Blog: Destination Health
by Trysten3000

Liver flush 6 report!

Flush 6 produced few stones, is lifestyle a factor? Considering stone breaking herbs for the future..update on skin and anti-gluten.

Date:   10/16/2007 3:56:35 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1961 times

Well I completed my 6th liver flush last night.
It was a relatively easy experiance compared to those in the past.
I think I may have made a mistake though?
I didnt have any solid food after 5pm, but I continued to drink apple juice to keep my blood sugar up til maybe 7 or 8 oclock. Do you think this could have effected the flush? I dont really think so but Im not sure.
Anyway, had my normal two doses of epsoms at night, a couple small bowel movements. Then I took my oil and grapefruit drink and laid down. Had a semi-argument on the phone with my boyfriend which I hope didnt mess up my flush. I was off the phone with him before I really started feeling the action in my liver. I felt the normal vibrating/pumping feeling and then some nausea. I had a hard time sleeping but that has been normal for me, these past three nights I couldnt sleep.

This morning I passed mostly dark brown liquid bm's {old bile? I hope so}. There were about 5-8 small, dark green stones and that was it. Hardley even any sand! I was quite dissapointed.

Im seeing this as a positive and negative thing. Ive been making a lot of changes in the past month. Working out, avoiding trans fat, and in the past week or two, working on cutting out wheat gluten. I also have upped my dose of daily LECITHIN to between 3600 to 6000 mgs {previously I took about 24 mgs a day}. Its possible all these factors may have helped stop my production of new stones! This is the least amount of new stones Ive ever gotten in a flush, where I had so much space in between to form new stones {I believe its been almost 6 weeks}. I suspect the lecithin has made the most difference.

Now for the negative. What worries me is the fact that I didnt get any more of the old, calcified stones out like the giant one I got out last time. I was sorta careless this time about prepping with the apple cider vinegar. I did two drinks a day, for a week leading up, maybe forgetting a drink here and there. I suspect that now that Ive seemed to flush out most of the newer, soft stones, I may need to figure out a better stone crushing prep regimen. Because whatever is left in there, probably wont come out as easily as the stones that have come out in past flushes.

It was weird, I didnt really even feel like I flushed this time. None of the sick, dragged down, my body has been through hell feeling this morning when I woke up. I didnt even need to take any emergenc for dehydration, I just felt normal. I hope that this is a sign that my liver is getting less toxic and the bile surge is getting less full of damaging stuff.

Im going to continue with the lecithin. I think taking that much is doing something good for me. Im also going to look into stone crushers and liver helpers but unfortunately due to moving to an expensive apartment in a month, affording these things may be unlikely. Ill have to just see what I can do.

I used BP on my skin this morning, none at all yesterday, and I wont use it again tonight. Ive cut back a lot. Ill see if it will have any benefit still using it at a less frequency. The neosporin helps a lot, mostly because the painkiller in it makes it feel less inflamed. I dont know if its actually helping my cysts or not.

Its also PMS time right now so that is placing an added burden on my body, hopefully my skin will feel a little better after I get my period. PMS didnt seem as bad this month which makes me hopeful. I had one bad episode of a panic attack, hormonal "rage" but thats about it. My breakouts actually seem a little better than normal considering its pms time. I have no huge cysts at this time, just one painful, small cyst, and a number of smaller zits. Scars still looking terrible though!

Tomorrow will be a week and a half gluten free. Im struggling with it. I think I may test sometime this week with pizza. Then again, its probably too soon to do a good test so maybe two weeks would be better to wait. Damn I miss pizza. I didnt notice a drastic reaction {or any reaction to it really} before from eating pizza. This makes me wonder if I may just be gluten sensitive rather than full blown celiac. Giving it up for longer is the only way to tell.

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