Blog: 7 day master cleanse journal
by #102793

day 1: 3:27pm

day 1: why i'm doing this and how it's going so far.

Date:   8/14/2008 5:47:28 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2495 times

well, here we go. start weight- 207

i started the cleanse this morning. my diet yesterday wasn't as raw and clean as i wanted it to be, but at least i didn't eat any animal products. my average diet is usually a mix of pretty unhealthy and extremely healthy. i eat loads of fresh veggies and whole grains, then i'll pig out on chinese or indian food. i also eat way too much meat.

my goal for this cleanse is to clean out my digestive track, lose weight, prove to myself i can do it and jumpstart a healthier diet. i have had some reoccurring health problems, mainly allergies. i'm curious to see how the cleanse affects this.

for the next 11 days i have no commitments or plans. i'm on vacation so i can rest and focus on myself, which i haven't done in a long time. and it's way overdue.

so far today i feel pretty good. i woke at 7:00 and since then i have had a lemonade drink every 2 hours, 4 total. i really like the drink but have a feeling i will hate it in a few days. i did not do any tea or saltwater because this morning because i had an appointment. tonight i will drink the smooth move before bed. so far, i'm not hungry, more feeling like i'm missing something by not eating. my energy level is fine, i even walked home which took about an hour. might go dancing later tonight, depending on how i feel.

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