Blog: Path of my Life
by Karlin

Beating Fibro?

Dietary changes might have helped me overcome Fibro!

Date:   7/13/2009 11:50:48 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 4116 times

I have had a wonderful thing happen to me in the past few months - the muscle spasms that have plagued me for the past 25 years have let up! I would get major cramps in my calves from doing the slightest thing, such as just washing the dishes. Well, it stopped happening!!

What a huge difference it is. I have been able to ride my bike, and climb stairs again.

Fibromyalgia can apparently have remission when a person hits their 50s. If it is that simple, it seems bizzare because there is no control over the situation...stuff doesn't just happen, does it?

On the other hand, it may have been due to some dietary changes, and a concurrent changes in my, ummmm... well... bowel habits. I know, don't talk about that subject...but it was part of the recovery.

Key words: BIOTIN and Microflora

I was given some COLOSTRUM capsules. Apparently they are very expensive, and these were left over from someone else's treatment for some other illness. Lucky me! I took about 6 a day for a week, and then stopped, and repeated that same amount a few weeks later. Both times there was changes in my bowel habits - looser softer stool, bigger movements, easier, better.

Also, I started eating COCONUT MILK. Apparently it is good for the digestive tract.

Then I started eating RAW EGGS; several a day, blended into various "smoothies" that I will describe below.

Furthermore, most recently, I started eating UNPASTURISED, ORGANIC, PLAIN Yogurt.

I would blender the plain yogurt, raw eggs, and coconut milk together with various OILSEEDS that I would prepare beforehand by grinding them up into flour [with a different attachment for the hand-held grinder, using a glass jar with just the right size neck to fit the grinder attachment into so they would not go flying around]- Nothing about all this is easy, but it might be worth it!!

I added a few tablespoons of each of PUMKIN SEEDS, SUNFLOWER SEEDS, FLAX SEEDS, and "hemp hearts" - the shelled hemp seed [no, they don't get you high]. Also, sometimes I would mix POPPY SEEDS into the sunflower blendering, which keeps the sunflower flour from lumping up, and the poppy seeds have good qualities too [no, they don't get you high either... do they?]

Those oilseeds, eggs, yogurt, etc. do not taste so great by themselves, so I added some HONEY - raw, unpasturised.

That blend is all I would eat, three times a day. It is very filling and satisfying. Only about twice a week would I have a more regular meal.

Adding BLUEBERRIES or other good fruit to that blender meal is good too, but they were not in season.

I quit eating meat, for the most part. Maybe once a week now I will eat 200 to 300 grams of meat.

LIVER is another thing I started eating... it may not be true that it has toxins in it - the liver DISPOSES of toxins, it does NOT STORE THEM. I hope that is right...

So, with all those changes, I started having smelly farts and smelly stools too. That may be temporary, or it may be a sign that something is working overtime to keep up with digestion and that produces the sulphur and methane gases... funny story: I farted in my apartment one day, and a friend was here [oops, sorry buddy]... he left immediately!! Not only that, but he got 20 paces down the lane and he VOMITED. I KNOW!! That is SO FUNNY!!! Why it is funny, I am not sure, but it sure makes me laugh.

SO something changed in my colon. I never had smelly farts, and tended towards constipation at times... now it is all "easy", but still forming stools. I like it better this way.

Have you noticed that kid's farts smell bad? Then we get older and it goes away. Maybe something gets lost??

"its a process" as they say.

I looked up BIOTIN, and there may be a relationship between it and muscle cramps. Mainstream doctors will tell you that people don't have too little biotin, that is is abundant in almost everyone, and therefore getting more will not help anything.
They say that about Vitamin C, which is another thing I started taking LOTS of - about 5 to 10 grams a day. That will also create changes in the BMs.

Anyway, BIOTIN is produced when we eat OILSEEDs, and maybe raw eggs [but there is conflicting info on the raw eggs and biotin relationship]. Vit C has some relation to BIOTIN too.

Ok, I just thought I should say all this because it was what I changed when my MIRACLE occured, over several months.

I am a powerhouse now - I climbed UP the local ski hill, I ride my bike for two hours at a hard pace, and nothing bad happens. Well, I did get sore quad muscles when I came down the ski hill, but even that didn't result in the muscle spasms that I used to get. I also have really potent farts - the total powerhouse!!

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