Blog: Experiments with electricity as a healing tool
by Freeformcreation

Head cold = opportunity

Head cold may help form theories into enemies at large, or small as it were.

Date:   11/20/2011 11:00:24 AM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 1810 times

I feel that many of the invaders we fight often wage what amounts to guerrilla warfare; doing their damage without their presence being greatly recognized. The head cold on the other hand is a stand up soldier, a moral foe that gets right in your face ( pun intended ha) and says ok what ya got.
This is the start of my 4th day of glorious combat with my worthy adversary. It has been making it's way to most around me and I have been waiting patiently for my opportunity to meet it on the battle field.
I now have a target with which to test some theories. I have been working under the concept that a static or dc field is in some way interacting with pathogens in the body. That field when pulsed induces pulses in the micro organisms. I try to think of how sound energy is carried in the medium of air and what properties it would have to enable it to set up resonance in the objects close to the source generating the sound. So far in this fray I have been trying to determine if there is a most effective frequency pattern or if a more caotic pulse would be more destructive. It is hard to gauge sometimes what or why a particular frequency set is more effective but by testing, forming a theory and seeing if that principle hold up next time I think progress may be had. From the last few days it appears that when the lower pulses are rythmic and not chaotic the results are better. The higher of the two being just over 3 and the second just over 1. Though i believe that may be due to the nature of the coil being used to generate the pulses. If there was a way to generate voltage outputs more uniformly than with the variablity inherent in the coil because of frequency used to drive it results would be easier to obtain. It clears the head and relieves scratchy throat but they come back after a time. Perhaps it is effective and just doesn't kill all the pathogen or the battle is more complex and there are other reasons sytpoms do not stay gone. Further test will have to cast light in those dark corners.

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Re: Results of ele… fasti… 12 y
Re: Results of ele… fasti… 12 y
Re: Some thoughts … Freef… 13 y
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