Blog: MMS Diary - of a cure? Or another scam?
by #90515

Is DMSO with MMS more effectiv e? One person's quest to find out.

End of Day 4 pondering about truth in advertising and responsible alt."medicine"

Date:   2/19/2008 9:13:57 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 4060 times

All right, I've had my third dose of 18 drops of MMS today on Day 4 of 18 x 3. The first dose had an added 5 drops of DMSO and the other two had an added 18 drops of it.

So far, no sign that it is doing anything more than or different from MMS without DMSO, which wasn't showing signs of "doing anything" at all. I ought to clarify that MMS was recommended to me initially for candida. In the reading I did about it on its own website, it was stated that after a week of 15 drops three times a day, you will effectively be free of pathogens, or at least of a massive "dysbiosis" where there are more pathogens than the body can deal with in the natural course of its immune functions, more "unfriendly bacteria" than friendly and helpful. So that's supposed to be a condition that obtains when you have done that level of dosage for a week. It's not that I need to be completely transformed and pathogen-free in a week, but that IS what they say, over and over, orally and on the site. The stuff sounded as if it would be effective for cat immunity disorders - upper respiratory infection, distemper, leukemia, and so on. And I got it for them and it works for them and I'll use it for them. But I got really excited about that promise, image, line - a week at 45 drops and you'll be pathogen-free. Not making that up - that's the hype, that's the promise. They act as though it'll take weeks to build up to that without feeling nausea or discomfort of any kind, but once you have built up and are taking that dosage without discomfort, they say in a week you are HOME-FREE. It's been 4 days and I want to say, "This is obviously a falsehood", but, hey, maybe I will be stricken down tomorrow with such nausea that I will have to crawl back to 10 drops twice a day and work up again. I can't, as of this moment, say it's been a week. But I know how I'd lay my bets about this - that it is a falsehood. 3 days from now, with all symptoms of my candidiasis intact, for me to go around saying "I must be pathogen-free now" when nothing has changed in any way - that just strikes me as bizarre. Especially when the saliva "spit test" for candida overgrowth (do you know about this?) shows the same as ever.

However, I guess the point I wish to make here is that I do owe it to the whole spirit of this communal, cooperative endeavour to hang in with the MMS at least till it's been a week, so that then I can warn people,"This is not true. That wonderful thing they said that so impressed and bedazzled me about emerging pathogen-free (gee gosh!) is not in fact true. It is in fact a lie." (Or, if you prefer, a qualified truth.) Please understand that I am speaking from a point of view that would never refer to any kind of doctor for anything, still less a drug, but from a point of view that insists we need truth in advertising. It is horrendous to make this lie. I have written multiple times about it and they will not reply. I could probably have them sued very easily, but people would draw the conclusion that anything not pharmaceutical is snake oil, and that anyone not a medical doctor can't know anything about health or about illness. So I wouldn't. But I am outraged. I think we should all be outraged, the more we are against doctors and drugs the more it should deeply bother us that patently FALSE and certainly misleading claims are being made. Especially when the maker of it encourages people to support McDonald's and Coca-Cola and to do those things to their own bodies and other beings' bodies and feelings and lives, which Jim Humble does. That is a hugely irresponsible attitude to the planet, to ethics, and to our own healths and sanities to take.

All that being babbled, the TRUTH is that I haven't reached the almighty week yet, but have three more days, nine more doses to go until I can accuse them of lying on that after-a-week-etc. score. So I'm being premature, barely halfway through.

But I should stick the week out, not give up before then so I can make an honest claim of my own personal human experience of it (as opposed to feline/canine, but of course we should view it with caution for them as well).

Perhaps I ought to say here that it must sound as if I expect things to actually cure severe conditions in a few days or weeks, or to improve them in that time or improve something, some symptoms in that time. I don't, but I own up to feeling very strongly that we need to know that we are on the right path, that we are on the path to healing - know it NOT BY FAITH or because something appeals to us as sensical and "right". To know something by faith or taste for it is not to know it at all. I believe that, in the case of pathogenic illnesses like candida, where so much stress is always placed on the yeast cells' dying and creating toxins as they die, there should be some sign that this death is taking place. I am severely ill with candidiasis; it may take months or years for sufficient masses of yeast colonies in me to die for me to be cured or even start to feel better. I have no problem with that. As long as I am "doing the right thing" to kill them, I can take the time to get better. But when it comes to these diseases supposedly caused by pathogens that die off, I say: if product X really kills them, you should know it. There should be some sign. Some indication. How can MMS be killing massive amounts of yeast in me right now _without_ causing nausea or headache or diarrhea or backache? I don't mean this question rhetorically. I mean to say that it is true that I go into these products with that attitude - on the whole, that is. There are some products, like Candex, that are designed to work in a way so that no by-products of yeast-cell-death are created, hence no die-off effects should be expected or experienced. But if large dosages of a supposedly pathogen-killing product does not create a reaction of die-off, I start to feel very soon that something must be amiss. That the yeast are thumbing their nose and flourishing, dancing and fiddling. I admit, I expect an anti-candida or a detox remedy that has been hyped as "powerful", and is all over itself with warnings about die-off and detox reactions, to in fact CAUSE such reactions, otherwise I start to feel pretty nervous. Perhaps this is just ignorance and I need to think about it in another way. But I do repeat that expecting some sign that yeast is being killed off (or worms; or that "toxins are being released into the bloodstream") is not the same thing as expecting to be cured in a few days or weeks and to feel better and have no problems. I have a difficult time believing in these products as "silent killers", painless, undetectable, and if I have built up this impression over the decades it is precisely because detox and die-off reactions are constantly being hyped as part of "how you know the stuff is working". I note here that MMS uses just such encouragement: basically, don't be afraid of the diarrhea, nausea(, etc.), because that's a sign that the MMS is doing its job." How many times have we heard that, as companies or fasting coaches have tried to guide clients through the Herxheimer cleansing "detox" crises? That's how I've gotten so reaction-mad. If reaction is a sign that poisons are stirring and pathogens slowly but aggressively dying, then to not cause a reaction...does that mean ipso facto "it's not working"?

I'm aware that with candida and with certain candida-fighters like Rife frequencies and FiveLac, the cells might not actually die and produce their metabolic death waste until some days after the assault that killed them. I believe it can take a few days for cells you've zapped (or whatever) to actually die and produce die-off waste, so that I've heard that people can go buzzing along saying, "Aw, this is nothing" and then five days later be hit so hard they can't get out of bed (or so I've been told by someone who turned out to have such an incredibly wuss-y reaction to the Silver Pulser), but it doesn't take any LONGER than a few days to dump its poisons from what you did to neutralize or kill it. You know within a few days whether you're killing anyone - at least that is what they are always SAYING. They're always SAYING "you'll feel it", not "you'll feel better", but "you'll feel them dying, you'll feel it working (and THAT might feel kind of icky)".

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