Blog: Prismatic Way
by prismaticway

SOB (State of Being) vs ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)

A Focus on HOW rather then WHERE and WHEN

Date:   8/10/2008 7:28:42 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2869 times

I find myself happier now concentrating on my State of Being, rather than how far along I am or where am and will be or when I’ll get to where I want to be.

I use ETA to represent a measure of accomplishment, specifying spaces in time WHEN goals or objectives are met, and placing importance on those moments. I find substantial pressure, such as within my job, where this orientation is reinforced, demanded of, rewarded for and punished when ignored. I accept this within the systems I must operate, but no longer internalize this way or extend it into other parts of my life, such as my own evolution.

As many have said before, it is the journey not the destination that matters most. My perceived accomplishments pale to the fulfillments of the processes that led to them, and my personal goals are but compass-points setting my direction, otherwise in themselves of little intrinsic value. The ultimate destination of this life is Death. DOA is the ETA. I think for now I prefer the current view of the ride.

In my personal life, I’m right-sizing my material goods. I think the more common term is “down-sizing” or the newer “down-shifting”, but I prefer “right-sizing”; getting to the ~right~ size. I should always be “right-sizing”… whether it’s adding or subtracting… although I’m a LONG way from the day I’ll need to ADD to get righter!

So anyway… I think being in the State-Of-Being-Right-Sizing is infinitely more important than the ETA, when I accomplish where I want to be with my stuff. Or for that matter, where I happen to be in the process right now, or how far I’ve come from when I began.

The same would be true for all my current objectives. It doesn’t matter if or when they’re ever achieved. All that matters to me is the direction I’m facing, my speed and stability and balance RIGHT NOW. I am content in this.

If time DOES exist, then focusing on possible futures that may or may-not happen seems a bit of a waste of time. If time doesn’t exist, and is just a fabrication within an endless now, then again it seems a waste of now.

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