Blog: Blessed Herbs Internal Cleansing Kit
by helly_belly

day 3

day 3 of my internal cleanse, all is well...ish

Date:   5/21/2008 6:37:39 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2235 times

Hi all,

Well yesterday went much better thank I had imagined, by 12 midday I was depositing lots of colon plaque, this continued thoughout the day....niiiiice!!

I have broken out in a bad scalp, dry skin on my face, my gums have split and my kidneys hurt but things have to get worse before they can get better, guess I'm full of toxins!

By teatime, I cooked my quorn and added my stirfry veggies and......well I didn't even want it so just had some water instead.

I have therefore decided I will only have juice unless I feel the need for something solid but will try and just have juice for the next 18 or 19 days. Even if I only eat once every other day, its all good!

More colon plaque this morning :0).
Got up at 7.30am, today is the day I start all the pills and potions part of the detox as I have found my number of digestive stimulators, starts with liver and gallbladder. Took the pills, no probs there, pipetted the liquid into the glass and drank was DISGUSTING!!! I balked, managed to keep it down but yuck, am NOT looking forward to taking it again tonight and for the next 18 or 19 is yucky! But if it helps I will do it!!

So thats it so far, feel absolutely on top of the world today, I'm not hungy, I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed and loving it!!

TTFN, update tomorrow :0)

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