Blog: Path of my Life
by Karlin

TV Ads now UNREGULATED for time

Surfing the web brings us closer to the truth than does TV, esp. now that ads are unregulated.

Date:   8/16/2011 9:37:13 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 49444 times

Aug. 16 2011

TV Sucks - 'Net Wins now

Have you been finding that watching TV does not hold your attention anymore?

After only 10 or 20 minutes of TV, I find myself turning it off and going to the computer to surf online for news, emails, and to check in on my forums to see what people are saying about whatever.

It could be that my aging brain just doesn't stay on one subject for long, but I think it is more likely that it has something to do with commercials and the fact that the programming is so trivial and boring. Especially the NEWS on TV!! They seem to be ignoring everything of interest in the world in favor of cute animal stories. Local news allways features a car crash - because they happen every day [so how is it "news"?].

The real point of this rant is that the real world is now better represented online than on TV, and that the real world is far more interesting than even the most popular programs on TV. Dog tricks on AGT? - go bark somewhere else!!

Worse than boring, the "law and order" shows seem to be propaganda for British PM David Cameron's [and cheered on by Canada's PM Harper] BS about "who is sick in this society" where the good guys are allways the establishment people and those of us on the fringes of society are the bad guys. In reality, lots of people who reject society and who protest the current politics never do anyone wrong, and the upper crust of British society is doing crimes such as phone hacking and cheating on taxes and murdering their spouses!!

To have one's intelligence insulted like that, with propaganda, does not keep me glued to the TV. In fact, it wakes me up from the semi-coma state that television often produces in viewers.

Or, maybe the reason TV holds little interest anymore is the quietly introduced new regulations on TV ads - as of last spring in North America [the two broadcast systems are highly integrated] it became "unregulated" in that TV stations and networks can advertise AS MUCH AS THEY WANT.

Before last spring, TV ads could only be on for a specified number of minutes per half-hour; the only limitation on TV ads now is that if all they run too many ads then people might stop watching... its up to the station. I may have found my tolerance for ads on TV, but apparently you didn't {and by "you", I mean the average person, don't be insulted unless you are "normal" and will accept as much advertising as the networks would like you to watch}.

Or maybe you are one of those who thinks "regulations" have no place in a free world. I do, because otherwise corporate interests over run everything we know and love.

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