Blog: The Crescent Moon Shines On Us All
by mo123

You know how to make a cat mad? Muffy's story

Muffy our cat and the time he growled for three days. A very funny story.

Date:   2/16/2009 9:24:05 AM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 1647 times

When me and MO was in America and yeah, when he was still alive, we lived in an apartment near a Mosque. Mo would cook for all the guys and they would come from the mosque to our home for lunch. So MO was always hanging out near the house.

So I had not finished drying the clothes and Muffy climbed inside the dryer to rest. Muffy was my cat and Tiger was Mo's cat. So when Mo came home to cook lunch he saw the dryer was open so he shuts the dryer and turns it on. He heard this loud banging so he runs into shut the dryer off but he never opened the door.

So when I come home I am looking for Muffy and I can not find him anywhere and yes, there was only one place left. So I open the door and there sat Muffy all dazed and incoherent, the stupid dryer must of got up to 200 degrees or more and Mo had not open the door so Muffy was in an oven practically.

I reach in and pick him up and start screaming at Mo, look what you did to my cat. I sit Muffy down on the cushion and I told him, "Growl at Mo cause he was the one who shut you in the dryer." So Muffy goes, "Rrrrrrr" He looks at Mo again and goes, "Rrrrrr". Muffy growled at Mo for 3 days straight and never quit. Finally Mo could not take it anymore and told me, "Please tell him to stop." So laughing so much, I said, "Ok, Muffy he suffered enough." Muffy quit growling immediately but I guarantee you that Mo never shut Muffy in the dryer again.

lol, what a funny story.


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