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Circuit details
Date: 11/12/2011 5:31:42 PM ( 13 y ) ... viewed 1577 times The feedback I use to tune my circuit was pain in lower back. It use to be hard for me to stand for 30 min or so without a sharp pain appearing upon bending down. That is no longer with me and my feedback symptoms are less and less these days and it seems that emotional responses will be my next area to examine. I have noticed changes my my emotional responses to stress and general feelings of well being while working with this setup I believe this might be used as a way to fine tune health and in turn fine tune the circuit. Here now will be a description of the device. Three 555 timer circuits are used to drive a ford ignition coil. The high voltage output is sent to a Tesla coil and there is a hand hold on the secondary winding. A high voltage diode is used to rectify the voltage going to this handhold. The capacitor value for the three 555 timer circuits are 100nf, 6nf, and 47nf. The higher the value the lower it sets the frequency range. Variable resistors are used to fine tune the frequency and pulse duration. That circuit can readily be found online. The higher frequency directly drives the ignition coil via a MOSFET and the two lower frequencies are use to signal a second low power transistor to ground that signal thus turning off the ignition coil at a lower pulse rate. I have not posted info about this project before my recent joining of curezone. I now feel that results are good enough to send out for others to investigate. I will try to update any new results or changes from this point on.
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