Day 5 Summary 15 y
It went by so fast I missed it!
Well, Day 5 has come and gone but I’m still standing strong. I’ll try to post what I do remember:
- I felt great
- I got busy and started catching up on stuff around the house that I have put off over the last few days
- I helped my daughter cook my favorite pasta and sauce... and was fine! No cravings! No panic... just cooking. I actually sat at table and chatted with the family while they ate. It smelled wonderful but I knew that there would be other ”pasta dinners” so I didn’t cave... I didn’t even want to!
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Day 4 Summary 15 y
Out of step but still walking.
Things got a little screwed up today. I was unable to do my SWF because I didn’t get up extra early (2 hours) to ensure that it was finished ”flushing” before an appointment. I had to skip it.
Then I ran out of lemons! (Don’t ask... I’ve already given myself a demerit.) Needless to say, I didn’t even begin to drink my lemonades until after 3 p.m. Tonight was aSpicy Meataball!
I also have a confession. I cheated... just a wee-bit. While I was out and about (starving and feeling like I might pass out because I hadn’t had any lemonade) I bought a ginger-green tea with honey at St ... read more
Day 3 Summary 15 y
My will strengthens. I have overcome! (At least for today. :)
Today was a good day. I expected pain and cravings, but had none, really. It was a good day, indeed.
- Not foggy, but not totally clear yet, either.
- A few little ”aches and pains” in my ankles... which I find odd because I never have aches and pain in my ankles.
- A little more energy today.
- I only craved food when I had to make dinner for my husband and son. They had two of my favorite things. I just kept telling myself, ”You’ve come this far. Three days down and seven to go - don’t blow it now. There will be food again...” and then I just focuse ... read more
Day 2 Mid-day 15 y
There's nothin' like a good day of detox to make you want to never eat another Christmas cookie as long as you live...
Well, the salt water flush is everything I remember it to be... warm and salty to the point of gagging - and it seems like it never ends (from the other end... :) Looks like I’ll need to break out the Butt Paste - it’s’ only a matter of time...
Last Night’s Sleep:
- vivid dreams
- freezing cold
- kept waking up with a migrane headache off and on all night long
- sluggish
- foggy
- craving food... mostly pastries and sweets
- irritable
- nagging headache
- tongue is pasty and white
- skin is a little pale
I’m not sure because I’m not w ... read more
Day 1 Summary 15 y
Oh yeah, I remember now, detoxing sucks!
The day started like any other day... and went downhill from there.
All was well and then detox kicked in around 3 p.m.
- migrane headache
- Freezing chills (a heating pad on high and 3 blankets can’t get me warm.)
- craving cookies, pasta, and pizza (my husband made pizza for dinner - sometimes he’s cruel and doesn’t even realize it. ;)
- Can’t focus on any one subject at all. Nothing but fog and air up there today.
- tired
- vivid, weird dreams (true story - I took a nap and dreamt that I had broken the
fast by eating a balogna sandwich while low crawl ... read more
2009 - New Year, New Cleanse - New State of Mind 15 y
The holidays are over - no more excuses! I'm really looking forward to feeling and looking great. Let the work begin! :)
WHY? Here are a few reasons:
- I need to for my family and I need to for me!
- I want to love life again, not just go through it like a zombie to its grave.
- I want to think clearly again. It’s time to lift the fog.
- I want to feel good about myself... feel good in my clothes... feel good looking in the mirror... (I know it’s my choice - it would just be easier if I felt better.)
- I want to be able to keep up with my 5 year-old son.
- I want to love life again, not just go through it like a zombie... (added twice for emphasis... I’m really feelin’ the zombie thing...)
STAT ... read more
Day 6 18 y
Breaking the fast
Well, today started off good. I did my SWF, drank my lemonade and had two bottles of water... than I started on my exam paper for school. I had already decided that since I have family coming into town in the next few days that I was going to break the fast today, but I was hoping to break it like a pro. Orange juice, fruit... that sort of thing.
Then my husband made pizza for dinner. I don’t know why I didn’t exercise the will power that I’ve exercized the last six days, but I didn’t. I caved and ate two, small peices of pepperoni pizza (thin crust... not that that makes it better. ... read more
Day 5 18 y
Clarity regenerated
Today things got a little screwed up because I had a class very early in the morning. I drank water until I got home in the afternoon and then did the SWF. I kept dring water until the SWF did its job and then I drank lemonade like a sailor on shore leave! I pounded those babies!!! :)
Anyway, this evening I had a headache and felt tired and irritable. I also started my period today. I guess that explains why I was bloated this morning (my rings were fitting tighter.) It could also explain why I wanted to eat everything in sight for the last two day and had to exercise GREAT will p ... read more
Day 4: 18 y
Warming things up
Today was a paradoxical easy/tough, smooth/rough day! The lemonade is going down easy now. I’m feeling better than I have in a long time! BUT, I did have some problems... I had to BEG people to keep me from eating. So far, so good... but I’m not sleeping yet!
I tried something new today. Since I simply cannot ”sip” the lemonade, I chug it. I have no problem chugging it. I’ve also had problems drinking all 6 - 10 glasses per day SOOOO I experimented. I DOUBLED the incredients (except the water) per glass and drank 3 of them today. My logic is: 3 glasses x double the ingredients ... read more
Day 3: 18 y
Rays of Sun Shine. :)
Well, today I am feeling much better. I expected to still feel pretty icky by day three given the detox from caffeine and nicotine but apparently that is not the case! :) The lemonade is tasting better, too, so it looks like 10 days shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve added another teaspoon of syrup to the lemonade (to make 2T, 1t.) and doubled the cayenne... It’s a good thing I love chilis! Yaaahoo!! :)
BMs: 4! All I can say is Holy Cow!!! Oh, and some icky, stringy stuff joined the party today...
WEIGHT: 204.5 pounds (lost another 3.5 pounds for a total of 7 in three days!)
SY ... read more
Day 2: 18 y
Feeling better...
Well, I’m feeling MUCH better today. I drank the quart of salt water this morning with no problem - and it worked beautifully. I’m still having problems drinking the lemonade. It just tastes like rotten pumpkins to me and I can hardly stand it!
I’ve had 2 BMs today. The first one was a marathon...
WEIGHT on Day 2: 208 pounds (lost 3.5 pounds!)
- Ringing in my ears: I still have that high pitched ringing that’s driving me nuts.
- Cravings: They’re pretty bad today - but I know they’d go away if I drank more lemonade.
- Tired: I have low energy - but a ... read more
Day 1: 18 y
I survivied!
Well, today is Day 2 - and I’m now able to move, so I can update the blog regarding yesterday... Day 1.
NOTE: I quit smoking 3 days ago and drank coffee up until two days ago (the day before I started the fast.) I expected the first day of detox to be harsh... and it was! I felt okay up until about 3 p.m. - then all hell broke loose and detox was on!!!
Could only drink 3 - 10oz. glasses of the lemonade (YUCK!) After the third glass I simply could not drink anymore or I’d puke for sure. I drank my Senna tea at 2 a.m., once I could actually move my head. I did drink LOTS of wat ... read more
Day (-1): Getting past the psychological road blocks! 18 y
Getting Started - Just buy the darn lemons!!
This is my first blog, ever! Having said that, let’s get started!
DAY (-1)
Today is Wednesday and I’m preparing myself psychologically for a 30-40 day fast/detox using the Master Cleanse. I’ve never fasted using the master cleanse. I have, however, in the past completed a 3, 6, and 10 day fast using fresh, raw juices. I hit a point on the 10 day fast where I felt AWESOME. My thinking was crystal clear, I slept well, I had lots of energy, and I lost weight. I felt clean inside. I was much more tuned into life on both a physical and a spiritual level. It was incredible... but no ... read more