Blog: Prismatic Way
by prismaticway

Stating Principles and Intentions

My first blog entry - Sorting out the sorting-out.

Date:   8/3/2008 8:25:02 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3213 times

Written on Friday, Aug.1, 2008:

It’s time to choose the principles and state them. The principles to base the operating assumptions. The operating assumptions that are the basis for the alignments by which my actions may be judged.

Mostly this is merely finally having the courage to state what I already know. But stating puts a solidity, and if I choose to, an accountability.

I choose accountability.

Time also to state intentions. Perhaps intent will sometimes lead to internally aligned principles not yet stated. Which will lead to operating assumptions. Which of course gives a foundation for actions.

I look forward to reading back on this after a good night’s sleep. I hope it reads like insight, rather than gobbley-gook.

According to some astrologicals and crystal-head wackos, and among my better friends, this is an auspicious and spiritually powerful day, a new moon solar eclipse. A day for new beginnings and the like. A pleasant co-inkee-dink. Or kismet. Or most likely, whatever.

So… getting down to business…

I intend and commit myself to discover/choose/state my intentions, principles and operating assumptions.

I intend to develop and live more prismatically.

I can tell.. just from this rather non-linear and rambling outpouring, I’ll need to give form to these living building-blocks, or risk losing them in a sea of thought-flow.

But I also now somehow know intuitively that the mind-emptying, including the rather seemingly worthless stuff, which will likely be the majority of my writings, is also necessary. I’ll need to generate the stream to be mined for my personal golden nuggets. After generating the stream, filled with mostly chunks of other-than-gold, I will hopefully find flakes here and there that may be then gathered and refined and made into something of value.

I’ve had a sort of way for a while now.
It’s time start the process to define it.
Of course the only time there is is now.
It is done.

Time for bed. Now.


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