Blog: mind over matter, an adventure in juice fasting
by secretvalentine

day 5


Date:   4/18/2009 4:16:43 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1491 times

woohoo everyone! going strong - very strong. i still have to be super conscious with the next few days up ahead, but i think i am finally getting the hang of this :) last night i had the weirdest dream though! i had a dream that i ate like 3 mini bags of cheetos (mmm) and i woke up feeling super guilty - then remembering that was only a dream. hahaha i can't believe this fast has gotten me subconsciously as well! oh well i suppose it is a good thing. i enjoy stepping on the scale to see my progress! this morning i awoke to be 197.6 :) hopefully by the end of tuesday (aka 1 week since i started) ill be at or under 195.

as for eatting wise: i had only ~5 grapes, and 2 slices of apple

the rest that i enjoyed was:
- lemon juice (2 lemons)
- orange juice (5)
- juice of one apple
- grape/apple juice (+ some parsley?)
- grapefruit juice

today has been alot of drinking! but i suppose some days you are more thirsty than others, esp. since it is the weekend and i dont have as strict of a schedule as i do during the school day. a note for tomorrow, i must add in a bit more vegetable juice - usually i have atleast 1 or 2 of those throughout the day, but alas! i have been craving sweet for a while :) don't worry the day will come when i will thirst for a satsifying cabbage juice :)

for some reason, i have been stressing out alot because of school recently. i think i need to start planning my time better... that and i should clean my room. perhaps move some of the furniture around...

lots going on this weekend! including my choir concert and a performance one of my friends is putting on. i think ill take a nice break outside from work instead of my lunch break...

if anyone has read this whole thing i applaud you! its nice to get things off my mind sometimes.


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