracking systems have been used to harass those who have chosen to delay or decline vaccines in the past. With the fear surrounding COVID, it is likely that you will not be allowed to go to work, use public transportation, etc. if you are not vaccinated. People who cannot afford to stay home because of the loss of income (or who don’t want to be trapped in their homes at the whim of the government) will be effectively forced to vaccinate, no matter what dangerous side effects they risk.

We can address disease issues, including COVID, without forcing people to accept high-risk vaccinations (while letting the companies that produce them walk away with massive profits and no liability).

Please act now!


Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and urge them to OPPOSE any legislation that would force vaccination or tracking. You can look up who represents you at:

Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.

Sample script:

“Hi, my name is ____ and I live in (town). I am calling to ask Senator (or Representative) ____ to OPPOSE any legislation that would mandate vaccinations or tracking devices for COVID-19.

COVID vaccines are being fast-tracked and manufactures have been shielded from liability for any harm they may cause. People should not be forced to be vaccinated with a vaccine that could cause serious side effects, even death.

And while I support reducing the restrictions on Americans’ movements, that should not be limited to those people willing to be tracked by the government.

I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent mandatory vaccination and tracking.”

Talking Points:

Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.

A healthy diet with lots of fat-soluble vitamins, preventive measures to boost people’s immune systems, the use of intravenous Vitamin C and zinc, and other measures can reduce the severity of the disease without side effects, and without destroying people’s civil rights.

2006 Federal legislation removed all civil liability from pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and drugs manufactured in response to declared public health emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

On April 10, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that the government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus. In other words, the government is considering creating two classes of citizens – those who can move freely and those who cannot.

On March 24, 2020, the Director of Division of Vital Statistics issued a COVID-19 memo informing doctors and coroners “a newly-introduced ICD code has been implemented to accurately capture mortality data for Coronavirus Disease 2019 on death certificates.” The memo stated, “ COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have or contributed to death.” No test or proof is necessary to label a death as COVID-19.

Testing has been incredibly flawed for COVID-19, with reports of both false positives and false negatives. It is likely that many influenza or other respiratory illness patients are being counted as COVID-19 cases and deaths.

A coronavirus vaccine will likely not be safe or affective, based on previous failed attempts to create coronavirus vaccines. Currently the WHO, National Institutes of Health, universities, and global pharmaceutical corporations are in development of over 50 experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which will guarantee big profits.

Many of the new vaccines being created use DNA or mRNA technology which use a faster and less expensive technology. Neither DNA or mRNA vaccines have been tested in large-scale clinical trials. These new technology platforms have been used to develop experimental vaccines for SARS, MERS, and HIV, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans.

Immunization information systems and vaccine tracking systems are already being used for a range of interventions, including home visits, reminder and recall systems, which can be harassing for people who do not want these contacts. Any experimental vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 should be optional, and people’s decision on whether or not to vaccinate should remain private.[54]*

April 7, 2020 - The Urgent Need For Understanding Our Lawful Standing! -

According to “the Enclave Clause” – Article I Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution – Congress is enabled to govern the District of Columbia. … and other places obtained from the states for the federal government’s purposes. “The Congress shall have Power … To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.”

The key here is to understand the quintessential limits of proprietary jurisdiction i.e. “not exceeding ten Miles square.” The States and the American people essentially have no say over what Congress exercises Lawfully under that power. However, the actual States and the people do have Lawful standing upon their own land and soil-based jurisdiction in regards to what Congress does not own. This "land and soil-based jurisdiction" is where the limits of Federal jurisdiction needs to be checked. In other words (and in this instance[53]) it is not the content of what Congress proposes that needs to be addressed it is where it is applied. The locations have to be addressed State by State by the people.

March 31, 2020 - Regarding "the Interstate Commerce Clause" -

"... a great deal of abuse has centered around one small item: the Interstate Commerce Clause found in all three renditions of the Federal Constitutions. We note that as our States are all Nations the words 'interstate' and 'international' are interchangeable within the context of this clause, and word 'commerce' applies only to business conducted between two incorporated business entities. It does not in any way apply to trade, domestic or international."[51]


Earlier today the Blog-writer had a conversation regarding his quest on how to reach American family farmers to effectively communicate the limits of federal jurisdiction under the "federal Constitutions." The above quote points to the core issue!

Note - See: "March 12, 2020" entry below (about half way down this page) regarding research "showing vaccine safety and the never before studied effects of aluminum in vaccines."

March 8, 2020 - A Comment at

As we approach twelve years since this event this member (and former local chapter founder/leader, Food Rights Blogger and Organic Laws advocate) can only wonder what "the constitutional right" might be that the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund defends. As far as I know the Constitution of September 17th, 1787 does not include a "right of the nation’s family farms to provide raw milk and other farm foods directly to consumers." However - if we look to the first Organic Law: the Declaration of Independence we will find the best acknowledgement of our Unalienable Rights to "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness." Is the first Organic Law also celebrated by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund? .........

IMO - the idea that American farmers need to have legal defense is symptomatic of a contagious disease that has embedded itself in the American psyche. From a "new medicine" perspective - diseases are intelligent biological survival programs that allow time for resolution of shock conflicts. I can imagine that it must be shocking for farmers to be accused of violating some kind of legal code. The conflict here is that the accusations are based on an interpretation of codes that can not possibly apply to the American people at home on their native land and soil. It is shocking that Americans do not realize this! It is shocking that government schools do not teach the American people fundamental Law so that we the people can know the limits of governmental jurisdiction - that it is proprietarily based.

Congress does not own the farmlands of "The United States of America" or the farms of the American people. It is most shocking to know that educational institutions throughout the "United States" prey upon the innocent ignorance of the American people by indoctrinating aspiring potential legal counselors to be virtually equally ignorant by not teaching the Organic Laws in the so called schools of law. That alone is possibly the number one source of conflict behind the fear-based diseases that appear to be legally encoded (under the color of law) yet are utterly unlawful![50]*

February 17, 2020 - The So Called "Food Safety" Act -

Comment posted at

According to Organic Law – Acts of Congress are limited to the exclusive jurisdiction of the “United States” which is proprietary based – meaning territory and property owned by the United States. This is the foundation that every American farmer, rancher and all the American people need to know in order to assert their Unalienable rights! The jurisdiction of the “United States” government excludes the actual land and soil-based States: Texas, New York, California, etc. Therefore Acts of Congress are foreign to Texans, New Yorkers, Californians, etc.

What the American farmers, ranchers, and other people in each of the fifty States need to know most is the Lawful limits of both Congress (acting as the “United States”) and all of the “Acts.” Without that knowledge Americans are ignorantly volunteering into a jurisdiction that is foreign to their own land and soil jurisdiction!

Unfortunately attorneys are not taught these limits and therefore they are not able to teach the American people the truth of their Land and soil-based sovereignty. Yet this is what is most needed now in light of the attempted expansion of the District of Columbia that is the subject of the (linked) article. Voting (as well as petitioning Congress) will not cure the expansion! Voting is a compromise of the American people’s first class status as Americans vs the legislated citizen status under DC (truly the district of criminals).

Once the People have reclaimed their first class status as Americans they can restore their first class land and soil-based jurisdiction. Otherwise they are being played as pawns on the chessboard of criminals operating under the color of law when actually they are agents of corporate fictions that are supposedly providing governmental services for their employers: We The People![49]

December 19, 2019 - Comment Posted at WAPF Website Regarding "Rogue Food Conference" -

The first reading of the title of this event (Rogue Food Conference – Circumvention not Compliance) felt exciting to me! Also liked having the thought that “it’s about time there was a public conference that featured food freedom”. Then (if you can relate to astrology) my Mercury (rational, objective, intellectual mind plus the drive to articulate) in Virgo (health, conservative, cautious, detailed, discriminating, recognizes the flaws and need for adjustment) wondered what definition of “rogue” was actually being applied here. If the message about this conference is intended for all the public then getting clear about this definition will likely be important since there are a number of definitions and most of them are not going to be highly esteemed by many individuals. In any case I would like to know which definition is being applied here.

Re: “food freedom” (and especially about the intent of this event in regards to freedom and America’s food) – I am imagining that real freedom is at the very heart, soul and spirit of this conference. If that’s true then I have the same spirit! I have been building with the same intent for over the past two decades. One of the attractions that I had for becoming a member of WAPF early in 2000 (as well as a Chapter leader) was the great breadth toward the all-inclusiveness of food by foundation’s inclusion of “wise traditions in farming”. This inclusion is naturally a vital one for the sake of food freedom today and it has also been vital for all American freedom if one looks closely at American history.

However, the education system that exists today (and going back to the beginning of what was originally known as “the United States”) has always had its own perspective on American history, freedom, the “general welfare” and related subject matters. “Through federal action, education has been encouraged and financially supported from the first Northwest Ordinance in 1787.”[47] The problem with this financial support can most readily be seen with a look into the compelled compliance with Federal government mandates. A deeper peeling of that onion will reveal something rotten at the core that also began in 1787 in the secret convention where the new Federal government was designed.

Dr. Ed Rivera is the lead professor at the Organic Laws Institute. He is one of the very few attorneys who has accomplished a through in-depth investigative research into the four Organic Laws as a “progressive” whole which resulted in a four-fold perspective necessary to understand “The Constitution” within the overall context of all four Organic Laws. The result of this perspective is a more vigorous and robust realization of freedom that is truly greater than what the education system that exists today teaches. This greater freedom needs to be known and very well understood by all those who attend this conference because this greater freedom is just what is required to restore our genuine self-government which is the only form of government that acknowledges our absolute, Unalienable Rights to our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! “Food freedom” however it may be defined is part of our “Unalienable Rights” however all these terms need to be fully understood and contrasted with the definitions presented by government, not only through its tentacles reaching into every public school but into every department, agency, office of government.

It’s not just about food! All the issues regarding “food freedom” (as well as “Real Organic” and extending a multitude of concerns throughout the whole of commerce concerning “real food” and every other related issue) can be traced back to the reason why the American people united themselves and together declared war against the tyranny of the King for all the particulars listed in the Declaration of Independence – our very first Organic Law, the most truly American Law which was never repealed! Under this Law the Colonies evolved themselves from estates to States. Once again schools do not teach this American history, the perspective of the four Orgainc Laws and the continuation of true self-government that was established before George Washington was elected President of “The United States of America” on the one hand yet whispered a barely audible oath as President of the “United States” on the other hand. Did you notice the difference? ……… The difference is the difference in Lawful jurisdiction and every farmer and every food freedom lover must know this difference to fully obtain all the freedom they wish to have. Do you want to know more about “the difference”? ……… Let’s talk about that!

Further Comment:

Interesting timing that the news of this event referred to above came today, exactly eight days[48] after this Blog-writer noted his inspiration to communcate with the foundation in regards to "Unalienable Rights to our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness!” and the conflict of interest that BAR member attornys have due to their required loyality to the foreign judical system/s which is foreign to Amercians although not foreign to those American born who subsequentky have been hoodwinked into belioeving that they are federal citizens (the difference of which has been presented at other CureZone posts here as well as at "Son of Truth of Self" also at CureZone.

November 11, 2019 - Bottle of Lies: How Poor FDA Oversight & Fraud in Generic Drug Industry Threaten Patients’ Health[46] -

Just got the following comment posted:

Amazing to read: “Lipitor had to be recalled because one of the ingredients turned out to be glass fragments.”

Re: “the mentality and ethics of large pharmaceutical companies” – This is closer to the root of the problem of run amok corporations and why the American people need to reclaim their original (Lawful) standing that predates the declarations of corporations as “persons.”

Re: “it is easier to bypass environmental regulations in other countries, which companies do. In most cases, there is also less regulation overall.” IMO – revoking the corporate charters is probably the only way we can effectively deal with these (essentially) bastard entities.

Re: “This video is not very strong on solutions, but it gives us more good reasons to stay away from drugs as much as possible.”

I don’t need to watch the video “to stay away from drugs” however I would be willing to contact Katherine Eban about “solutions.” We need solutions!

November 10, 2019 - Get To The Root - Instead of "Hacking At The Branches" -

Just submitted to the WAPF site:

P.S. Re: "citizens" The following is offered to support clarification concerning the political status of "citizen" and why it is inferior to declaring yourself as an American.

"The United States of America, our actual Federation of States, contracted with three 'federal' (means "contract") service providers to provide the States with specific enumerated services and delegated the Powers these Subcontractors needed to provide those services.
The three 'federal' Subcontractors were:
1. The States of America Confederation
2. The British Territorial United States dba 'the' United States of America
3. The [Roman] Municipal United States Government dba 'the' United States
The States of America Confederation ceased operations in 1861. It has never been 'reconstructed'.":

#1 is where the American people live.
#2 and #3 concerns property owned by 'the' United States and as such Congress as 'the' United States extends citizenship based on their proprietary jurisdiction.

Comment: As long as you identify yourself as a citizen in the jurisdiction of #2 and.or #3 you are at the mercy of that system. If you really want to recover your Rights to the fruits of your work then the place to do that is on the land and soil of your American state.[45]

July 29, 2019 - "The Vegetarians" -

One of the purposes of Price’s expedition to the South Seas was to find, if possible “plants or fruits which together, without the use of animal products, were capable of providing all of the requirements of the body for growth and for maintenance of good health and a high state of physical efficiency.” What he found was a population that put great value on animal foods–wild pig and seafood–even groups living inland on some of the larger islands. Even the agricultural tribes in Africa consumed insects and small fish–and these groups were not as robust as the tribes that hunted, fished or kept herds.

“It is significant,” said Price, “that I have as yet found no group that was building and maintaining good bodies exclusively on plant foods. A number of groups are endeavoring to do so with marked evidence of failure.”

Yet, proponents of vegetarianism do not hesitate to invoke the name of Weston Price. One of the earliest was Alex Jack, a prolific writer on the virtues of macrobiotics. In Let Food Be Thy Medicine, Jack cites Weston Price in support of a diet that omits “beef, whole milk and eggs” in favor of lowfat, high-fiber vegetarian foods. In his description of Price’s work, he makes no mention of the emphasis that Price puts on animal foods.

Katherine Alexander describes Price’s work in her book Get a Life –Detoxification Made Easy but then goes on to recommend a lowfat “detoxification” diet based on plant-source protein and skimmed milk, along with a great amount of green juices–something never recommended by Price. She makes no mention of the fat-soluble activators, so necessary for mineral metabolism and for the function of the family of detoxification enzymes.

(Andrew) Saul, editor of the Doctor Yourself Newsletter claims that “researchers such as. . . . Dr. Weston Price. . . have repeatedly shown that ‘primitive’ peoples or laboratory animals eating a natural, nearly vegetarian diet simply do not have serious diseases.” Dr. Saul cites Cornell University’s China study for this claim, while at the same time providing a link to the Weston A. Price Foundation’s website. ...[42]


There are five footnotes at WAPF site for the above quote.
Got inspired to search WAPF site for "Andrew Saul" after seeing him referred to in a replay of Dr. Dean's live weekly radio program last night on Orthomolecular Medicine.

July 30, 2019 - Continuing with "The Right Price" -

Since Viti Levu, one of the islands of this (Fiji Island) group, is one of the larger islands of the Pacific Ocean, I had hoped to find on it a district far enough from the sea to make it necessary for the natives to have lived entirely on land foods. Accordingly, with the assistance of the government officials and by using a recently opened government road I was able to get well into the interior of the island by motor vehicle, and from this point to proceed farther inland on foot with two guides. I was not able, however, to get beyond the piles of sea shells which had been carried into the interior. My guide told me that it had always been essential, as it is today, for the people of the interior to obtain some food from the sea, and that even during the times of most bitter warfare between the inland or hill tribes and the coast tribes, those of the interior would bring down during the night choice plant foods from the mountain areas and place them in caches and return the following night and obtain the sea foods that had been placed in those depositories by the shore tribes. The individuals who carried these foods were never molested, not even during active warfare.

He told me further that they require food from the sea at least every three months, even to this day. This was a matter of keen interest, and at the same time disappointment since one of the purposes of the expedition to the South Seas was to find, if possible, plants or fruits which together, without the use of animal products, were capable of providing all of the requirements of the body for growth and for maintenance of good health and a high state of physical efficiency.

Among the sources of animal foods was the wild pig from the bush. These were not native, but imported into nearly all of the islands, and they have become wild where there is an abundance of food for them.

Another animal food was that from coconut crabs which grow to a weight of several pounds. At certain seasons of the year the crabs migrate to the sea in great numbers from the mountains and interior country. They spend about three days in the sea for part of their reproductive program and return later to their mountain habitats. Their routes of travel are as nearly as possible in straight lines. At the season of migration, large numbers of the crabs are captured for food. These crabs rob the coconut trees of fruit. They climb the trees during the darkness and return to the ground before the dawn. They cut off the coconuts and allow them to drop to the ground. When the natives hear coconuts dropping in the night they put a girdle of grass around the tree fifteen or twenty feet from the ground, and when the crabs back down and touch the grass they think that they are down on the ground, let go their hold and are stunned by the fall. The natives then collect the crabs and put them in a pen where they are fed on shredded coconut. In two weeks' time the crabs are so fat that they burst their shells. They are then very delicious eating.

Fresh water fish of various kinds are used where available from the mountain streams. Land animal foods, however, are not abundant in the mountainous interior, and no places were found where the native plant foods were not supplemented by sea foods.[43]

May 7, 2019 - A Reply to the Current "Action Alert"[38] -

This “Alert” could possibly be very educational if one would want to know the truth of Law vs the rule/usurpation of private corporations.

As far as I know there is no Law that prevents an American (free inhabitant) from working as a lawyer. If that is not true then show me the Law! However if one volunteers into a private (legal) membership (whether or not these organizations are based on American (Organic) Law or their own private rules) then the individual voluntarily subjugates themself to following the dictates of that entity which, unfortunately, can be contrary to true American freedom!

Here’s a reference in regards to Alan Phillips that concerned an earlier issue (pertaining to) American Law and the prohibitions of certain private memberships.

A letter to the editor by Arthur Stopes, III.
“Attorneys” (Alan Phillips, JD?) may not reveal the LIMITS of federal jurisdiction.
To the Editor(s):

The article about the “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” (H.R. 2232), is typically SILENT, where the LIMITS of such “Acts of Congress” are concerned. IF you ask “Alan Phillips, JD” about this little-known (but very important) matter, he – as an “officer of the court” – may be constrained by the BAR to discuss it.(!)

… The cited “H.R. 2232”, being a “House Resolution”, is an “Act of Congress”. The all-important legal definition of such an Act, states that they are (quote): “locally applicable to and in force in the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory or in an insular possession.”[ii]

Please notice that the fifty States of the Union are NOT mentioned, in that short list of “Federal Areas”. Therefore, the awesomely captioned “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” applies to (quote): “the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory or in an insular possession.” Only. And, ONLY! …[40]

November 8, 2019 - Comment posted -

As I have (commented) before[39] (with the following) : I appreciate the support that is attributed to “vaccine-rights attorney Alan Phillips”. I understand the nature of the “unlawful” legal attack – especially in light of the content of my Blogs on this subject matter including: “Hidden Vaccine Truths – Now Revealed! – Deepest Investigative Reporting”.[i] I understand the injustice. However, if the only thing that is being threatened in this situation is “his license” then I don’t know whether that is such a bad thing. Loosing this particular “license” might actually be a real blessing!

I would like to know where his “license” comes from. I’d like to respond to that. I was under the impression that attorneys don’t actually have licenses but rather are simply issued Bar membership cards.

Re: “donating to support Phillips’ defense” – Does that mean that Alan will not be representing himself? If not why not? I’d like to respond to this as well.

New Lawful strategies for having attacks like this dismissed in court (with prejudice) have very recently been revealed. My very best offer of “support” would be to share this knowledge with Alan if he wishes.[1]
[ii] Rule 54:
[See: Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 54(c)]

March 5, 2019 - March Newsletter 2019 -

WISE TRADITIONS 2019 CONFERENCE – Mark your calendars!

We have picked a place! Our 20th annual conference will be held outside Dallas, Texas[30] on November 15-17, 2019 with the guided farm visit on Monday, November 18!


We have a new trifold on the dangers of vaccines![35] You may print it out[36] or order it from us.[37] This is a great way to warn parents about vaccine ingredients; includes information on building natural immunity in your children.

You can also help by signing a White House petition for an independent vaccine safety commission. It only takes a minute to let your voice be heard. You can sign the petition here.[31]


Due to increased censorship on social media of content that questions the safety and efficacy of vaccinations, we have set up a public page on MeWe! Download the app or use a browser to join MeWe: and then follow our page.[32] This is the QR code as another option to follow us.[33]

Pinterest no longer allows anyone to pin any of the articles or pages from our website even if it they are not about vaccines, and YouTube has restricted channels and videos that focus on the risks of vaccines. We will continue to post on Facebook and YouTube as long as we can in addition to posting on MeWe. We are excited to have an alternative platform established and hope you'll join us!


Please join WAPF in supporting a documentary film on the importance of animal foods and healthy traditional fats: Big Fat Lie: How America's Plan for Eating Got it So Wrong. See the trailer and donation request.[34]

February 21, 2019 - A Personal Intro to This Truly Magnificent Foundation! -

Sally Fallon Morell is the author of the very highly esteemed "Nourishing Traditions" [that many people refer to as a kind of "bible" or "New Testament"(NT - Nourishing Traditions) along with Weston A. Price's book: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" that has been referred to by some as the "Old Testament"]. Have you heard of Weston A. Price? .........

If you have not heard of this very good Doctor - who has been referred to as "the Darwin of Nutrition" - that's totally understandable as his work has yet to be fully acknowledged by any of the medical fields (as of the 1930s) even though this contribution toward the advancement of nutrition originated from his direct observation of hundreds of individuals in multiple isolated cultures around the world in the field work of Dr. Price himself as an astute investigative medical anthropologist along with his exceptionally well-documented published findings of all of this which was further supported by extensive additional clinical work of Price as a Doctor of Dentistry. It;s understandable because after WWII the Pharmaceutical Industry increased their agenda to dominate the medical fields and minimize/compromise the place of truly good/sound nutrition as an essential component in the big picture to support health, immunity and thereby the prevention of illness and the kind of diseases that have nutrition deficiency as a root cause. That's just in regards to Sally and Price. Then extending all of that mush further there is the Weston A. Price Foundation that Sally and co-founders started in 1999 (the first founding board members' brunch for which I was the chef for) that has "Local Chapters" in every one of the fifty states of the American "Union" plus thirty countries internationally! I was the initial founder of a Northern California chapter in 2000 shortly after returning from my visit with Sally. But that is another story (maybe I'll include in the biography).

February 6, 2019 - "Smart" Meters? -

This Author's Comment:

Thank you so very much Tim!
This is about the best news that I’ve heard in regards to the issue of the “smart meter”!

What you have presented here is absolutely true that:
“Utilities are operating under contract law” and
“the company as a corporate entity absolutely does not care.”
Corporations are not able to care as they are soul-less entities.

Also true that the company “cannot change the contract ” without proper notification to “put that (proposed) change in writing to the customer, who then has a set period of time to respond.” The non-response is known as “silent acquiescence”. So very glad to hear the suggested example of how a customer can respond to a proposed change in a contract!

Re: “playing their game.” I accept the idea and for many “average person” Americans this may possibly be the best strategy. However, it needs to be sad that simply adding a monetary consideration to a proposed contract change will not touch the deep root of the problem with “large corporations” – that you mention – that they are “one of the greatest enemies of the individual” and that I most certainly agree with you on!

The strategy for “root” eradication may be beyond the scope of this Foundation and if so I would love to see another forum created where addressing these concerns are most welcomed.

The “Wise Traditions” Journal speaks of “Education” along with “Research” and “Activism”. My personal passion is for both education and the necessary research in support of that. IMO – education about our natural Unalienable Rights for “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness” is absolutely essential for our good health and total well-being via and in addition to: “Food, Farming and The Healing Arts”. Whether the Foundation chooses to host the forum I’m suggesting or possibly allow a sister organization do the hosting is naturally up to the Foundation. Yet as long as this forum is not hosted there is a tremendous gap here regarding the vital need for an “education” that has everything to do with the fullest and most lawful acknowledgement of the Individual’s “property rights, privacy (and) health concerns” and equally important: Individual and societal Sovereignty over every incorporated entity on the planet![28]

Additional Comment: I'm encouraged (with posting the above comment at Weston A. in regards to the issue of fully returning "home" to our soil-land jurisdiction by properly identifying who we are as first class Americans rather than as second class citizens of an incorporated entity/parasite that feeds upon the American people.

February 5, 2019 - “the authors hope to equip average citizens with sufficient understanding and information to take a persuasive stand against genetically modified organisms (GMOs).” ...

I wonder whether the authors elaborate. on the extent of “a persuasive stand.” If the “stand” is simply “against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the lies” then what about the “elephant in the room” here: the “manufacturers”? .........

To most effectively deal with GMO corporations (an absolutely vital necessity) will require more than “average citizens”. The so called “average citizen” does not have the power to pull the plug on any incorporated entity. The limitations inherent in the status of any “citizen” are IMO the reason why incorporated “Persons” have enlarged their “rights” above and beyond that of the “average citizen.” Consequently “average citizens” are suffering their lose of power as a direct result.

According to Caroline Myss in “Anatomy of The Spirit” it is the Indiviual’s power that is the primary determinant of their health and well-being. Until the day comes when people choose (once again) to recover their power (aka sovereignty) both as Individuals and as a society - so they can restore their soil and land-based jurisdiction over fictitious entities - the “manufacturers” will continue to - essentially - get away with murder.[27]

Later on January 6, 2019 - Learning Lessons in Pet Nutrition -

Pet Fooled
Directed by Kohl Harrington
Myla Films

"You may have noticed that dogs and cats are suffering from many of the same health issues as their human owners. Diseases like diabetes, obesity, arthritis and cancer are now common. If you are as old as I am, you remember when that wasn’t true. Veterinarians Karen Shaw Becker and Barbara Royal, among others, point the finger at diet. In other words, we are doing to our pets the same thing we do to ourselves.

The pet food industry is dominated by five corporations, including the likes of Mars and Nestle (trusted names in good nutrition everywhere). A quick look at the main ingredients of any major pet food brand shows us that they are all playing the same game. Wheat, soy, corn and even corn syrup are prominent ingredients, followed by a long list of chemicals I can’t spell or pronounce. The industry tries to confuse the issue by claiming that dogs are omnivores. Becker and Royal are emphatically clear that your dogs and cats are carnivores and feeding them grain and vegetable products is slowly killing them.

The industry uses these ingredients because they are cheap. The chemicals make for a shelf life of up to twenty-five years. Even organic pet foods use inappropriate ingredients for dogs and cats. As scrutiny has intensified, pet food companies have become reluctant to talk about ingredients in detail. The irony reached hilarious levels when Purina sued Blue Buffalo for lack of transparency over ingredients. The pot-kettle-black factor was off the scale.

Becker and Royal recommend a raw meat diet as much as possible for dogs and cats. In response to the claims that raw food is dangerous, they point out that the pH of a cat’s stomach acid is around one, which is very acid. Bacteria don’t survive that. They also say that though there is very little research on what is optimal for dogs and cats, there is no doubt that kibble is not ideal.[29]

This Author's Comment:

Pottenger’s Cats![i] (That’s both an exclamation and my best reference to date.)

I do “remember when that wasn’t true.” (Four family dogs: Skippy, Cappy, Tuffy and Cookie – all fed real dog food and none of them suffered any “human” dietary diseases.)

“Mars and Nestle (trusted names in good nutrition everywhere)” LMAO! (Laughter therapy ; ~ )
I’ll have to search the availability of this film because I think it may be able to reach a special segment of the population who may not necessarily be into nutrition for themselves but have a caring relationship with their pet and through that may get sparked about their own diet.


January 15, 2019 - Holy Cow, Is This "The People vs. The FDA Over Butter"? -

Comment posted:

Regarding "the FDA Citizen Petition" - "The People ... do not 'petition' their subcontractors (the "US" in all forms)."[i]

Is seeking "a substantive response" on the Federal level the only approach on this issue? .........

We could also think locally and closer to the farmers as well when we understand that 'The county sheriff can prevent unlawful searches and seizures, unlawful freezing of individual bank accounts, unlawful foreclosures, unlawful theft of property, unlawful actions by agents of unconstitutional federal agencies such as the FDA, IRS, ATF, EPA and more."[ii]

If this issue were only a legal matter then I'd be interested in additional legal and possibly more fully Lawful perspectives and could possibly talk with another Attorney: Jonathan Emord who "has defeated the FDA in federal court a remarkable six times".[iii]

However - I believe there is a universal Law that applies here and that says: "As Within So Without". If the American people do not know who they are: as the very source of all Lawful authority, Who grant a very limited authority for specific enumerated and well-defined Constitutional governmental services that are all based exclusively on the Organic Laws thereby creating a proprietary-based jurisdiction that is entirely separate and distinct from the people themselves, (their lives, their property, their freedom and every pursuit of their happiness) - and if the people are instead inundated with the most deceptive methods that are used by the governmental service agencies (including govern-mental education) that essentially completely ignores the truth of who we are (in our standing relative to our employees) then is it any wonder that people act in pitiful petitioning ways rather than make proper demands upon their public servants?

How many of us can agree that Butter is Life for us? Do we not have Unalienable Rights to our Life? Attempting to petition as federal citizens (the lowest status next to that of a slave) is most certainly not our true Rightful position of power that is most respectful of/for both our collective and our Individual sovereignty.

We need to know our full sovereign power completely on our terms - not according to any conventional interpretations that are aligned with the same legal deceptions that created the situation.[26]


Included "Website": "Are You Really a "citizen of the United States”?”:

A new truth is a new sense, for with it comes the ability to see things we could not see before - and things which cannot be seen by those who do not have that new truth. Weston A. Price.

January 7, 2019 - "Action Alert" Re: "HB 1019" Bill in Washington State -

Comment: Thank you for this alert! There is much that can possibly be learned if one will give full consideration for the information that you have provided here. I wish to support the potential learning with underscores of the following:

The "antibody titer test", the fatal "well-recognized vaccine adverse event" that occurred after receiving the vaccine, the recognition of "a naturally acquired immunity", etc.

However - IMO - HB 1019 apparently does not really go far enough to truly "empower people". - The least that a legislature can do to support the people is to acknowledge that the Individual has an Unalienable Right to "full-disclosure." Full disclosure would expose the fraudulent nature of the present day vaccine industry and consequently this bill largely maintains business as usual with regards to both the vaccine industry and the medical cartel.[25]

December 12, 2018 - "Dairy Crisis in Ohio – You Can Help Save Family Farms!" - By The Weston A Price Foundation -

Like the rest of the U.S., Ohio is in the midst of a dairy crisis that shows little sign of getting better. In 1995 there were 6,800 dairies in Ohio. during recent months, the average price of milk conventional farmers receive is around thirty percent (30%) below the cost of production. Dairy cooperatives are sending suicide hotline numbers along with milk checks. Organic dairies, of which there are at least several hundred in Ohio, can’t compete with the certified organic mega-dairies in Texas and Colorado that are flooding the market with “organic” milk while violating federal regulations on the amount of time their herds should be on pasture.

Dairy families are wrestling with whether they must end the livelihood at which generations of their families have toiled. Many in the industry consider the disappearance of the family dairy farm is inevitable but that is not true. There is a way the family dairy farm can remain in business; producing and distributing raw milk for direct consumption.

Ohio raw milk consumers can help family dairies remain in business by joining a herd share program. Herdshares are private contractual arrangements in which someone purchases an ownership interest in a dairy animal (or herd of dairy animals) and pays a fee to a farmer for boarding, caring for and milking the animal(s). Herd share agreements are legal in Ohio by state policy and court decision.

Ohio is losing dairy farms nearly every day. The time to act is now.

ACTION TO TAKE ...(See WAPF website)[24]

October 14, 2018 -

Posted the following at the WAPF site as a comment to the article: "Are you a 'food facility'?"[22]

The "Food Safety Modernization Act" is an "Act of Congress". The long title is:
"To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the safety of the food supply."

"All 'Acts of Congress' ... apply only within the territory of the United States government, of which states of the Union are not part because they are foreign states[ii] (see 86 C.J.S. 1).
Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 54(c), wherein is defined 'Act of Congress.' Rule 54(c) states the following. The language below was removed from this rule and removed by committee around Dec. 2002: 'Act of Congress' includes any act of Congress locally applicable to and in force in the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory[i] or in an insular possession.'
[for a listing of the above locations covered by 'Acts of Congress', refer to Title 48 U.S.C.]"[iii][iv]

In other words the Lawful jurisdiction for the FDA is limited to property that is absolutely owned by and under the exclusive legislation of the "United States".

[ii] ForeignState.htm
[iv] In GreatIRSHoax (PDF via

September 24, 2018 -

Comment submitted at the WAPF site[22]:

Chef-doctor Jemichel says

September 24, 2018 at 4:40 pm

Thank you for these anonymous presentations (although they apparently are associated with the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance).

This information should come with a notice from WAPF of non-liability in the event anyone follows where it says you “have to” do something and most especially in regards to any “registering”. I most highly recommend that all farmers do their own due diligent research regarding the implications of registering upon their unalienable ownership of their business before volunteering anything to the government under the banner of “registering”.

Also consider including in the research whether the Food Safety Modernization Act is in the Federal Registry and/or get verification that it is enacted as Public Law and most especially get fully informed as to “who” it Lawfully applies to. Adopt the “Third Agreement” and “Don’t make assumptions”.

Include authenticating the actual jurisdiction of the FDA in the research. Did you know that there are Lawful limits to any government’s jurisdiction? Is it important to you to know exactly what these limits are?

Other questions to consider are: Is the farmer on government-owned property? Is the farmer an employee of the government? ……… Keep in mind that Government can only Lawfully control what it owns. It is called proprietary jurisdiction. Ask yourself are you government owned? This is why the request is made to otherwise free and independent individuals to register their property with a government agency. Government needs a nexus indicating a voluntary submission to its jurisdiction if it isn’t already required by Law. Registering will serve that purpose.

The truly American “paperwork” that needs to be done is to send a registered letter to the President of the United States declaring your “free inhabitant” status under the second Organic Law saying if the content is not rebutted point for point then it will stand as the unrefuted truth in law. Ask for a certified copy returned to you in addition to your own notarized copies. Then any inquires from any government agency can be responded to with a copy of your letter.

Without Prejudice,
By: Chef Jemichel
Without the "United States"

June 29, 2018 - TAKE ACTION: Tell USDA to Require Real GMO labels -

The USDA has proposed a rule for mandatory labels on genetically engineered foods. And the proposal is a travesty for the farmers who work to produce non-GMO foods and the consumers who want to know what’s in their food.

USDA appears to have set out to mislead and confuse most consumers:

· Instead of using the long-accepted terms genetically engineered, GE, or GMO, the agency is proposing to use terminology that most consumers would not recognize, namely “bioengineered” and its acronym “BE.”

· Companies would be able to use a symbol instead of words or letters – and USDA’s proposed symbol includes a smiley face or a sun in pretty yellow and green colors. That’s not informational labeling, its propaganda!

· While the USDA’s own study showed that many consumers would be unable to read digital QR codes (because of a lack of a smartphone, unreliable internet, or otherwise), the agency is still proposing to allow companies to use digital QR codes in place of readable labels

THE SOLUTION: On-package text using the accepted terms “GE” or “GMO”, or an easily understood neutral symbol.

And, more fundamentally, the USDA’s proposed rule doesn’t even include many foods made from genetically engineered ingredients:

· New forms of genetic engineering such as CRISPR (gene editing) and Synbio (Synthetic Biology) could be excluded. So only foods with the older GMO crops would be labeled, while consumers would be left in the dark about all the new foods coming down the line — such as oranges, cacao, potatoes, soy, and canola – using CRISPR and other gene-manipulating technology.

· The agency has left open whether many processed foods made with GE commodity crops should require labels. Many of these products, such as cooking oils, sodas, and candies, are so highly refined that current DNA tests may or may not “show” the GE content in the final product, despite the original ingredient indisputably being GE. If left out, hundreds of GE foods will not have to be disclosed.

THE SOLUTION: Any food made with ingredients that were genetically engineered by any method should be labeled as such.


If you sign an online petition, USDA will count all of those signatures as a single comment. To really make your voice heard, you need to submit your comment directly to the USDA.

In addition, personal comments that explain your reasons have a greater impact. It’s more effective to comment on just one or two of the issues, and include your reasons, than to simply list all the problems we discuss above.

Deadline: Tuesday, July 3, 2018, at 11:59 pm.

Before you go to the website, write your comment down in Word or another file – that way, if there is an internet glitch, you don’t lose it.

Sample comment:

I am a [farmer, small food business, consumer, parent …. ]. I urge USDA to provide clear, on-package labeling of foods that contain ingredients made from genetically engineered crops, regardless of the specific type of technology used.

Use the discussion above to help you choose which issue(s) you want to comment on. Your comment can be as short or as long as you like – what matters most is providing your individual thoughts and reasons.

To submit a comment online:

1. Go to

2. Copy and paste your comment in the top box, or attach the file

3. Fill out your personal information and then click the “continue” button at the bottom.

4. It will go to a page that shows you what your comment will look like on the site. It also allows you to edit the comment if you want to.

5. At the bottom, there will be a statement that you have to confirm: “You are filing a document into an official docket. Any personal information included in your comment and/or uploaded attachment(s) may be publicly viewable on the web. I read and understand the statement above.”

6. Click the box, then click “submit comment” under it. The site will give you a receipt with your comment number on it.

You can also send your comment in by fax: (202) 690-0338

Faxed comments should include the following reference:

Date Posted: May 4, 2018
Federal Register Number: 2018-09389
Docket ID: AMS-TM-17-0050Agency: Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Parent Agency: Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Thank you for taking action![21]


The USDA is the result of an “Act of Congress”. “Acts of Congress” are limited to the Lawful jurisdiction of the “United States” which is entirely a proprietary-based jurisdiction that is clearly defined[i]. This means the “Acts” pertain only to what is actually on or directly engaged with government-owned property. Therefore the “Lawful jurisdiction” of the USDA is limited by the same limitations of the “proprietary-based jurisdiction” of “Congress”. The problem is that the American people do not know what these limits are! It is a problem because government takes advantage of this lack of knowledge and as it has been said “…. people are destroyed for lack of knowledge![ii]

In any case – the evidence regarding the USDA “to mislead and confuse” goes all the way back to the original “Act” and so it is not surprising by this writer that this truth-oriented Foundation should write: “USDA appears to have set out to mislead and confuse most consumers”! In both this instance and concerning the original Act of Congress the confusion occurs by not “using the long-accepted terms” and/or common language that is clearly understood by the American people.

Calling Congress members does not solve the above mentioned “problem” that this writer sees as underlining faulty “rules”. Any one who knows the Organic Laws of The United States of America will be able to see that Congress has continuously extended its jurisdiction under “color of law”. The first check for this overextension should be with the fifty independent and sovereign states (but not by the corporate fictions with similar sounding names as the original states) .

The “confusion” is truly unimaginable! That fact needs to be well noted because when any legal agreements are involved in any of this (or any other) “rule” it can be lawfully voided on the basis of the confusion!

[i] in the fourth Organic Law of September 17, 1787 along with the third Organic Law known briefly as the “Ordinance of 1787: The Northwest Territorial Government”.
[ii] Hosea 4:6

June 21, 2018 -

The following "comment" from the WAPF site is a wonderful example of the kind of personal, familial and biographical account that speaks to me and my Human Design.[19]

Acelya says
March 27, 2011 at 6:35 pm
Food in Turkey
I am from the northern part of Turkey, where animal husbandry is very common due to rainy climate. My mother grew up in a farm, drinks milk more than water, eats plenty home-made yogurt, butter, cheese, as well as meat and organs. Her favorite organ meat are liver and soup made of tripe, called İşkembe. She is very healthy, gave birth to 5 children and even in her sixties has her teeth full without any cavities.

It was the same with my grandmother. I remember one night during my childhood, she got hungry some hours after the dinner and warmed up almost a hand full of yellow butter and ate it with a little bread. It tasted so good. She was healthy women and gave birth to 6 children.

I don’t have any fat, diabetic, cancer or mentally ill in my family. When my husband and I decided to get pregnant, it worked in the first month (Thanks God!).

In Turkey, “soup restaurants” are very common, and you can get large bowls of meat soups with broths made of head, feet and other bones of cows, which is delicious and very nutritious. Unfortunately, the younger generation is giving up on such restaurant for big fast food chains. And I should mention that the word obesity had never been heard in Turkey, let alone being common. But now, with the prevalence of fast food restaurants, vegetarianism, morning cereals and other modern diets imposed us from western countries, the health of the people are getting worse.[20]

My reply:

Thank you Acelya!

What you have presented here is a wonderful example of the kind of personal, familial and biographical account that speaks grandly to me (and according to my Human Design). I quoted all of this at one of my CureZone blogs:

It seems to me that most of what circulates in the world about "nutrition" is essentially information at best and consequently it is one-sided (whether or not the information is accurate or not) and that information is often presented without regard for other "sides" of "nutrition" namely the family, the culture, and (possibly most importantly) the Individual (as their own "species"). You have made a significant contribution to the greater whole of a multi-fold dimension of nutrition and for that I am deeply grateful!

February 13, 2018 - Finally, a diet that is both tasty and nutritious! -

Interview -
Sally: (At about 4’ into this interview[14])

Host: “Don’t you think it’s very controversial how we should eat?”

Sally: “It’s deliberately controversial. …
Our philosophy is how do healthy people eat? That was the question that Dr. Weston Price asked back in the 30s and 40s as he traveled the world to find healthy people. He could tell they were healthy by looking at their teeth; no cavities and no need for braces. He looked at their diets. Two words that sum up what a good diet is: ‘nutrient dense’.

Everything we can do to increase the nutrients in the diet then we’re going in the right direction. This is what’s wrong with vegetarianism. There’s not enough nutrition in that diet. …We need to be truly, fundamentally nourished. You’re not going to be nourished with (the US) dietary guidelines. …

None of these diets are going to give the full range of nutrients that human beings need not only to be healthy and have healthy children but to be able to think properly![15]

One of things Weston A. Price found was the diets were very high in minerals (that’s where your farming comes in…) … B vitamins, vitamin C and really high with three vitamins that we can only get from animal fat, organ meats and certain seafoods; all the foods we’re being told to avoid. … butter, egg yolks, aged cheeses, … These the foods were considered sacred by the traditional people. These foods should form the basis of our diets yet people are deliberately misinformed to keep us from the foods that keep us well!

The three vitamins are A, D and K. The Weston A. Price Foundation is the organization behind the revival of interest of these vitamins. "

May 14, 2018 - Comment Re: the "Farm Bill Vote" -

The following comment is offered in case there are readers who don’t already realize that governmental interest in the people’s food sources and our food distribution is primarily for large financial interests (i.e. tax purposes as well as “protection services” for industrial farming and the like) rather than for the people’s “health and safety”. (There are some articles here at the WAPF that substantiate this to some extent.)

We can only look to ourselves for meeting our own health and safety needs. Government is incapable of making us healthy or safe. Therefor the question arises: what can we do to support our own self-sufficiency rather than continue looking to government for “rights” (AKA governmental privileges) to do for ourselves what we already have the Natural-Born Right (AKA Unalienable Right) to do?

Farmers, ranchers, growers and all other non-corporate food producers have the Natural Right to distribute their products privately rather than commercially. The difference between these two avenues is the difference between volunteering into a governmental-regulated field and maintaining self-governing freedom. Tweeking legislation will do nothing for supporting self-governing freedom. Besides, to qualify as a “voter” requires that one declare that they have a government granted status that has no Rights! That is exactly the true nature of what Congress created with the so called 14th Amendment regarding "citizens of the United States”[16] that was created for former slaves who were not allowed to claim State Citizenship. So now we have government regulated Americans on equal-footing with an "ex slave" status (as a governmental privilege) asking their “masters” to lighten the legal chains on what in truth are their Natural Rights to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Can any one see the contradiction in this?[17]

June 11, 2018 - Call Your Senators and tell them to support small farmers in the 2018 Farm Bill -

Although the House voted down the Farm Bill last month, that is far from the end of the story! The House bill is expected to be reconsidered later this month – and in the meantime, the Senate is moving ahead with its own version.

The Senate Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the Farm Bill this Wednesday, June 13, and the full Senate is expected to vote on the bill later this month.

Unlike the House version, which included multiple damaging new provisions, the draft Senate version takes a more traditional approach. The good news is that it retains the few existing provisions that support healthy local foods; the bad news is that it essentially continues to promote the status quo of conventional mass-produced food.

The Senate draft fails to include several significant opportunities for reform. Three Senate bills have been introduced that would significantly help independent farmers if they were included in the Farm Bill:

· The PRIME Act, S. 1232, which would allow states to set their own standards for selling meat within their states from custom slaughterhouses, addressing one of the biggest problems for local meat producers – the lack of small-scale processing options.
· The Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act, S. 741, to reform the Checkoffs. While the Checkoffs would remain mandatory, S. 741 would prevent Big Ag trade organizations from pocketing the money and using it against our farmers' interests.
· The New Markets for State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Act, S. 2814, which would allow meat processed in state-inspected slaughterhouses to be sold across state lines. Even though state-inspected slaughterhouses have to meet all the federal standards, meat processed in them can only be sold in-state under current law, posing a significant problem for small producers who live near state lines.

Can you help get these reforms included in the Farm Bill? See the next section with the details on calling your Senators.

TAKE ACTION: Call your U.S. Senators -

Call both of your U.S. Senators and urge them to include theses three bills as amendments to the Farm Bill.

You can find out who represents you by going to
or by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.

A sample message for calls/ voice mails/ emails is below. You can pick just one, two, or all three issues to discuss. For the greatest impact, personalize the message to explain why the issue(s) are important to you. Your call or email will have a much greater effect if they know that it truly matters to you, individually, and that you're not just reading a script.

Hi, I'm _____ from _____. I'm a __________ [farmer, local food consumer, chef...]

As a constituent, I urge Senator _______ to improve the Farm Bill by adding three amendments to protect independent farmers and ranchers:

First, add the PRIME Act, S. 1232. This bill addresses the severe shortage of processing facilities for small-scale producers in many areas of this country. It allows states to set their own standards for meat that is processed and sold within the state directly to consumers, providing more options for livestock farmers and the consumers who want locally raised meat.

Second, add the New Markets for State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Act, S. 2814, which would allow meat processed in state-inspected slaughterhouses to be sold across state lines. Small farmers often don't have a USDA-inspected slaughterhouse near them, and thus are barred from selling meat even to nearby communities that are in their neighboring state. State-inspected slaughterhouses have to meet the same standards as USDA-inspected ones, so there's not rational reason for the ban

Third, bring transparency and accountability to the Checkoff programs by adding S.741. The Checkoffs tax farmers for marketing programs that promote mass-produced commodities. Not only does this encourage consumers to think all the products are the same -- undermining specialty markets for locally raised, grass-fed, and other niche markets -- but the Agribusiness trade groups that often control the Checkoff programs actually lobby against these producers' interests! Tax dollars should only go to neutral entities that don't lobby, and we need safeguards to ensure that the money is spent fairly.

Please let me know where the Senator stands on these issues. My phone number is ______. Thank you.



Lack of inspected slaughterhouses is one of the biggest barriers for small-scale livestock producers. The lack of reasonable access to a slaughterhouse keeps some farmers from selling their meat at all. For many more, the distance they must travel to the slaughterhouse means significantly increased costs, as well as stress on the animal and lost time on the farm – all of which means less supply and higher prices for consumers.

Current federal law prohibits the sale of meat from "custom" slaughterhouses, which are regulated by the states independently of USDA regulations. The PRIME Act, S.1232, would empower states to not only set their own standards for custom slaughterhouses, as they already do, but to allow the sale within their state of custom-slaughtered beef, pork, lamb, and goat to consumers, restaurants, and grocery stores. This would provide more options for small farmers and increase the availability of locally raised meats for consumers.


The limited options for meat processing are also a significant problem for small-scale producers who live near state lines. Even though state-inspected processors are held to the exact same standards as USDA-inspected processors (the only difference is who pays the individual inspector), meat processed at state-inspected plants cannot cross state lines.

The New Markets for State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Act, S. 2814, would allow meat processed in state-inspected slaughterhouses to be sold across state lines. Since these facilities meet all federal standards, it only makes sense that food processed in them could be sold in any state in the country.

Check out this article on the issue, with a quote from FARFA's Executive Director at the end:

Senator Round's fact sheet:


Under federal law, farmers of certain commodities (including pork, eggs, beef, and milk) are required to pay a portion of their sales into Checkoff funds. These mandatory fees are intended to be used to research and promote demand for those products. Campaigns such as "Got Milk?" and "Pork, the other white meat" are paid for by these taxes on farmers. Checkoff programs collect tens of millions of dollars from America's farmers and ranchers every year.

Nothing in the Checkoffs promotes local, organic, or sustainable production. To the contrary, the basic message is that all the foods are interchangeable commodities; conventional CAFO beef, imported beef, and the grass-fed beef from the farmer in your town are all rolled into "Beef, it's what for dinner."

Even worse, the dairy checkoff has used its funds – some of which are paid by raw milk farmers – to do public ad campaigns and "educational programs" for dietitians that actively oppose raw milk OoenAccesstoFood for All.

Moreover, these funds often wind up in the pockets of industrialized agriculture trade organizations. While they can't use the money directly for lobbying, the funding helps them grow by underwriting their overhead, travel costs, etc. – and then they are free to use their other funds to lobby against the interests of family farmers, such as by opposing country of origin labeling.

The best solution would be to make the Checkoffs voluntary, but the bill to do that (S.740) has not gained much support. The next best option is to reform the programs to provide accountability and transparency. The Opportunities for Fairness in Farming Act, S.741, would prohibit lobbying, rein in conflicts of interest, and stop anti-competitive activities that harm other commodities and consumers.

Thank you for speaking up for our agricultural and food system!

(202) 363-4394[18]

February 8, 2018 - "Recipe of the Week"

February 6, 2018 - Victory in Virginia!! -

Senate Bill 962 and House Bill 825 (SB 962 and HB 825), bills that were major threats to the future of herdshares in Virginia are both dead![13]

January 31, 2018 -

Just posted at the WAPF site:

Thank you for this alert!

Good to see that “private property rights” are identified here as the heart of the issue. This issue is really very simple. There are are only two kinds of property ownership throughout “The United States of America”. One is property owned by and thereby under the exclusive proprietary jurisdiction of “The United States”. The other kind of property ownership is private ownership. Unless the government can show written proof of property ownership they have absolutely no jurisdiction over private property and no jurisdiction over whatever activity may take place upon that property.

Anyone allowing government to “enter and inspect” their private property is voluntarily surrendering their unalienable Rights.[12]

January 26, 2018 -

Just posted at the Weston A. Price site:

Chef Jemichel says
January 26, 2018 at 8:30 pm
Re: “House Bill 825 and Senate Bill 962 provide possible criminal penalties for farmers and consumers who fail to turn over copies of their contracts to government agencies”:

“Penalties” can occur Lawfully only by volunteering into the state’s jurisdiction. Therefore – the individual can demand to be shown the Organic Law that specifically requires them to do what the state claims is required for the state and the individual can demand this proof of jurisdiction at any point along the timeline that they are contacted by the state.

There are additional points that can be made in regards to what is Lawfully required vs. what is in truth simply an “offer” (although apparently “baited” with coercion) to engage with the state. In any case – more education is needed here regarding what is truly Lawful for the state and what is actually coercion (an element which completely nullifies any presumption of an agreement between any two parties). If an individual feels hard pressed into “compliance” they can still reserve all their unalienable Rights by noting (on anything they sign with the state) their “submission” is under TDCFU (Threat, Duress, Coercion, Fraud and Usurpation)!

Links to these bills would be helpful to examine. They could be studied as a practical lesson.[11]

Post Your Comment On The Soy Heart Health Claim Before January 15, 2018.

As we reported to you several weeks ago, in response to our 2008 petition, the FDA has proposed to revoke the heart health claim for soy protein!

Many of you have already posted comments, but we need hundreds more. Please post your comment in support of the revocation of the soy heart health claim as soon as you can.


Please submit a comment to the FDA before the deadline on January 15, 2018!

You can do it online:

Or write a letter to:

Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20853

If you send a hard copy letter, be sure to include the docket number: FDA-2017-N-0763

Begin with the clear statement: "I support FDA's proposed revocation of the heart health claim for soy protein."

Then include as much or as little as you want. If you have been harmed by soy, be sure to provide that information! And we have some sample talking points below.

Thank you!
Sally Fallon Morell, President
The Weston A. Price Foundation


· A substance that causes harm should never be allowed a health claim; soy protein contains many compounds that are scientifically documented to cause health problems.

· The FDA poisonous plant database contains almost 250 articles on the toxicity of soy or of compounds contained in soy.

· The original paper used to justify a health claim was seriously flawed; it only showed that soy lowers cholesterol levels a small amount in a diet that avoids meat; it did not show that consuming soy can prevent heart disease. Subsequent studies indicate that eating soy protein does not even lower cholesterol.

· Soy contributes to low thyroid function; low thyroid function can cause heart disease.

· Soy causes endocrine disruption, including the development of breasts and loss of libido in men.

· Studies show that eating soy increases the risk of stroke in women.

· Both the European Food Safety Authority and the American Heart Association have favored a revocation of any heart health claim for soy protein.

Sally Fallon Morell, President
The Weston A. Price Foundation -

I have some very good news to report: In response to our 2008 petition, the FDA has proposed to revoke the heart health claim for soy protein!

But there is still work to do. We now need to flood the FDA with comments in support of this measure.


Please submit a comment to the FDA before the deadline on January 15, 2018!

You can do it online:

Or write a letter to:

Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20853

If you send a hard copy letter, be sure to include the docket number: FDA-2017-N-0763

Begin with the clear statement: "I support FDA's proposed revocation of the heart health claim for soy protein."

Then include as much or as little as you want. If you have been harmed by soy, be sure to provide that information! And we have some sample talking points below.


1. Send the press release below to your local media.

2. Share this email with all your friends and social networks—we need thousands of people posting comments! (see:

Thank you!
Sally Fallon Morell, President
The Weston A. Price Foundation


· A substance that causes harm should never be allowed a health claim; soy protein contains many compounds that are scientifically documented to cause health problems.

· The original paper used to justify a health claim was seriously flawed; it only showed that soy lowers cholesterol levels a small amount in a diet that avoids meat; it did not show that consuming soy can prevent heart disease. Subsequent studies indicate that eating soy protein does not even lower cholesterol.

· Soy contributes to low thyroid function; low thyroid function can cause heart disease.

· Soy causes endocrine disruption, including the development of breasts and loss of libido in men.

· Studies show that eating soy increases the risk of stroke in women.

· Both the European Food Safety Authority and the American Heart Association have favored a revocation of any heart health claim for soy protein.



WASHINGTON, DC, November 5, 2017. In response to a petition by the Weston A. Price Foundation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed revoking authorization allowing food manufacturers to claim that soy protein reduces heart attack risk.

"We are proposing a rule to revoke a health claim for soy protein and heart disease," said a statement from Susan Mayne, director of the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. "For the first time, we have considered it necessary to propose a rule to revoke a health claim because numerous studies published since the claim was authorized in 1999 have presented inconsistent findings on the relationship between soy protein and heart disease."

"The FDA's proposal is a great step forward and very helpful to the public," said Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. "A product as problematic as soy protein should carry a health warning rather than a health claim."

For many years, the Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit nutrition education organization, has provided information to the public showing that naturally occurring soy toxins can cause thyroid disorders and endocrine disruption. The Foundation submitted its petition to revoke the health claim in 2006.

Proponents for the health claim argue that since soy lacks cholesterol and saturated fat, it may provide health benefits by slightly lowering "bad" LDL-cholesterol. "But we've since learned that not every way of lowering cholesterol has benefits, and some things that do lower cholesterol actually have shown harm, (and) what we know is that there was never any clinical trials ever that showed eating more soy improves heart health," said Dr. Karol Watson, a cardiologist and director of the UCLA Women's Cardiovascular Health Center.

In 2008, the American Heart Association stated that there was not enough evidence to claim a strong link between soy protein and the reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Now, "while some evidence continues to suggest a relationship between soy protein and a reduced risk of heart disease -- including evidence reviewed by the FDA when the claim was authorized -- the totality of currently available scientific evidence calls into question the certainty of this relationship," said the statement from the FDA's Mayne.

"Our review of that evidence has led us to conclude that the relationship between soy protein and heart disease does not meet the rigorous standard for an FDA-authorized health claim," the statement said.

The FDA's proposed rule to reverse the claim sets in motion a 75-day public comment period. The comments, along with all related research, will be reviewed to consider whether the rule will become final. If it does, the FDA said, a qualified health claim may be permitted if the agency feels there is evidence to support one—an action that the Weston A. Price Foundation will also oppose.

"Legally, the FDA cannot allow a qualified health claim for foods known to cause harm," stated Fallon Morell.

The comment period is from Oct. 31, 2017 to January 15, 2018.

The docket number is FDA-2017-N-0763. The link for comments is

or submit comments to:

Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20853

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a Washington, DC-based nutrition education 501(c)(3) with the mission of disseminating science-based information on diet and health. WAPF publishes a quarterly journal for its 16,000 members, supports 600 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. Contact at (202) 363-4394,,

CONTACT: Kimberly Hartke, publicist
Hartke Communications
(202) 363-4394

November 20, 2017 - ACTION ALERT

Oppose Alex Azar for Secretary of Health and Human Services![9]

Despite his promises to "drain the swamp," President Trump has nominated Alex Azar, former President of the U.S. division of drug company Eli Lilly, as Secretary of the United States Department of Human and Health Services (HHS.)

If confirmed, Azar would head HHS, also known as the Health Department, charged with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential services.[10]

Although Azar has experience as both general counsel and former deputy secretary of HHS under President George W. Bush, he is the wrong person for the job!

As general council for HHS, Azar participated in the Autism Omnibus Proceedings that denied more than 5,000 claims of vaccine injury to devastated families.

Later, as president of pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly's USA division for almost a decade, Azar exploited drug pricing. For example, Eli Lilly's insulin product, Humulin R U-500, rose 325 percent in price from 2010 to 2015.

Azar's career also includes a position as board member of the Biotechnology Innovation Association, a trade association that lobbies for manufacturers of biotech products including vaccines and GMOs.

We must fight against this nomination. Please take a moment to let your voice be heard!



Contact both of your United States Senators and urge them to oppose Alex Azar's confirmation. You can find out who represents you at:

Phone calls have a greater impact than emails. You can leave a very short message ("I urge my Senator to oppose Alex Azar's confirmation for Secretary of HHS.") Be clear and concise about why this issue matters to you and/or the people in your community. You can use some of the talking points below to help you get your thoughts in order.

If you do use email, be sure to use a clear subject line ("Oppose Alex Azar for Secretary of HHS"), and keep it short, but personal.


Email President Trump and respectfully let him know you oppose Alex Azar as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Again, a very short message is all that is needed.

Click here:


1) Alex Azar is the wrong person for Secretary of Health and Human Services. He has many conflicts of interest and a track record for putting his corporate interests first.

2) As former President of the U.S. division of Eli Lilly and Company and member of the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a pharmaceutical lobby, Alex Azar is not a person who can be trusted to bring desperately needed reform.

3) The head of HHS should be an advocate for America's people, not someone who has proven himself to put drug industry profits before the public's wellbeing. "During Alex Azar's tenure as an Eli Lilly & Co. executive prices rose dramatically for some of the company's top drugs."

4) If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Azar would oversee the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) – which runs programs like Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Obamacare, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes for Health (NIH), the Indian Health Service (IHS), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Remember, your involvement and activism works!

Comment (Posting on September 13, 2019):

"It’s one thing to drain the swamp. It’s another thing to take the dam out of the river that is causing the problem in the first place."[44]


the much anticipated documentary about the life of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the director of "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe," is finally here!

In the center of the recent Tribeca Film Festival scandal surrounding his film VAXXED stands Andrew Wakefield, discredited and stripped of his medical license for his infamous study suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine, bowel disease, and autism. An expat from Britain who currently resides in Austin, Texas, Wakefield allowed Bailey and her team to follow him and his family for five years beginning in 2011 as he fought a defamation battle in the courts against the British Medical Journal and journalist Brian Deer. The results of that case – and the self-reflection, pronouncements, and observations of Wakefield, his legal team, wife, and his children – create a complex and incisive look at one of our era's most fear-provoking and continuously provocative figures.

THE PATHOLOGICAL OPTIMIST opens is schedule in California in the following places with more locations being announced soon:
San Rafael, CA - Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center - 10/16- 10/19 - Buy Tickets here:

Santa Rosa, CA: Summerfield Cinemas - Playing until 10/26: Buy tickets here:

Santa Ana, CA - Regency South Coast Village - 10/20/17 - Buy tickets here:

Modesto, CA - State Theatre - 10/23 & 10/24 - Buy tickets

For tickets, and to watch the trailer for the film, please go to Make sure to sign up for the email list on the website to get notified when the film opens in a city near you! Follow the film on Facebook @ThePathologicalOptimist.

THE PATHOLOGICAL OPTIMIST is now open in select cities nationwide. To see where the film is playing, to buy tickets, or to watch the trailer, please visit Make sure to sign up for the email list on the website to get notified when the film opens in a city near you! Follow the film on Facebook @ThePathologicalOptimist.
(202) 363-4394

October 10, 2017 - ACTION ALERT -

Tell Congress to Stop Blindly Pushing Vaccination

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) has introduced House Resolution 327 on "recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States." He has been joined by co-sponsors from both parties in this attempt to run rough-shod over Americans' valid concerns about vaccination.

House Resolution 327 blindly takes one side of the vaccine debate, pushing the pharmaceutical companies' agenda. It claims that "there is no credible evidence to show that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases in health children or adults," even though this is contradicted by the federal government's own data. The resolution implicitly targets those who make any decision other than what the CDC recommends, raising the specter that having unvaccinated communities "can cause a true public health crisis," and claiming that vaccination is necessary for not only the public health, but the "economic and national security" of our country.

To view H. Res. 327 click here:

Questions about vaccine safety shouldn't be addressed in a resolution from Congress, as if safety were something they can just declare. Congress needs to take a hard look at why so many people are questioning vaccine safety and do something that actually addresses those concerns, not just dismiss them!


Contact your U.S. House Representative and ask him or her to oppose H Res. 327.

You can look up who represents you here:
Below is a sample script you can use for calls or emails.

For greater impact, ask to speak to the staffer who handles health issues, and then have a short, personal conversation with that staff person. Ask for their email address and follow up with a brief email, and then stay in touch.

Sample script: If you use email, be sure to add a couple of sentences at the very beginning to personalize the message!

"My name is_____, and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Representative ____ to oppose H. Res. 327 because it makes false claims about the safety of vaccinations and pushes people to follow the full vaccination schedule without doing anything to ensure that it is actually safe.

Vaccine injury is real. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than 3 billion dollars to vaccine-injured persons, and many others who are injured have gone uncompensated because they didn't file a claim quickly enough.

Despite causing billions in injuries, the vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability. This means that the normal incentives for companies to ensure that their products cause as few injuries as possible don't exist for vaccine manufacturers.

And the testing of vaccines doesn't fix that problem. Vaccines are tested individually, and no one ever looks at the effects of adding yet another vaccine to the 69 doses that children already receive.

I urge you to vote no on House Resolution 327.

Instead, please support H.R. 3615 Congressman Posey's bill, which directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a study comparing total health outcomes in vaccinated populations in the United States with such outcomes in unvaccinated populations. This research is vital, both for ensuring that our public health programs are actually achieving their goals and for restoring the public trust.

Thank you for your time and consideration."


1) Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. The vaccine manufactures reap all the profits from vaccine mandates, without having to pay for any of the injuries or harm.

2) The basic comparison between unvaccinated children and vaccinated children has never been done. Without an unbiased study that evaluates the health outcomes among children who have and have not been vaccinated according to the federally recommended vaccine schedule there is no basis for claiming vaccines are safe. If Congress wants to protect the public health, it should pass H.R. 3615, "To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct or support a comprehensive study comparing total health outcomes, including risk of autism, in vaccinated populations in the United States with such outcomes in unvaccinated populations in the United States, and for other purposes." Total health outcomes are the best measure of the success of any public health effort.

3) Federal law recognizes vaccines kill and disable some recipients as evidenced by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The presumptions of safety made by Rep. Adam Schiff and H. Res. 327 contradict this law.

4) The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be "unavoidably unsafe" and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US Government has paid out more that $3 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS.

5) Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and even death.

6) Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000. None of these vaccines have been studied in conjunction with each other, which means we have no idea what the impact is of all of these different vaccines being injected into a child.

7) There are many studies that raise red flags about the alleged safety of vaccines. For example, there are numerous peer-reviewed, published studies that connect either at vaccines or vaccine ingredients (such as aluminum) with significant health problems. See

Remember, your involvement and activism works!
(202) 363-4394

We hope you will support the Weston A. Price Foundation in its efforts to restore nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism.

June 3, 2019 - Continuing - "High Aluminum Levels Contaminate Brains of Autistic Children" - By Kimberly Hartke

Study Underscores Need for More Research to Determine Whether Vaccines Are the Source
Washington, DC—June 4, 2019—High concentrations of aluminum characterize the brains of autistic children, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.[i]

Researchers from Keele University in the U.K. examined brain tissue from deceased individuals with a diagnosis of autism, finding some of the highest values for aluminum in human brain tissue yet recorded. The research investigated brain tissue from ten donors, representing all donors available at the Autism Brain Bank, and a standout observation was the location of aluminum in primarily inflammatory, non-neuronal cells with evidence of these cells moving from blood and lymph into brain tissue.

Sources of ingested aluminum include infant formula, foods in aluminum packaging, and foods cooked in aluminum pans or foil. However, in general less than 1 percent of dietary aluminum is absorbed.[ii] A highly probable source of aluminum in the brains of autistic children is vaccines. A fully vaccinated child receives almost 5,000 mcg aluminum by 18 months of age.[3] The amount of aluminum in the eight doses given at the two-month baby check-up is 1,225 mcg.[iii] By contrast, the maximum allowable aluminum per day for intravenous feeding in children is 25 mcg.

U.S. vaccines containing one or more types of aluminum include diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (ST, DTAP, Td, Tdap); influenza type b (Hib); hepatitis (A and B, A/B); the meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines; and human papillomavirus (HPV). All of these vaccines are on the CDC vaccine schedule. Babies routinely receive the hepatitis B vaccination on the first day of life.

Aluminum compounds in vaccines include aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, “aluminum salts,” amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), and potassium aluminum sulfate.[iv] Merck’s proprietary AAHS adjuvant (added to the Gardasil Hib and Hepatitis A and B vaccines) was not safety tested and is among the components blamed for the adverse reactions to the Gardasil[v] as well as hepatitis vaccines.

“Government assurances that vaccines don’t cause autism cannot hold up to this new discovery,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “Parents are right to hesitate before injecting neuro-toxic aluminum into their children.”

One of the unique risks associated with aluminum adjuvants is an extreme autoimmune or inflammatory response. Israeli immunologist, Yehuda Schoenfeld, and his colleagues dubbed this condition, “autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants” (ASIA) and it can now be tracked in medical databases. The symptoms of ASIA include chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and skin rashes.[vi]

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a Washington, DC-based nutrition education 501(c)(3) with the mission of disseminating science-based information on diet and health. WAPF publishes a quarterly journal for its 12,000 members, supports almost 500 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. Contact at (202) 363-4394,,[41]

Media Contact:

Kimberly Hartke, publicist


[i] Mold M, Umar D, King A, Exley C. Aluminium in brain tissue in autism. J Trace Elem Med Biol 2018;46:76-82.



[iv] “Vaccine excipient and media summary. Excipients included in U.S. vaccines, by vaccine.”

[v] Redwood L. Court hears Gardasil science and moves forward. Children’s Health Defense, Jan. 29, 2019.

[vi] McGovern C. Poisoned in slow motion. What Doctors Don’t Tell You 2018;3(7).

March 12, 2020 - World's Leading Researcher on Aluminum in Public Presentations -

"... Dr. Chris Exley is the leading researcher on aluminum in the world. The research he and his team are doing at Keele University is critical to showing vaccine safety and the never before studied effects of aluminum in vaccines. A Voice for Choice first brought him to the US to speak at the LiveAware Expo in 2017, before most people knew who he was. We have continued to support him and his research, but we need everyone to pitch in so that it can continue and grow in future years. We need your help to spread the word and get people to donate.

Until 4 years ago, his group’s research was primarily funded by grants. However, when he started to do research on the aluminum in vaccines 4 years ago, that funding disappeared. Therefore Dr. Chris Exley and his team are now funded solely by independent organizations and individuals. The cost to keep his and his team’s research going is about $250,000 a year. This includes 3 salaries and funding the aluminum lab, of which there is no other like it in the world. If this research is not funded, the research will not be done. We have to help keep this research alive and thriving...."[51]

September 21, 2017 - the Weston A. Price annual conference -

Dr. Tom Cowan -
"... the Weston A. Price annual conference is coming up in Minneapolis November 10-13. As usual, I will be speaking at the conference, and this year's talk is titled 'The Fountain of Youth Might Actually Be a Water Fountain.'

I will attempt to explain how modern cell biology has taken some seriously wrong turns in its explanations of how the human being is organized. As a result of these wrong turns and faulty assumptions, we are seemingly stuck with an understanding of disease that doesn't correspond to reality. As a result, we have ended up with a drug-oriented approach to chronic disease that is hugely expensive and mostly ineffective.

Through understanding the nature and role of water in the human organism, we can create a more accurate and alive conception of how a human being is organized. This conception leads to simple, non-toxic approaches to medicine and healing that will prove to be much more effective. I hope you will join me at this exciting event.

Best, Tom Cowan, M.D."

May 25, 2017 -

Just got the first lesson on the "Wise Traditions Diet" and I am totally delighted that the very first lesson is:
"STEP 1: Get Your Fats Right!"

You can get your free lessons at

April 14, 2017 -


The National Institutes of Health is developing its first 10-year Strategic Plan for Nutrition Research.

They are asking for input from researchers and health professionals regarding critical gaps in the existing knowledge of nutrition and where the greatest opportunities lie. They also want to know how these areas of need can best be addressed.

We have an exciting opportunity to give our input in order to help them shape their plan. Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing links where you can "vote" for our submissions.

The first of these where you can indicate your support can be accessed via this link (copied below); it only takes a couple minutes to make your voice heard:

"Investigate the physiological requirements for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2 during the gestation and lactation periods, with the objective of determining whether current intake guidelines support optimal outcomes. The perinatal period is arguably the most critical life stage for shaping long-term health. It is imperative that we seek a full understanding of the factors during this life stage that either contribute to or detract from optimal health. We know that ensuring adequate nutritional intakes during the perinatal period reduces the risk for adverse outcomes for the child and the mother. However, there is an urgent need for more investigation into developing a better understanding of what optimal nutrition is during this period regarding vitamins A, D, and K2. Multiple lines of evidence indicate there is a very high probability that many pregnant women are under-consuming adequate dietary sources of retinol and vitamin K2, some of whom are at the same time are over-consuming vitamin D, mostly from supplements, with direct harm to their developing fetuses. We recommend that all available resources be dedicated to researching the effects and interactions of these three fat-soluble vitamins during the perinatal period. The future generations of the United States(sic)[i] deserve no less than the best start in life."


1. Go to and click on the "VOTE" button.

2. If you are new to, you will be prompted to sign up—this will only take a minute. Then you can click on VOTE.

3. You can also add comments if you like.

Thank you for your support!
Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD, LDN, Government Relations
Sally Fallon Morell, President

[i] I only wish that additional clarity be included when referring to the American people throughout "The United States of America" rather than in "the United States" as was referred to in the above under: "OUR SUBMISSION": "The future generations of the United States deserve no less than the best start in life."

April 4, 2017 -

Here's a link to a powerful 7 days with "The Truth About Vaccines"; vital information for parents to fully understand the vaccine issue and make the best decision for their families.

Register to watch for FREE!:

This rest of this post is primarily for all messages directly related to the Weston A. Price Foundation. (Until today I have posted items re: WAPF separately.)[1]

March 27, 2017 -
The Weston A. Price Foundation Marches in Support of Vaccine Choice and Safety This Friday, March 31, in Washington, DC
We hope you will join the Weston A. Price Foundation* on Friday, March 31 in a march in DC[i].  Concerned individuals from across America will join with health care professionals in Washington D.C.
• To protest the corporatized mainstream media's biased coverage and demonization of anyone who proposes safer vaccines or defends the legal right to make informed, voluntary vaccine choices.
• To protest the exploitation of the people by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries that have poisoned our environment and compromised our health for profit.
• To protest the liability shield that congress has given to drug companies to protect them from accountability in a court of law when government mandated vaccines injure or kill us or our children.
·         We are calling on our elected representatives in state legislatures and in congress to protect our parental rights and civil liberties and to restore truth, integrity, and transparency in government agencies responsible for ensuring the public health and safety in America.
SPEAKERS INCLUDE Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Brian Hooker, Dr. Paul Thomas, Barbara Loe Fisher, Del Bigtree, Tony Muhammad, Marcella Piper-Terry, Sheila Lewis Ealey, and many others.
Join us if you can.  *WAPF-ers will meet at 8:45 a.m. at Lafayette's statue which is in the southwest corner of Lafayette Park (not the center statue). We will then join the larger group in the park.
8:45                MEET other WAPFers including WAPF Podcast Host Hilda Gore
9:00-9:30 AM   MEET at Lafayette Park for the morning rally and 'Vaccine Court' in front of the White House
9:30                  MARCH to the National Press Club (529 14th St, NW; Washington, DC 20045)
9:30-12:00 noon   PROTEST at the National Press Club

12:00 – 1:00 PM   MARCH to the US Capitol
1:00 – 5:00 PM     RALLY at the US Capitol

BRING A SIGN: See the link about signs at the 'MORE' tab at
COLORS TO WEAR; The organizers recommend that you:
·  Wear RED if you or someone you love has experienced a vaccine INJURY.
·  Wear BLUE if you have lost a loved one from vaccine DEATH.
·  Wear WHITE if you are in SOLIDARITY, for the sake of humanity
ACTION TO TAKE #2 – we need 100,000 signatures by March 31.
Sign a petition to the president to convene a Vaccine Safety Commission, among other actions.
Sign a letter to President Trump, urging an independent Vaccine Safety Commission. (Please note, this letter will be made public on March 30.)

ACTION TO TAKE #4 - Call the president and your elected legislators on March 30 and 31.
For more information on the Revolution For Truth Call-In-Day click here:
1.  Contact President Trump and ask for vaccine reform.
    To call the President:  Comments: (202)-456-1111
Switchboard: (202)-456-1414
TTY/TTD Comments: (202)-456-6213
2.  Call your members of Congress and ask for vaccine reform.
Call (202) 224-3121. You will need to call this number three times, twice to ask for each of your senators and once to reach your congressman/woman. The operator will ask you who you would like to be connected to. To find out, first visit
For details about the march, visit: Links to register and the latest news is found on the Facebook Page.


March 16, 2017 - Four items announced:

FDA is Trying to Put Amish Farmer in Jail -
The FDA is trying to put my Amish neighbor, Samuel Girod, in jail for 68 years for charges stemming from a labeling infraction on a healing salve he's made for almost 20 years. He's harmed no one.

I started a petition "Free KY Amish Farmer Sam Girod" and it's gotten over 12,000 signatures (almost doubled in the last 3 days!) Our goal is 50,000 signatures so we can shine a light on this injustice.

Can you help by adding your name? You can read more and sign the petition here:

It just takes a second to sign. Thank you so much!!!
(See an additional news item on this matter:[5])

Safe vaccine advocates plan March 31 protest in D.C.
Health care professionals, parents and activists are planning a mass protest March 31 in Washington, D.C., to defend civil liberties and parental rights against risky vaccines, environmental toxins, and unsafe food.

(Listen to the program live or archived podcasts anywhere)

Healing Quest Radio, a weekly one-hour series based on the long-running Healing Quest television series, started Sunday, January 15 at 7:00 PM on KFBK Radio, AM 1530 and FM 93.1.

WAPF president Sally Fallon Morell is featured in the premiere episode of Healing Quest Radio as part of a major segment on Healthy Fats.

KFBK is one of the most powerful radio stations in the U.S. During the day the station's signal covers much of the northern part of California, from the Sacramento and Central Valleys to the San Francisco Bay Area. At night it reaches much of the western half of North America. KFBK is part of iHeartRadio, the largest radio group in the U.S.

Other WAPF-related stories in coming weeks on Healing Quest Radio include the Grass Fed Movement, Cheese As A Healthy Snack. The Healing Power of Bone Broth and The Truth About Salt. Also airing on the series will be the seven Brain Food segments Healing Quest produced with Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez shortly before his untimely death.

Healing Quest Radio can be streamed via the internet at during its live broadcast each Sunday night. A podcast of each Healing Quest episode is also available 24/7 at and via the iHeartRadio app.

Positive listener comments are very beneficial to Healing Quest so please take a moment to contact KFBK at (916) 929-5325 to thank them for airing the series.

Healing Quest is produced and hosted by Judy Brooks and Roy Walkenhorst. For more information on Healing Quest Radio please contact Roy at or at Lightbridge Media: (530) 672-5730 x11.

New Recipe Blog on Our Site:
Check out our new recipe blog which will have a weekly recipe for you to enjoy:

The "Wise Traditions" Journal; Fall 2015 is Now Online![2]

Featured articles include:

The Scandal of Infant Formula by Sylvia Onusic, PhD

Vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Constant Controversy over Cod Liver Oil by Sally Fallon Morell

Traditional Fermented Fish Products by Alison Birks, MS, AHG, CNS

August 9th, 2016 -

In responce to WAPF alert re: UC Regents vaccination policy:

Greetings University of California Regents!

I’ve recently learned that the UC system has begun to require vaccinations of all UC students or be denied their right to attend classes. I find the spirit of this policy to be in stark contradiction to both the California Constitution (as per ARTICLE I) as well as to the "Organic Laws" of "The United States of America".

California Constitution:
Inalienable rights.

Section 1. All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, § 1]

The “Rights” referred to in this Constitution are of the same origin as those declared in the very first Organic Law of The United States of America: "The Declaration of Independence"[i] and therefore these "Rights" are best expressed with the original phrase "unalienable Rights" - just as it is written in this later document of July 4th, 1776. The two terms: "unalienable" and "inalienable" have distinctively different meanings.[ii]

(As Alfred Adask shows in his article: "... the text of the 'Declaration of Independence' expressly refers to our 'unalienable Rights'.")

When it is understood - the term: "unalienable" includes non-negotiable Rights of every American student ("all men") to self-assess and self-determine one’s own health and health systems including the individual's natural immunity (as an integral part of one's total well-being) and that includes the Right to do so without any coerician to have injections of so-called vaccinations in the name of “herd immunity” or for any reason whatsoever.

Purpose of government.

Sec. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, . [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, §2]

I think People would agree that the legal basis for the UC system originates with the People of California as established in the California Constitution - setting certain limitations on government under which the UC Regents are subsequently limited (as well as under the “Organic Laws”) to writing policy that is congruent with the stated purposes of government - that include "the protection" of the students. However, the vaccinations that the policy in question advocates for students have not been proven to protect either the "greater good" of communities as a whole or individual members (contrary to what are simply conventional beliefs). People now know that “Individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months [after their shots].’[iii][iv][v][vi][vii][viii][ix][x]xi][xii] Which means that unless newly vaccinated people quarantine themselves (and their children) after the vaccinations, they are putting others at risk of infection. The belief in "protection" by vaccination is not proving itself to be true! In light of the growing body of evidence a new understanding regarding what makes for a healthy immunity is now needed for the sake of the people's health and safety.

Would it be possible for the Regents to rethink the issue of immunity? Can immunity first be acknowledged as an inherent and organic part of life (rather than thought of as if it is just a matter of requiring a product from a medical dispensory)?

If the Regents wish to protect University students (a most worthy objective whether they are legally bound to this or not) I would most highly recommend gaining additional understanding on what factors students could be encouraged to include in their life (and especially as part of their school life) that can support their natural immunity. Understanding of this nature could open up options and support "freedom of choice" vs. a single track ultimatum - dictating a high-risk and unproven theoretical approach.

Would it be possible to re-evaulate the present questionable policy? Can the idea of the individual's "immune health" be considered? If so then it would be my joy to share information on some of the factors (including the nutrition factor) for a natural approach to healthy immunity!

Thank you for considering this comment.

Cordially and sincerely,
Chef Jemichel
@ San Diego, California

[i] The Declaration of Independence as the first of four Organic Laws is the cornerstone of American Law and therefore the original “supreme Law” of the United States of America. Without this “cornerstone” we do not have American Law or an American Nation. The Constitution of September 17, 1787 is the fourth Organic Law. Referring to this Constitution as if it were the only foundation for America is truly problematic because it's true standing can only be understood within the context of the preceding three Organic Laws. If the "Constitution" is "divorced" from the Declaration of Independence then we are without our "North Star" as our guiding light. We must "hold these truths to be self evident" or become subject to whatever the prevailing political winds of the day may be. We must know that "Life" includes our individual health and total well-being that is our natural unalienable Right meaning that it can not be given away or compromised by anything including an institution's "requirement" (under color of institutional policy) and/or in the name of public health. There is no public health without healthy individuals - the only place where health begins!


[iii] Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011

[iv] Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients

[v] Comparison of the Safety, Vaccine Virus Shedding and Immunogenicity of Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A and B, Live Cold-Adapted, Administered to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-Infected and Non-HIV Infected Adults

[vi] Sibling Transmission of Vaccine-Derived Rotavirus (RotaTeq) Associated with Rotavirus Gastroenteritis

[vii] Polio vaccination may continue after wild virus fades

[viii] Engineering attenuated virus vaccines by controlling replication fidelity


[x] The Safety Profile of Varicella Vaccine: A 10-Year Review

[xi] Comparison of Shedding Characteristics of Seasonal Influenza Virus (Sub)Types and Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09; Germany, 2007-2011

[xii] Epigenetics of Host-Pathogen Interactions: The Road Ahead and the Road Behind


August 10th, 2916 -

Continuing with the above subject matter I find the following supportive of my perspective:

"...out of respect for that most precious human right, the right of liberty over one’s person to be free from unwanted intrusions imposed by the state, we must necessarily make resort to compelled deprivation of that autonomy so difficult that every reasonable alternative to it must be tried and only upon proof that no alternative will suffice allow it and then only in the most limited of circumstances whereupon it has been proven that the equal rights of others to life, liberty and property are imminently imperiled. Only in this way may we be sure that we preserve liberty, due process, and religious freedom embraced here in a right to dissent against the winds of majoritarian tyranny and political force that direct state action. We must defend the rights of others to dissent against deprivations of right so that we may enjoy a like defense when we find ourselves out of step with the will of the majority."[3] - © 2015 Jonathan W. Emord - All Rights Reserved.

I voluntarily took on the above reference project of appealing to the UC Regents for the express purpose of "defend(ing) the rights of others to dissent" in this instance. It is reassuring to have found Jonathan Emord's article!

August 11th, 2016 -

Just sent this:

Greetings Friends (WAPF & "Voice For Choice"[iii])!

I wish to support the maximum understanding of "choice" that individuals can be fully informed about in regards to what may appear to be the issue of compulsory vaccinations.

I am digging deeper into the issue based on the most recent WAPF alert involving the UC Regents policy that requires immunization for their students. I responding by sending a letter to the Regents that was largely focused on the most fundamental of American Laws, namely the Organic Laws, as they support the superior "unalienable Rights" of every American and possibly every individual confronted with any governmental entity within the United States of America.[i]

I understand the need for "exemptions" to the vaccination policy however, IMO, activating the "exemptions" does not respond to the nature of the policy which I find in opposition to the most fundamental of American Law. IMO, choosing the exemption option indirectly says the policy is "okay".

The policy is not "okay"! It is offensive to "the very essence of what it means to be an American". Consequently I see the need for additional strategies that directly respond to the policy in addition to the strategy of "exemption".

I'd like to know of others, (individuals and / or groups) who share similar sentiments. My personal strategy is to question the jurisdiction. Believe it or not lawful jurisdiction is always limited. The Organic Laws show this to be true. Here are the limits: All government jurisdiction is proprietary-based. If the government does not own it then government jurisdiction does not apply there.

Schools and other institutions that base their policies on legislation appear to make assumptions regarding who their policies apply to. I wish to empower each individual to realize and to directly question those assumptions. If jurisdiction is not questioned then it is presumed to apply. (It's called silent acquiescence.) To question jurisdiction is just one way whereby the American people can limit the intrusion of government into their lives. Does this make sense?

Looking forward to the possibility of dialogue!

Warm Regards!

~Chef Jemichel

@ San Diego, California;

in the United States of America and without the "United States".[ii]




August 16th - Follow-up

I've received a positive reply and show of interest to understand the Organic Laws and their application in situations as described above (when agencies "invite" certain performance by individuals whereby the individuals voluntarily surrender certain Rights). I immediately replied and prepared a first lesson based on another blogpost made earlier this evening.


The TPP fight is here (The Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership)

President Obama has just officially put Congress on notice that the TPP is coming. To try to counter the opposition to this terrible trade agreement, the Administration is planning more than 30 high-profile events with cabinet members before the end of the month to push members of Congress to support the TPP.

But the momentum is on our side, and we have to keep it that way! Obama has acknowledged that he cannot get a vote to approve the TPP until after the elections because it is such a political hot button topic. We need to tell our legislators that we expect them to stay consistent and vote against the TPP after the election, as well as saying they're against it before.
This two-thousand page document would set the rules for all the countries in it – including the U.S. – on agriculture, food, intellectual property and patents, banking, and more.

The TPP agreement gives international corporations the ability to attack properly enacted domestic laws as supposed trade barriers.

Here are just some of the problems:
· The TPP gives importers the ability to challenge individual border inspection decisions, second-guessing U.S. inspectors about what food is safe and not safe to let into our country. This is a serious problem, particularly since a large percentage of our seafood comes from TPP countries already – in many cases, raised with chemicals and antibiotics that are not allowed in the U.S.
· The TPP threatens any serious limitation on genetically engineered foods by any country. Agribusiness and biotech companies will be able to use international tribunals to challenge countries that ban GMO imports, test for GMO contamination, do not promptly approve new GMO crops, or require GMO labeling.
· The TPP undermines "Buy American" rules, even when American tax dollars are being spent. The TPP procurement chapter gives firms operating in any TPP nation equal access to U.S. government procurement contracts, rather than the government continuing to give preference to local firms to build and maintain our public roads, bridges, railways, post offices and universities.
· Thousands of new foreign companies would be able to use the TPP investor suit provisions to challenge federal, state or local laws that they claim interfere with their expected profit, bringing suit against our government in unaccountable international tribunals.

Lame duck sessions are always dangerous times, when the members of Congress know that they either will not be coming back or that it will be a full two years before they are accountable to the voters again. They count on you having a short memory.

Call and tell your Members of Congress that you will NOT forget! Tell them you want them to vote no on the TPP!


Please call or e-mail your U.S. Representative and both your U.S. Senators. You can find who represents you:

Online: and

By Phone: call the Capital Switchboard at 202-224-3121

Below is a sample message that you can use.

Phone calls have a much greater impact than emails. If you send an email, please be sure to personalize your message by adding a couple of sentences at the beginning about who you are and why these issues matter to you.


I urge Representative/ Senator _____ to vote "No" on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

During the fight on Fast Track, many promises were made that the TPP would provide protections for American farmers, workers, and consumers. Those promises were not kept. The final text of the TPP includes provisions that will undermine democratically enacted laws on food safety and much more.

Any benefit from reductions in tariffs is undermined by the failure to address currency manipulation. A few businesses may benefit, but the majority of American businesses and workers will be the losers.

I urge you to vote No on the TPP.


Articles about President Obama's recent actions:

For more information about the TPP, see our fact sheet at: You can download a pdf version to email your legislators as a follow-up to your call.

The text of the TPP is available at:


October 10, 2016 -

Wise Traditions Summer Issue is now online!
Here's one of the feature articles:

Understanding the Concussion Epidemic: The Importance of Nourishing the Brain
Posted on August 19, 2016 by Merinda Teller, MPH, PhD

When the film Concussion was released in late 2015, pundits noted that the topic of sports-related traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) had “gone Hollywood.”1 Although the movie focuses on National Football League stonewalling and obfuscation about football-related head trauma, it also taps into growing collective anxiety about the broader risks associated with sports-related head injuries.2 A national survey conducted with over fifteen hundred parents in 2014 found that 89 percent of parents worried about the risk of sports injuries for their children, and concussion and head injuries were the leading injury of concern.3

Parents’ fears about head injuries are not unfounded. It is conservatively estimated that between 1.6 and 3.8 million concussions occur annually in the United States as a result of athletic involvement.4,5 Moreover, the rate of sports-related concussions has been increasing, with one prospective study finding a 15.5 percent annual increase over an eleven-year period.6


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) categorizes concussions as a “mild” form of TBI but acknowledges that all TBIs disrupt normal brain function.12 Neurological surgeons caution that no concussion should be taken lightly.13 In the short term, concussions may cause a range of physical, cognitive, behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms.4 More disturbingly, researchers have found that some concussions can have downstream neurodegenerative effects, giving rise to “patterns of decline often associated with abnormal aging.”14 A 2014 study in Surgical Neurology International coined a term for this increasingly prevalent problem: “diminished brain resilience (DBR) syndrome.”11

The authors of the 2014 study are Wendy Morley, nutrition specialist, and Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT (and a frequent Wise Traditions contributor). The two authors make a compelling argument that our modern lifestyle and environmental toxins are the key culprits responsible for the alarming uptick in concussions and concussion-related neurological damage. A series of deeply interrelated environmental and lifestyle problems—pesticide and chemical toxicity, exposure to heavy metals such as aluminum, poor gut health, overconsumption of processed foods, nutritional deficiencies (especially during the formative years), and insufficient access to sunlight—are setting into motion a perfect storm of events that are making our brains less resilient to shocks and disturbances of all types.

According to Morley and Seneff, the human body’s innate regulatory and healing mechanisms are ordinarily sufficient to “maintain homeostasis and enable physiological resilience.”11 When we are physiologically intact and healthy, intrinsic brain mechanisms typically allow us to recover spontaneously from uncomplicated single concussions within twenty-four to seventy-two hours. However, due to widespread exposure to environmental toxins, detrimental changes in the food supply and the loss of formerly protective lifestyle practices, few of us are lucky enough to have “unaltered physiology.” Thus instead of producing a normal regenerative healing response, our impaired ability to recover quickly results in a “downward spiral of neurological demise.”11


Functional deficiencies and depletion of important brain nutrients are one of the key reasons for our increased susceptibility to brain injury and our compromised ability to heal. Common deficiencies include sulfur, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, B vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs)—especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Each of these functional deficiencies has numerous downstream physiological consequences related to brain injury and diminished brain resilience ....

Glutamate is the brain’s most abundant neurotransmitter, serving as a chemical messenger that relays signals between neurons. Glutamate is needed for learning and memory and as an important source of energy, and is involved in numerous aspects of normal brain function and “many different and interconnected processes.”15 However, glutamate is excitatory (brain-stimulating) as opposed to inhibitory (brain-calming), and it has somewhat of a split personality:

“Glutamate has to be present in the right concentrations in the right places for the right time. Both too much and too little glutamate is harmful. This implies that glutamate is both essential and highly toxic at the same time.”15

The issues surrounding omega-3 deficiencies, brain injury and glutamate toxicity ... are particularly interesting. As it happens, glutamate is released in large amounts after a TBI. While the brain has various mechanisms to restore glutamate homeostasis, neurodegenerative conditions and concussions impair glutamate clearance. The result—excessive glutamate—then triggers a cascading series of damaging inflammatory effects. Thus, as the body tries to heal by releasing glutamate, it sets into motion a hyper-reactive excitatory response that damages the delicate neuronal tissue in the brain. These secondary effects turn out to be far more influential in determining the severity and outcome of concussion injury than the original mechanical forces involved in the concussion.

Neuroprotective omega-3 fatty acids can decrease the toxic effects of glutamate. However, because of the widespread deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the modern diet, this neuroprotective action may not be readily available to many concussion sufferers.

Insufficient supplies of sulfate to the brain—or more precisely the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)—provide a central explanation for many neurological disorders.16 (Sulfate is the oxidized form of sulfur.) Impaired sulfate supply is a factor, for example, in Alzheimer’s disease, in part because adequate sulfate is needed to remove potentially neurotoxic waste products and prevent oxidative damage.17 In the case of concussion, Morley and Seneff suggest that insufficient supplies of sulfate to the CSF (caused by environmental and lifestyle factors) leave the delicate neuronal tissues in the brain vulnerable to jarring.11 When there is insufficient sulfate in the brain, the neuronal tissues produce a hyper-reactive inflammatory response in an attempt to regenerate the supplies of sulfate that neurons need, but this response is ultimately counterproductive.


Sulfate depletion also impairs two important repair and clean-up mechanisms that are needed following brain injury, namely neuronal repair and recycling of cellular debris. Sulfate supplies in the CSF become inadequate when sulfate transporters are insufficient. Sulfate transporters include the monoamine neurotransmitters (melatonin, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine), and sterols such as cholesterol, DHEA and vitamin D3. The pineal gland (an endocrine gland in the center of the brain) plays a particularly important role in the sulfate transport process, synthesizing melatonin at night and delivering it to the CSF in the form of melatonin sulfate. Adequate sunlight during the day is essential to build up the supplies of sulfate needed to accomplish this nighttime transport process.18 Sun exposure is also a necessary (though not sufficient) condition to produce functional vitamin D3, another sulfate transporter. Interestingly, the brain centers responsible for producing serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are situated in close proximity to the pineal gland.

It is noteworthy that the omega-3 fatty acid DHA is also essential for the pineal gland to carry out sunlight-catalyzed sulfate synthesis. Morley and Seneff observe that DHA is “the most neuroprotective component of the omega-3 oils and makes up the most abundant fatty acid in neural membranes.”11 Although DHA normally should be present in substantial amounts in the pineal gland, omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies, as already mentioned, are at epidemic levels. A shortage of DHA, therefore, is problematic for sulfate synthesis as well as other protective and healing mechanisms.

Some interesting parallel trends have occurred over the same time period that sports-related concussions (and other forms of neurological-related damage) have been on the rise.11 For Morley and Seneff, one of the most relevant and disturbing trends is the dramatic increase in use of glyphosate (the active ingredient of Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer). Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world, with nearly a billion pounds of this toxin applied annually. In the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), glyphosate accounted for roughly 50 percent of total herbicide quantity as of 2008.19


The escalating use of glyphosate has accompanied the wholesale adoption of genetically modified (GM) “Roundup-Ready” soy, corn, cotton and other GM crops .... From 1996 to 2008, there was a whopping 764 percent increase in millions of pounds of the amount of glyphosate applied to soy crops, as well as a 2167 percent increase in its use for corn crops and a 977 percent increase for cotton crops.19 The USDA admits that the surge in glyphosate use has led to the development of glyphosate-resistant weed populations, prompting growers to apply other herbicides in conjunction with glyphosate and increasing the overall quantity of herbicides applied to GM crops.19

Over 80 percent of all processed foods in the standard North American diet contain GM ingredients, many from glyphosate-exposed crops. Glyphosate also has been detected in our water and air as well as in human urine samples. Of relevance to our modern-day problems with TBIs, according to Morley and Seneff, this explosive and cumulative increase in glyphosate exposure depletes sulfate supplies to the neural tissues. Sulfate depletion, in turn, leaves neural tissues “especially vulnerable to jostling through sudden impact” and impairs vital repair mechanisms.11

In addition to affecting sulfate supplies, glyphosate also disturbs at least three other critical processes. First, glyphosate interferes with the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine), which are precursors to the monoamine neurotransmitters that serve as sulfate transporters. In the process, glyphosate binds to and immobilizes micronutrients in plants, which carries over into nutrient deficiencies and diminished nutritional value in the glyphosate-exposed processed foods that we consume.

The second way that glyphosate alters our physiology is by disrupting all-important gut bacteria.16 It is common knowledge that beneficial gut bacteria perform many crucial biological functions. Glyphosate’s interference with our gut flora allows opportunistic pathogens to gain the upper hand and produce toxic by-products such as formaldehyde. It also adversely affects the synthesis of the B vitamins that are essential for methylation; and glyphosate impairs glutathione (GSH) synthesis by depleting methionine. GSH is the brain’s major antioxidant, and GSH depletion leads to neuronal degeneration.

Third, glyphosate interferes with the activity of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the liver.16 CYP enzymes are important for vitamin D3 activation, production of cholesterol sulfate and detoxification of drugs and toxins. Morley and Seneff suggest that glyphosate’s suppression of CYP enzymes may explain the rampant vitamin D3 deficiencies observed in this country. As already noted, vitamin D3 is a sulfate transporter, and problems with sulfate transport are linked to insufficient sulfate supplies in the CSF.

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin20 that bioaccumulates in the brain
and can catalyze immunoexcitotoxicity. Glyphosate works synergistically with aluminum to cause harm, in part by promoting aluminum uptake.16 According to Morley and Seneff, glyphosate plausibly “facilitates the penetration of aluminum across the gut barrier”—and the fact that glyphosate disrupts beneficial gut bacteria further enhances aluminum penetration.11 Aluminum’s known physiological effects can also explain, independently of its interaction with glyphosate, the type of brain inflammation that is making it difficult for concussions to heal as nature intended.


There are many possible routes of exposure to aluminum, but for children, one of the most significant sources is the aluminum adjuvants contained in numerous vaccines. Adjuvants are substances added to produce a stronger immune response to the microbial antigens.21 Table 2 lists the vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvants in the U.S., along with the amount of aluminum contained in each. As Dr. Robert Sears’ pediatric website shows, newborns and infants who follow the current vaccine schedule receive 250 micrograms (mcg) of aluminum in the hepatitis B vaccine on the day of birth and another 250 mcg in the second hepatitis B shot at one month of age.22 This is followed by anywhere from 295 to 1225 mcg of injected aluminum at the two-month appointment, repeated at the four-month and six-month follow-ups, producing a possible total of nearly 3,000 mcg by six months,22 and 4,925 mcg by 18 months.23 Investigators at the University of British Columbia have found a highly significant correlation between the number of aluminum-containing vaccines administered and the rate of autism spectrum disorders.20 As the vaccine schedule continues to expand, so does children’s cumulative exposure to neurotoxic aluminum.

Injection is a particularly toxic mode of exposure to aluminum. Injected aluminum enters the brain quickly and is slow to be excreted, with a half-life of about seven to eight years. Disturbingly, the children who are involved in organized team sports and are potentially at risk of concussion are exposed to additional injected aluminum in their preteen and teenage years through booster shots, even though the adjuvants that they received in early childhood and again at ages four to six have not yet left their bodies. Vaccine booster shots targeted at preteens that contain significant amounts of aluminum adjuvant include DTaP or Tdap, Gardasil and the meningitis B vaccine recommended by the CDC in 2015 for teens between ages sixteen and twenty-four.24 The Gardasil 9 vaccine approved by the FDA in late 2014 contains over twice as much aluminum (500 mcg) as the original Gardasil vaccine (225 mcg).

Teen lifestyles also feature other oral and topical aluminum exposures. These include aluminum-containing antiperspirants, sports drinks such as Gatorade (and other processed foods with aluminum-containing food dyes) and sunscreens, which have aluminum nanoparticles. Considering the synergistic relationship between aluminum and glyphosate, high consumption of junk and processed foods containing GM ingredients by teenagers is also cause for concern.

Morley and Seneff’s wide-ranging article provides sobering evidence that environmental and lifestyle factors have given rise to the problem of diminished brain resilience syndrome—a problem with serious and potentially lifelong ramifications.11 Moreover, DBR syndrome is only one component of a lengthy roster of neurological disorders that characterize our modern era and reflect diminished brain resilience, including, notably, Alzheimer’s disease, but also other forms of dementia, Parkinson’s disease and other disorders. Neurological disorders and deaths have increased disproportionately in the context of declining total mortality.11 In 2010, for example, the U.S. ranked second among twenty-one high-income countries in deaths from neurological disorders, up from seventeenth place in 1991.25 One in nine Americans (11 percent) has Alzheimer’s disease (AD)—the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.—and AD-related mortality rose by 68 percent between 2000 and 2010.26

In light of these dire trends, what are we to do? The first step is to ensure that mothers-to-be and growing children, especially, consume nourishing foods with the high levels of minerals (including good sources of calcium) and fat-soluble activators needed to support optimal skeletal development.27 The fat-soluble activators—that is, the animal forms of vitamins A, D3 and K2—are essential for enabling the body to absorb and use minerals. As documented in Weston A. Price’s masterpiece, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the quality of skeletal material is wholly dependent on adequate and appropriate nutrition that features these key components.28 Price noted, for example, that “the excellent nutrition of the pre-Columbian Indians is indicated in the comparative thickness of the skulls” (page 100), and remarked on the superior skull development of other primitive groups, particularly those who made abundant use of sea-animal life—noteworthy for its especially high content of minerals and fat-soluble activators (page 495). Examining a collection of ancient and modern skulls in Rome, Price found that whereas “only four skulls out of 4,000 [0.1 percent] belonging to the pre-Christian era…showed serious malformations, approximately 40 percent of the skulls…of people who died in the last fifty years [in mental institutions] showed gross imperfections and abnormal formations.” To endow modern-day children with the thick, strong skulls that Price once encountered and that surely represented protection against the adverse effects of concussion, modern parents-to-be and parents cannot afford to neglect sacred foods such as cod liver oil, raw milk and other raw dairy products from pastured cows and egg yolks from pastured chickens. For the more adventurous eaters, small fish such as anchovies and sardines, fish roe, liver and bone marrow are also excellent sources of minerals and fat-soluble activators.27

Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate fully our toxic exposure to pernicious substances such as glyphosate, but there is much that we can do to limit the damage that such toxins cause. In addition to eating the type of diet just described, we clearly should stay away from GM foods and ingredients, improve and maintain our gut health through regular consumption of fermented foods and avoidance of antibiotics, make sure that we consume adequate omega-3 fatty acids (seafood and organ meats are superb sources of DHA) and avoid sunscreen and sunglasses to ensure that we get enough sunlight to support sulfate synthesis and vitamin D3 conversion. Avoiding aluminum exposure—and particularly injected aluminum—is also critical. More broadly, there is no doubt that we should all be working to encourage a societal shift away from the chemical- and toxin-dependent agricultural and medical practices that are diminishing brain resilience.


The standard medical response to concussion has been to prescribe complete cognitive and physical rest (often in
a darkened room) to avoid reinjuring the brain. Typically, this means avoiding reading, screen time and exercise until full alleviation of symptoms.

Full rest in the first few days after injury is still considered critical. However, some physicians also have been developing a more proactive approach to treatment.1 Instead of “waiting for the brain to right itself on its own,” this approach draws on the concept of neuroplasticity, which recognizes the brain’s ability to adapt. By carefully pinpointing the specific problems that the individual is experiencing (such as vestibular system deficits, impaired vision or language problems) and prescribing exercises that are comparable to “physical therapy for the brain,” these physicians believe that it may be possible to encourage steadier improvement, although the approach still requires caution and fine-tuning.1

In addition to rest, administering alternating drops of ... cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil under the
tongue can support the healing process. Cod liver oil is particularly helpful in reducing inflammation and promoting neuron repair. Homeopathic Arnica (or Aconite for the very fearful) in a 200C potency can also stimulate recovery if given shortly after the concussion, and other homeopathic remedies can be supportive over the longer term.2

1. Kilgore C. New ideas for treating concussions. National Post, April 13, 2016.
2. McIntosh C. A little bump or a major injury? British Homeopathic Association, n.d.

• A boy grew up eating a junk food diet and drinking large quantities of soda. One day, while waiting for his carpool, he fell off of a two-foot-high wall and hit his head, resulting in a concussion. The boy died the following day.
• Another boy was small and had difficulty gaining weight. His pediatrician recommended that he be allowed to eat
whatever he wanted, as long as he was consuming calories of any type, even candy. As a result, candy bars and other junk food were his mainstays. By his teenage years, he had had half a dozen repeat concussions and, despite a great love of athletics, was not allowed to play further sports, for his own safety.
• A third boy grew up eating a Weston A. Price style traditional foods diet. One winter, he lost control of his sled going down a steep hill and slammed head first into the side of his house. After a short rest, he was perfectly fine.

1. Vrentas J. The NFL’s “concussion” problem. The MMQB, December 23, 2015.
2. Live Science staff. Sports-related concussions increasing, study shows. Live Science, August 31, 2010.
3. The Aspen Institute. espnW/Aspen Institute Project Play survey of parents on youth sportsissues. 2014.
4. Daneshvar DH, Nowinski CJ, McKee A, Cantu RC. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion. Clin Sports Med 2011;30(1):1-17.
5. Marshall CM. Sports-related concussion: A narrative review of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2012;56(4):299-310.
12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. TBI: Get the facts. Last updated January 22, 2016.
13. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Concussion.
14. Tremblay S, De Beaumont L, Henry LC, Boulanger Y, Evans AC, Bourgouin P, Poirier J, Théoret H, Lassonde M. Sports concussions and aging: A neuroimaging investigation. Cereb Cortex 2013;23(5):1159-1166.
15. Danbolt NC. Glutamate as a neurotransmitter—an overview. The Neurotransporter Group: Dynamics of extracellular transmitter amino acids. Oslo, Norway: Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience.
16. Seneff S, Swanson N, Li C. Aluminum and glyphosate can synergistically induce pineal gland pathology: Connection to gut dysbiosis and neurological disease. Agricultural Sciences 2015;6:42-70.
17. Seneff S. Sulfur deficiency: A possible contributing factor in obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and chronic fatigue. July 2, 2011.
18. Asprey D. Dr. Stephanie Seneff: Glyphosate toxicity, lower cholesterol naturally and get off statins. Bulletproof Radio, Podcast #238, 2013.
19. Fernandez-Cornejo J, Nehring R, Osteen C, Wechsler S, Martin A, Vialou A. Pesticide use in U.S. agriculture: 21 selected crops, 1960-2008. EIB-124, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, May 2014.
20. Shaw CA, Tomljenovic L. Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): Toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity. Immunol Res 2013;56(2-3):304-316.
21. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Vaccine adjuvants. Last updated August 28, 2015.
22. Sears RW. Vaccine FAQs: Aluminum information from The Vaccine Book., n.d.
23. Alton L. Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months, safe limit is 25 mcg. Natural Health 365, August 24, 2015.
24. Neighmond P. Vaccine against meningitis B gets a boost from CDC. National Public Radio, Shots, June 29, 2015.
25. Philpott T. Death rates from Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases are spiking. Mother Jones, August 11, 2015.
26. Alzheimer’s Association. 2014 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Chicago, IL: Alzheimer’s Association, 2014.
27. Allbritton J. Rediscovering ways to enjoy ancient traditional wisdom. September 28, 2010.
28. Price WA. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. 1939. Reprint. La Mesa, CA: The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, 2004 (6th edition).

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2016

October 17, 2016 -

Got a reply from Secretary of State regarding Oaths of Office:


You may obtain copies of filed oaths of office by written request to Secretary of State, Notary Public Section, P.O. Box 942877, Sacramento CA 94277-0001 Attn: Toni.

Include in your request the list of oaths that you are requesting and the year of the oath or the current oath along with a check made payable to Secretary of State in the amount of $1 for each plain copy or $6 for each certified copy. You may also include a "not to exceed" check for a specific amount and the exact amount will be written in once your request is completed.

Additionally, it is helpful to include your contact information in your request in case we have any questions.

Notary Public & Special Filings Section

Oct, 18th, 2016 -

A number of weeks ago I viewed a 14' presentation that includes the Right to Refuse Vaccinations!: "How To Say No To Vaccinations ..."

Also verified source site:

where they offer "Downloadable Documents" including:

"Vaccination Notice".

October 25, 2016 -

It's been said that the United States government operates under Admiralty jurisdiction and that is why we don't have "Constitutional rights" acknowledged by government. The following is in response to that statement.

Admiralty has jurisdiction over vessels. "US citizens" were reportedly declared to be "vessels": "a citizen of the United States is a vessel - “Remarks in Congress” by: Louis T. McFadden (see item "6."):

... title 28 1333 gave the district courts of the United States original jurisdiction exclusive of the States for all cases of admiralty maritime jurisdiction under the saving to suitors clause; thereby Common Law is vested in the District Courts of the United States, and is accessed by way of the Saving to Suitors Clause. Article III Section II gives the district courts of the United States judicial power in all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction. This is the only side of the court that has Article-III judicial powers under the War Powers Act of Admiralty. This is the reason one cannot ordinarily find a common-law remedy in state court. The following laws provide remedy under the common law within the admiralty:
1. The suits in Admiralty Act 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix sections 741-752.
2. The Admiralty Extension Act 46 U.S.C.A. Section 740.
3. The Bills of Lading Act title 49 U.S.C.A. Chapter 147 section 14706.
4. The Public Vessels Act 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix sections 781-790.
5. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act title 28 sections 1602-1611.
6. The Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States title 18 section 7 (1) – a citizen of the United States is a vessel. (3) Any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, irrespective of ownership (A), the premises of the United States diplomatic, consular, military. . . and land appurtenant or ancillary thereto (B), residences in foreign States and the land appurtenant or ancillary thereto irrespective of ownership.
7. The False Claims Act of title 31 U.S.C.A. section 3729 (a) (7).
8. The Lanham Act of title 15 section 1125 (a).
9. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of title 39 sections 1-908 & 3621-3691.
10. The Admiralty, maritime and Prize cases title 28 section 1333 (1) (2).
11. Title 50 Appendix section 7 (c) sole relief & remedy under the trading with the enemy act & (e) No person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in pursuance of any order, rule, or regulation made by the president under the authority of this act.[4]

October 29th, 2016 -


If Congress passes this ("Do No Harm Act" H.R.5272) as an "Act of Congress" then it is generally only "locally applicable to and in force in the District of Columbia, in Puerto Rico, in a territory or in an insular possession."[i] Please check with the attorney of your choice regarding the government's limited proprietary jurisdiction. (I would be most interested in hearing their response.)

For the health of greater freedom!
~Chef JeM
There are thousands hacking at the "branches" of government expansion in the form of virtually every legislative act. Who will strike at the root regarding limited jurisdiction?


November 1, 2016 -

It comes as no surprise that:
"CDC Refuses to Let Vaccine Whistleblower Testify in Autism Court Case"

(Posted on November 1, 2016 by wapfadmin at:


All citizens need to mobilize to send a message to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requesting they allow one of their employees to testify in a court of law.

Attorneys Bryan Smith and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., of Morgan & Morgan, have sought to have CDC senior scientist Dr. William Thompson testify in a medical malpractice case to explain his claims that CDC committed data manipulation in a series of studies, which claimed to find no link between vaccines and autism.

However, despite a court ordered subpoena, Thomas Frieden, director of CDC, has sent a letter blocking his employee, Dr. Thompson, from testifying in this Tennessee court case involving a 16-year-old boy, Yates Hazlehurst, who claims his autism is caused by vaccine injuries.

Frieden’s letter stated, “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS (Human Health Services).”

The fact is, CDC has known for well over a decade that there is a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism and they have gone to great lengths to cover up their findings.

Dr. Thompson has stated to Brian Hooker, Ph.D. and to Congressman William Posey that he and his colleagues in the CDC Vaccine Safety Branch were ordered to commit scientific fraud, destroy evidence and manipulate data to conceal the link between autism and vaccines. He also admitted omitting data in a statement released by his lawyer August 27, 2014.

According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Thompson’s testimony is critical: “This boy, and thousands of others, lost their cases in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program because the CDC and Justice Department submitted fraudulent science wrongly denying the vaccine-autism link.”

Please let CDC know it is unacceptable for them to hide the vaccine/autism link any longer.


1. Call or write CDC director Thomas Frieden and request that Dr. William Thompson be allowed to testify in the Yates Hazlehurst case.

Phone: (404) 639-7000 (press 8)
Email: or

2. Call or write CDC director Thomas Frieden’s boss Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and request that Dr. William Thompson be allowed to testify in the Yates Hazlehurst case.

Phone: (202) 205-5445

In addition to this court case, we must demand that Congress subpoena Dr. William Thompson to testify about his findings at CDC.

Please contact your legislators and make this request.

3) Call or write your two US Senators and let them know you oppose this rule.

4) Call or write your member of the Untied States House of Representatives and let them know you oppose this rule.

5) You may also wish to contact both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s headquarters and ask what each candidate will do to make sure whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson is called to testify before Congress regarding scientific research fraud allegations at CDC.

Clinton Campaign Headquarters Phone: (646) 854-1432

Trump Campaign Headquarters Phone: (646) 736-1779

Talking Points:

1) You have DEEP concerns about vaccine safety studies conducted at CDC and alleged manipulation of data. You would like senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson to be allowed to testify about his findings in the Yates Hazlehurst vaccine/autism court case AND to Congress.

2) You demand transparency regarding the inner workings of CDC. It is the health and safety of our children that are at risk and you expect an investigation into allegations that CDC has manipulated data regarding the vaccine/autism connection.

3) It is clear CDC cannot be trusted and has committed overt scientific fraud. You expect the US Congress and the Department of Justice to hold CDC officials and study authors Dr. Frank DeStefano, Dr. Coleen Boyle, Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Tanya Karapurkar Bhasin, and Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp accountable for their criminal actions.

4) You call on Congress to remove any oversight of vaccines from the Department of Health and Human Services. You call on Congress to immediately repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives immunity to vaccine manufacturers thus removing the necessary incentive to ensure the safety of vaccines. Finally and most importantly, you call on state legislatures to immediately repeal all vaccine mandates nationwide as it is each person’s inalienable right to determine what is put into their body or that of their child’s.

5) According to Dr. William Thompson, CDC can no longer be trusted to do vaccine safety study work. He has admitted in recorded phone conversations with Brian Hooker, PhD. that he and his co-authors lied about scientific findings and he suggests CDC cannot be trusted to police itself. Based on Dr. Thompson’s whistleblowing confession, it is only right that he is brought forth to tell his story and CDC be investigated.

6) While the CDC claims no knowledge of a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism, Dr. Thompson’s own statement to Congressman Bill Posey (R-FL) when he released thousands of documents to Posey is explicit, “We hypothesized that if we found statistically significant effects at either the 18-month or 36-month threshold, we would conclude that vaccinating children early with the MMR vaccine could lead to autism-like characteristics or features.”

7) According to Dr. Thompson, CDC’s own study found that African Americans who received the MMR vaccine on time were 2.64x (164% increased risk) more likely to receive an autism diagnosis than those who received the MMR vaccine after 3 years of age. For African American boys, the relative risk is 3.36x or 236%. Yet the MMR vaccine is recommended beginning at 12 months of age.

8) A relatively new government survey of parents suggests that 1 in 45 children, ages 3 through 17, have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The official government estimate is 1 in 68 American children with autism, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We cannot continue to ignore the fact that we have an autism epidemic and testimony from Dr. Thompson may help. According to statistical data by senior researcher at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., by the year 2032 80% of boys and ½ of all children born will end up on the autism spectrum.

9) You believe it is time for vaccine safety studies to be done properly. It is not okay for example, that vaccines are exempt from double-blind placebo studies and are not studied in conjunction with the childhood schedule.

10) Vaccine injuries are real. The safety of vaccines is not absolute and no medical doctor would sign a statement that vaccine safety is absolute. The Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe and do cause injury and death in some recipients. The US government has paid out more than $3 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS.)

11) In the past 5 years, drug makers have paid the U.S. Government 19.2 billion in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties. Skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry is well deserved.

12) Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000. We must demand proper research into each and every one of these vaccines that are often mandated.

13) Why this is personal to you: a vaccine reaction in someone you know that you believe has led to an autism diagnosis.
- (End of Alert)

The growth of Autism (that I estimate to be at least 6000% over the past half century based on the estimated 6000% increase in vaccinations for children) now appears to be approaching a "tipping point" in societies that have allowed wide-spread public vaccinations. One reference for my claim is that the leading training center for Waldorf teachers in the u.s. of A. is now being converted in large part to a center for the Autism spectrum to the abandonment of the Waldorf teacher training program! I'm definitely "alerted"!

Although the URGENT ACTION ALERT article above may be the best activism on the planet in regards to health issues consequential to government policy or the like (and probably especially regarding this particular instance) I suggest that seeking cooperation from government legislators as well as the court system is largely futile toward the goal of collecting damages in this case although I believe that is not the only goal here. I'm not against this activism and in fact I could actually support it (as I believe the situation with the CDC calls for every effort to respond). It may be helpful to know that there are additional lawful approaches to seeking damages from the "medical malpractice" referred to in "this court case" in addition to the legal approach thereof.

Nov. 17, 2016 -

The Trans-Pacific Partnership -

A broad range of family farm and local food proponents, progressive groups and tea partiers, advocates for labor, the environment, and national sovereignty, and more, had planned a massive call-in effort this week to fight against the Obama Administration's last-ditch effort to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership during the lame duck session -- and it appears that we have won without needing this final push!

Today Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and other TPP opponents within Congress held a press conference to discuss the end of the trade partnership and what that means for the future of international trade. And late last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) separately announced that no action would be taken within either House to push a vote on the TPP.

While President Obama has not publicly conceded, it is apparent that the deal is dead for now.

The grassroots opposition to the TPP can be traced back to June 2010, when advocates for small farmers, labor, consumers, and other movements began to raise concerns about the secretive negotiations.

For five years, millions of people in this country and in other TPP nations fought against this corporate power grab. The TPP was an attack on our sovereignty, promising profits for large corporations at the expense of average citizens.

Despite the public opposition, President Obama concluded negotiations and signed the TPP early this year. But the opposition kept the agreement from being sent to Congress for approval. Even the President admitted that he could not garner the votes for it, except perhaps after Election Day, when members of Congress might assume their constituents had short attention spans and would no longer care. Trump's election, with his outspoken opposition to the TPP, put the nail in the coffin for the TPP ... a coffin built by millions of people from all walks of life over the last five years.

While we can declare victory, the war is not over. Many of those who pushed for the TPP –corporations, elected officials, and lobbyists – remain in positions of power and influence. So we must remain vigilant.

"People power" beat the combined forces of K Street, Wall Street, agribusiness, big oil, and more. We have proven that there is great strength in our numbers, and all of us need to remain at-the-ready for the battles ahead.

- In an email to Weston A. Price Foundation members.

December 20, 2016 -

We continue to receive questions about our recommendations for cod liver oil and specifically for fermented cod liver oil. We have addressed these concerns very conscientiously, both in our journal and in emails to members on this subject. You can find these reports and articles on our website at oil and specifically in the article

A few individuals have claimed that fermented cod liver oil is rancid, contains low levels of vitamin D and contains trans fatty acids.

The Weston A. Price Foundation tested all three brands of cod liver oil in the Shopping Guide Best category for rancidity using magnetic resonance testing, the most modern and accurate type of testing available. The fermented cod liver oil proved to be the most stable, showing no signs of rancidity whatsoever. In addition, the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in fermented cod liver oil indicate that none of these fragile molecules have broken down.

We also tested for vitamin D. One lab found only low or non-existent levels in the two brands we tested—the fermented cod liver oil and a second brand of unheated cod liver oil; however a different lab found very high levels of vitamin D in both of these brands. These results indicate that the type of natural vitamin D in cod liver oil is not the same as the type of vitamin D that is added to highly refined cod liver oil and to other foods. (The first lab only looked for added vitamin D.) Please see a discussion of vitamin D in cod liver oil at

Finally, on the issue of trans fatty acids in cod liver oil, it turns out that all fish liver and fish oils contain low levels of natural trans fatty acids. These come from fungus that the fish eat. It should not surprise us that fish oils contain natural trans fats, as animal fats do also. The presence of trans fats in cod liver oil is not evidence that these oils have been adulterated with vegetable oils, as some have claimed, but is actually evidence that the oils are natural.

In our Shopping Guide, we list three brands of cod liver oil in the Best category. These products have not been heated and retain all of their natural vitamins. The brands listed in the Good category have been processed with heat (a process called molecular distillation) and have added synthetic vitamins in the right proportions.[8]

February 7, 2017 -

Now is a good time to become a member--we are having a membership drive in February and March! Join or renew at a $10 discount for U.S. and international memberships. That mean U.S. membership is $30 (instead of $40) and international is $40 (instead of $50).

February 14th, 2017 -


Here at the Weston A. Price Foundation we are tracking 103 vaccine-related bills in 30 states. Please see information attached from our friends at the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and determine if your phone calls, emails or personal appearance can help in your state.

To View NVIC alert information click here:


Look at the NVIC link above to see if your state is being affected by new vaccine legislation.

Follow the NVIC directions for whom to contact and what action to take. (They will most likely be asking you to call or email your state legislators to either support or oppose vaccine legislation in your state.)

Just minutes of your time can make all the difference.

See talking points below for some general information about vaccines, exemptions, mandates, and tracking systems.
Talking Points:

Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2- 3 talking points that are relevant to the bill affecting your state and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.

1) You have DEEP concerns about (your states bill) and are strongly opposed or in support of it. Be clear which bill you are calling about and your position. For example, "My name is ----, and I am a constituent. I am calling to urge my legislator to oppose HB XXX." (Or support for the handful of good bills.)

2) Your body and your children's bodies do not belong to the state. You want to be free to choose how you nourish and keep yourselves healthy.

3) The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be "unavoidably unsafe" and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US Government has paid out more that $3 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS.

4) Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000.

5) Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. Taxpayers pick up the bill, while the vaccine manufacturers reap the profits whether or not the vaccine's benefits outweigh the risks.:

6) In the past 5 years, drug makers have paid the U.S. Government 19.2 billion in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties. Skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry is well deserved.:

7) Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Vaccine ingredients vary, but may contain a variety of potentially toxic ingredients including but not limited to; mercury, formaldehyde, chicken egg proteins, gelatin, and viruses they are said to be "protecting" against.:

8) Despite what the media says, there is plenty of scientific data showing a link between vaccines and vaccine injury. For example, there are 128-research papers alone supporting vaccine/autism causation.:

9) Any medical procedure or pharmaceutical product carries a risk. It is immoral to force a person to inject a pharmaceutical product into their body when that product could injure or kill them.

10) Most of the vaccines given today are for diseases that are either rare or mild. For example, there have been no deaths from measles during the last 10 years, but 108 deaths reported after the MMR vaccine during the same time period.

11) There are many other ways to stay healthy: a healthy diet, adequate rest, sunshine and exercise, etc. without any risk of vaccine injury.

12) Vaccinated individuals can spread disease for several weeks after receiving a live virus vaccine.:

13) If we mandate vaccines, will we also mandate other medical procedures, such as fetal ultrasound, mammograms and colonoscopy? Will we dictate medical procedures based on genetic testing? Will we have a medical police to determine whether someone can leave the house with a cough?

14) There are hundreds of new vaccines in development:
and several thousand vaccine clinical trials being conducted, including for infectious and non-infectious diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, RSV, avian flu, asthma, strep B, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis C, tuberculosis, e-coli, salmonella, asthma, diabetes, obesity, anti-cocaine and heroin use.:

If vaccine manufactures and others who profit from forced vaccination convince legislators to take away our right to decline a vaccine now, what will our future look like?

15) CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of "undervaccination" so they can be "addressed" and brought into "compliance.":

May 2, 2017 -

The Spring Issue of Wise Traditions is available!

One letter got my increased attention titled "Bulletproof?". In part in reads:
"…Cafestol is a compound in the oils of coffee that causes dramatic spikes in cholesterol in some people, it also causes HDL cholesterol to be transmuted into LDL cholesterol. …” - K.J. - "A fan of the Weston A. Price Foundation."

Apparently there is a need for the general public to be educated about cafestol and that the use of a French press does not filter-out this substance (as it apparently is filtered out in "regular paper coffee filters"). Also this reported problematic effect is possible with people who have a genetic sensitivity to cafestol.

Just did a search with the terms "cafestol and cholesterol" and got "About 1,760 results" in
Among the search results is one with Dr Weil that I appreciated reading.[6]

I also have increased attention for "Vitamin A For The Mind" (in "Caustic Commentary") -
"Vitamin A is essential for several regions of the brain, and this chapter focuses on two regions: the hippocampus, needed for learning and memory, and the hypothalamus, necessary to maintain the body's internal physiological balance. ... vitamin A deficiency ... can ... result in an imbalance of the body's homeostasis that could lead to obesity and sleep problems."

July 7, 2017 -

Reorganizing my library of Wise Traditions and noted the following:
Vol 1, #1 - Spring 2000 there are 11 Local Chapters identified with none in California.
Vol 1, #2 - Summer 2000 now 20 Local Chapters listed, 3 in California including Grass Valley with "yours truly" as the "Chapter Leader".

October 30, 2018 - Chef Jemichel's introduction to the "International Association for Food Protection" -

Thank you Pete (Kennedy)! (Glad you survived the meeting! ; ~ )

Readers here (at WAPF website) will more than likely understand the orientation of the IAFP from your assessment that: “Most of the crowd at the meeting does not distinguish between the industrial food system and the local food system. The regulations the conference sets in motion are geared for industrial food production …” The organization began as the “International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors”. Just in case anyone has any doubts about the “orientation” I offer the following quotes from their website and from their published history:

(Website) History – On October 16, 1911, 35 men from Australia, Canada and the United States held the first International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

(Website) Time Line:
January 1, 1910
New York Requires Pasteurization of Milk
“As cities began to industrialize, milk production and distribution became more unsanitary. This was the cause of many milkborne diseases, which were commonly fatal. Unsanitary milk caused illnesses such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. In 1910, the New York City Board of Health issued an order requiring the pasteurization of milk in hopes of reducing pathogens and diseases in milk. Other states followed throughout the next decade.”

Comment: The lion’s share of truth is missing from this “history” as to what “milk” this refers to and how it relates to industrialization in the cities. However that history is covered in “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD that I produced featuring Mark McAfee and Dale Jacobson, DC.

First Annual Meeting – October 16, 1911

Thirty-five men from Australia, Canada, and the U.S. sought the need to improve the quality of milk production and as a result created the International Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors. Milwaukee, Wisconsin was the site of the first Association meeting on October 16, 1911.

(Note: One man came from Canada and one man from Australia.)

“When the 1921 Meeting was held in New York City, that city was in the midst of a strike by the milk deliverymen. Nevertheless, the Annual Meetings continued to emphasize the healthfulness of dairy products, their importance as foods for adults as well as for children and infants, and the need for laws providing for pasteurization of all milk and cream unless it was known to be from a certifiably safe source.”:

Comment: Any real history of milk can’t completely deny the fact of the certified raw milk that was produced and also used in the Mayo Clinic to support the recovery of individuals sickened by the swill.

“The growing importance of the new science of nutrition was obvious by the early 1930s, when several talks on the nutritive value of milk appeared on the program at the Annual Meetings. Raw milk was compared to pasteurized milk from the point of view of nutritional differences, …” p 12

Comment: A more complete report could include a summary of those “talks” however I don’t know whether they are accessible.

“Meeting activity for 2009 kicked off in February with the second IAFP Timely Topics Symposium, ‘Raw Milk Consumption: An Emerging Public Health Threat,’ held again in Arlington, Virginia.” p. 55.

Comment: Another item that probably deserves a closed look – however I can’t help but suspect that this reference probably indicates that the organization was following the agendas of the FDA, CDC, etc.

“In 1923, Leslie C. Frank, U.S. Public Health Service, asserted that the fundamental idea of certified milk was wrong, and that all milk, including certified, should be pasteurized.” p. 69

Comment: Add the Public Health Service to the “agenda” list.[23]

December 17, 2018 A Little History of an Offering of Voluntary Support -

Just inquired with WAPF regarding a comment that I had submitted about thirteen days ago (at a WAPF article webpage) that essentially underscored the need to question FDA authority on an apparent prohibition against raw butter shipments over State lines. In addition - I asked for input as to how I might offer my research findings in support of food freedom and small farm freedom and included a little history of my attempts to offer support to the legal team that is apparently heading up an effort to create educational materials for the public regarding the administrative state.

This "history" begins with a message over a year ago (on 10/17/17) from WAPF titled: RAW MILK & SMALL FARM SUPPORT FOR WAPF MEMBERS.

That read:
We are pleased to announce that Pete Kennedy is now working for the
Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) as a consultant on policy and legal
matters. Pete is a past president and original board member of the
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). There is no charge for
consultations with him for anyone who is a WAPF member.

Pete will be working on policy at the state level for WAPF, including
advising members on state legislation regarding raw milk, cottage
foods, food freedom, poultry processing and on-farm/custom slaughter.
Pete has worked on successful state legislative efforts in all these
areas. He is also available for consultation on any effort to change
state administrative regulations and policies. Pete will be
responsible for drafting action alerts for members on legislation,
policy initiatives and other matters on the state level.

Raw milk laws will be a focus of his work. A long-term goal of WAPF is
legal access to raw milk in all 50 states. That day is getting closer,
there is currently legal access in 43 states.

Pete will be consulting with members on legal issues pertaining to the
right of consumers to have access to nutrient-dense foods and the
rights of farmers and artisans to produce those foods. He will be
available to work at the administrative level with members having an
issue with regulators in federal, state or local government agencies.

In the past, Pete has worked on numerous matters involving FDA and
USDA, state agriculture and health departments and local health
departments on nutrient-dense foods. Work he has done at the federal,
state and local administrative levels includes protecting farmers
against threatened enforcement actions, handling food seizure, embargo
and recall cases, and right-to-farm and zoning issues.

He will also be available for consultation with WAPF members on
herdshare contracts and buyer’s club agreements; he has worked with
hundreds of farmers around the country on herdshare contracts.
(202) 363-4394

My Reply - Date 10/18/2017


Does WAPF have any "research" and/or "education" component regarding Lawful jurisdiction of "state administrative regulations and policies"?

Thank you for possibly considering this!

Jemichel Consulting -
"Chef-Doctor Jemichel" Blog:

"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" Blog:

"Son of Truth ..." Blog:

More recent "history" can be added to the above - however I see something now that I just read once again in the original announcement from WAPF that I will point out in the following quote:

"Pete will be working on policy at the state level for WAPF, including advising members on state legislation regarding raw milk, cottage foods, food freedom, poultry processing and on-farm/custom slaughter.
Pete has worked on successful state legislative efforts in all these
areas. He is also available for consultation on any effort to change
state administrative regulations and policies."

I now realize all the more that the efforts "to change state administrative regulations and policies" does not challenge the jurisdiction of (what can be referred to as) the "administrative state". As long as the jurisdiction of the "administrative state" is not directly questioned the assumed authority of that supposedly governmental entity will continue and will not disclose its true nature either directly (under a demand to know presented by or on behalf of the people) or by its silent acquiescence. This is an unresolved issue in the food freedom movement. I do not know whether an attorney/esquire has the freedom under their limitations (via their BAR membership) to challenge the jurisdiction of the State. The "challenge" may require the support from a non-attorney/esquire/BAR member.


[1] Additional "Weston A. Price Foundation" postings @ CureZone:

"What Dr. Weston A. Price Discovered ... And What Has Been 'Largely Ignored' - Some highlights of the discoveries of Dr. Weston A. Price":

[2] The Fall, 2015 journal is now online:

( with some great feature articles.



[5] A Message From The Sheriff -
Richard Mack

The past few weeks have been a virtual emotional roller coaster, with lots of ups and downs. The most recent "down" is the trial this week of Amish farmer Sam Girod. He was found guilty on all 13 counts. Yes you read correctly, 13 counts of felonies no less! I can't even remember all of them, but I do know that fraud and conspiracy were the most prominent charges. He is to be sentenced on June 16th. Remember his crime: making a salve out of chickweed and selling it to people in need

We cannot ignore this good man's plight and the abuse he has received from our own federal government bureaucrats, who claim their only concern is "the safety of the American people." Can any of them or anyone else in our country explain how we are all safer with this Amish farmer in prison? He has never hurt a single person in his entire life! Just so each of you know, Sam Girod faces 48 years in prison, a virtual life sentence.

One piece of good news is that the Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback, has written a letter to President Trump asking the President to grant a pardon to both Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler. Of course, as you already know, we, the CSPOA and The Freedom Coalition, are asking the President for the same thing, but not just for Cox and Kettler.

Sam Girod, Cox, Kettler and the others on our list are but a few of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of innocent Americans who have been so ruthlessly attacked and victimized by the Obama administration. We can't allow these Obama victims to remain incarcerated!

Now, it is up to us, you and me, to help our neighbors. Yes in the biblical sense, to be returned to their families and have their lives restored. Thus, we are asking you to do just two things:

First, do one thing to get our letter in front of President Trump. Contact your Senators, members of Congress, Governors, and perhaps the Chairs of the Republican Party, both state and local. Send them our letter, and maybe a copy of Governor Brownback's letter also, and make your voice heard!

Find your Rep HERE:
Find your Senator HERE:

Second, make a donation. We have spent full time on this crusade for the last two months and our funds are depleted. We are not asking for your life or fortune, as the Founders pledged, we are simply asking you to do what you can. There has never been a more Good Samaritan/American cause! Your efforts and talents are going directly to free your innocent neighbors!

Please consider chipping in a few bucks to our GoFundMe account HERE :

Yours in liberty,

Sheriff Mack

Support the The Freedom Coalition Investigative Fund!

The Freedom Coalition just sent Sheriff Mack and will be sending additional teams to Washington D.C. seeking presidential pardons of those who have been victimized by big government regulations. This fund will also support the formation of an independent commission to review the arrest of these ABC bureaucracies that have abused their authority and quell ridiculous over regulation.

Gov. Sam Brownback Requests That President Trump Pardon Cox And Kettler

In a letter dated February 10, 2017, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback requested President Donald J. Trump to pardon two Kansans (Cox and Kettler) who fell victim to the overreaching and abusive policies of the former Obama Administration.

Here is a copy of Gov. Brownback's letter to Trump:

"Dear President Trump,

In November 2016, two Kansans -- Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler - were convicted of alleged federal firearms violations in the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas in Wichita. The charges against Cox and Kettler were in conflict with our State's Second Amendment Protection Act, upon which these citizens relied. Their prosecutions were initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice during the administration of President Obama.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder previously had sought to undermine the Second Amendment rights of Kansans by attacking the Second Amendment Protection Act at the time of its enactment. The unfair prosecutions of Cox and Kettler were no doubt an attempt to further this affront to the State of Kansas and to deter Kansans from the exercise of their constitutional rights. Unfortunately, Cox and Kettler were the unwitting victims in this overreaching Federal attempt to make an example of someone.

Accordingly, I am hereby requesting that you issue a full and complete pardon of Cox and Kettler as to these felony convictions. They should not be subjected to further legal proceedings on these matters, as to which they recently were sentenced to probation, and they should be allowed to return to their former lives. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and your support of the Second Amendment Rights of all Americans.

Sam Brownback


[7] For more information:
and if you can't travel to Minneapolis then consider: "Live Streaming selected sessions from the conference and ... ON-DEMAND after the conference":

[8] I do not recommend cod liver oil in a fermented form based on the following:

Joan Grinzi, Executive Director of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, says: “It’s taken us over a year to thoroughly search the archives. We can now state that Dr. Price never mentioned fermented cod liver oil and never recommended a product like it.” FCLO is neither a true “traditional” cod liver oil nor the “high vitamin cod liver oil” recommended by Dr. Price.
Dr. Price pointed out the danger of rancidity in the cod liver oils of his day, and he cited other researchers from the 1920s and 1930s who had “called attention to the importance of considering the toxic substances in cod liver oils as possible explanation for differences in the results obtained by different workers in vitamin studies.” Clinicians observed “severe and striking” effects, most notably “serious structural damage” to the heart and kidneys.”:


[10] I wanted to know the source of this statement as it seemed far-reaching (beyond the Lawful jurisdiction of the United Sates government) and "fortunately" I found a source here:

Although the "Health Department" has the goal of "protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential services" can it be said that this governmental agency actually does that? I'd like to know how it protects my health (and then I can respond to that).





[15] This point of being "able to think properly" is the latest consideration that arises in me in my most research and studies. When we can't think properly we become victims by default to the propaganda of the food manufacturing industry and more. It is why I have stated that the way to conquer a nation is my controlling the food system.




[19] Regarding "The Right Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love" that includes "Love of Humanity", "Love of the Body".







[26] Posted on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at approx. 10:50 PM as a comment at:
In regards to: "BUTTER PETITION."




[30] I think Dallas is one of the current sites for the "5G rollout" and I'd like to research this.





[35] I'd like to see a "trifold" on the dangers of 5G!








[43] "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" By: Weston A. Price;




[47] [47]

[48] Noted at about 3:30 PM, Wednesday, December 11th as: "We can ask ourselves: Why do we rely on attonrneys for our life's work (thinking especially of the farmers contending with federal regulations for food safety and any other regulation), 'lifestyles', and 'Pursuit of Happiness'?" Attorneys, especially "esquires" who have this as a title of nobilty (which was outlawed under the original 13th Amendment before the so called "Civil War" - so called because there never was a declaration of war made and there never was a peace treay and in addition to the fact that the original actual land-based American States were not party to this mercenary conflict) can not possibly have full allegiance to the American people which is why esquires were barred from holding public office. Also noted that we are born with "Unalienable Rights not privilrgrd granted by any governemnt or king" and therfore we do not have a "legal issue" with any so called "government" when we live and work and do as we please as long as we do not interfere with the Unalienable Rights of others.




[52] Page 9 of "Second Decree Over Mandate -
Published on Thirtieth Day of March of 2020":












Questions? or (703) 820-3333



Weston A. Price Foundation, Wise Traditions Journal, Dr. Weston A. Price, UC Regents, vaccination, truth about vaccines, soy toxicity, low thyroid function, endocrine disruption, soy protein, farm bill, administrative state, Organic Law, Acts of Congress, exclusive jurisdiction, United States, proprietary based, American farmer, covid-19


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Comments (25 of 110):
Re: FDA Budget, Di… Chef-… 12 mon
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