Why I am now here
Electro health trials
Date: 11/12/2011 4:48:09 PM ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1787 times After much hope and equal disappointment I have tested many of the methods of electric assisted healing that can readily be found online. I experienced times while working with Clark circuits that made pain vanish and energy sore, I was sure at those times that I had found my answer. Same with Beck circuits. I would be free from sickness forever! Then some symptom would return or cold would pop up and seem completely oblivious to the fact that I was annihilating it. So after due trial I was quite sure these technologies had something and also strongly felt and hoped that they where lacking because I wanted more than the results I was seeing. So I began changing experimenting adding. I would have a tesla coil set up to work with lakhovsky's antenna and try just holding the output from the tesla coils secondary. Or run it through a gas tube. Mix frequencies in audio computer software and send it to an amp modified to output into handholds. Each time I experienced a positive result it encouraged me to continue the search. Always the reality checks to follow and a belief that there was some common answer to why I was getting results with some of these very different seeming approches. I had gone the way of becoming my own lab rat and with the promise of what might could be created and working with the tools funding ($0) I had there was no turning back. It was the fastest way to get feedback and one that required little in way of facilities sloppy as it was. By chance one day I was working with a highvoltage tv transformer in an effort to remove a tattoo (does work ok but not great) and noticed that my wisdom tooth and jaw close to that area felt less stiff and sore. I have an impacted wisdom tooth. After having worked enough with other electric healing tools I knew that this was something meaningful and worthy of further testing. Now when I was using that high voltage I was not grounded and only connected to one side of the transformer. That is when I switched over to high voltage work with the concept of having it open at one end. Not sure why it works but seemed to have something to it that a competed circuit did not. That and the sensation level was very low and provided for pleasant testing. After combining that with experiment with Lakhovsky's antenna a I started to use a Tesla coil hooked up in a somewhat strange way. A high voltage was connected directly to one side of the primary and handhold placed onto secondary. This was a very low sensation setup with what seemed like results good enough to note and worked better for me than anything I had used previously. The output was rectified with high voltage diodes and that went to a graphite hand hold.
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