Blog: Eradicating fear, reaching for the skies!
by dontstopdreaming

Restarting! Truly starting.

Dedication to the project of purifying my mind and body.

Date:   3/2/2010 7:05:31 PM   ( 14 y ) ... viewed 1634 times

I am restarting this project of changing my mind. I become distracted so easily, but I have also learned that it's relatively easy for me to stay focused if I just push myself for a while.
Now, my specific projects don't matter. AT ALL! I stray so easily from the goal of just developing my mind, if I focus at specific projects. I will strengthen the positive qualities / virtues by focusing at developing them separetedly.

I must truly dedicate myself to allign my goals, and get my mind back on track!
This means it's time for purification. I will start a cleanse.
I will prepare my mind for a few days by just meditating, no reason to do anything else, and I will just drink my nut milk and eat fruit to start up the detox slowly.
I will continue with this for two days and then I will start a serious cleanse.

I'm not just jumping into this, because thinking and planning can make things a lot easier, and I don't over-analyse either! (like studying all the different methods of detoxification).
Some people just say that you should fast 3 times a year (or something like that) to keep the toxins away. But a simple fast is not enough for me -- I'm "reaching for the skies!" after all!
I really feel a great hope for this cleanse, as I have just done some pretty mindless fasts in the past with great results. But this time I will have all the components for efficient detoxification, including purging my mind of all inessential stuff. For me, life is not worth living unless I'm full of vitallity and passion.

So what would be the optimal detox for me at this moment? How can I with ease drive out toxins as efficiently as possible?

First I will do a liver cleanse by using lemon juice and epsom salt right at the start of my fast. To first get my liver to work a lot more efficiently to detox my body. And while doing this I will keep things moving even better by using flax seeds and psyllium husk shells (I don't want to recycle the toxins released into the intestines!). I don't have any super-clays or volcanic ash, and I can't find any company that sells it here in Sweden, so I will just have to use all the other good stuff.
And I will continue to use these awesome fibers the whole cleanse (on an empthy stomach).

Nurishment: green veggies is really good for detoxification, especially because of the chlorophyll.
It may not be the most efficient, but I will use a lot of cabbage (in my experience it's actually quite effective). I can use it in orange juice and other juices too, and enhances the fruit juices.
And I will use garlic in the pure veggie juices, for it's general detoxification powers, and it's effect in removing calcification (I'm using MSM for this too). And I can easily get into the habit of adding chlorella to everything, which I will be doing in this cleanse.
And I will make juices of sprouts also (they are simply containing the most life-force (yes, a quite fuzzy concept, but practical, as science don't fill us in here), as you can feel by it's taste and smell). Enzymes from these sprouts will be essential for detoxification.

Breathing exercises for expelling the toxins and energizing the body for faster detox, and just exercise if I really feel like it. And as explained already: a restful meditation most of the time.

And of course I will be increasing my intake of clean water, and I will only use tapwater externally (I used to use a filter, but it's exhausted). Currently I'm drinking melted snow water, because I have no springs around here.
And if you find the right place to take the snow from, it's a lot cleaner than my tap water.

The other alternative is a little stream coming from the montains, this stream probably comes from several smaller (low-quality) springs, and is not very clean water in the summers (mostly rain water).
But I will have to test it now in the winter, if it's not completely frozen, and run dry by the lack of rain water (I was surprised that it wasn't drained earlier this winter).
I will construct my own little solar still later (uses the heat of the sun to cause the evaporation of pure water). Then I will at least have a small amount of pure water.

I have been drinking too much coffee every day now, but it don't even have any powerful temporary effects, I just drank a half cup today, and drank green tea and my special "tea": of yerba mate, a half lemon and cayenne pepper. This is a wonderful drink in the mornings.

Well, the things above is the important things I need to focus at for detoxifying my body.

Timeframe? I find this to be the most trivial subject. Timeframe should just be guided by the general rule of just doing your best every day!
What's important is that you dedicate yourself to inner purity, and saying "goodbye" to the toxins.

The meditation:
For me meditation is just like playing with my mind, a harmonious activation of different parts of my mind, and mostly observing what is really happening in my mind. It's not as specific as meditations that are taught on the net or in classes. These methods can give quick results, but the results are mostly temporary. I have just tested some meditation methods, and I haven't found something that is truly powerful. Knowing the different tools is what is essential, then you can just be creative and play! Meditation can truly be fun and powerful once you know some methods. But relying on rigid methods won't make your mind more efficient.
The constant of my "method" is to find peace at first, if I'm stressed when starting I focus at relaxing my body step by step, and doing deep slow breathing.
Just focusing on the goal of reaching the deepest and most peaceful state is much more important, the state from where you can truly be in control of your mind!

The only time I can feel truly alive and in control is in meditation.

So now I'm going deep within myself. To a place of inner peace.... Freed effortless thinking... To sail on the blissful waves.... And then awakening.... True power.... Strength...

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