My Journey to Health (With Fasting and Raw Food)
by countrygirl_roni
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After Vacation, liver flush and MC   18 y  
Bags are packed; ready to go!
I have a few minutes, so I thought I’d type a quick post. I’m still holding around 233, and have been eating mostly smoothies and salads w/avocado. No spinach until after the trip. I have NOT been exercising, other than the normal activities. This week has been packed with driving, and my back/hips/rt. leg are really hurting. I’m going to take some meds with me so I can enjoy the trip; but then I’ll be off them as soon as I get home. The MC/juice fast will help cleanse them out of my system again. I’m taking my raw crackers and some avocados that are perfect for guacamole’ for m ...   read more

Maintaining the Course...   18 y  
Tummy trouble, staying strong
I feel like I’m in limbo. But in reality, this is how I hope to eat most of the time once I get near my goal weight. Fruit and/or smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, etc. Today I added a whole avocado to my salad, and I feel terrible. I’ve had this same feeling high in my tummy before, and I’m beginning to wonder if it is the combination of spinach greens and avocado. Worth experimenting with at some point. Or it could just be the spinach. I’ll try it in a green smoothie when I get back, and see if I do better with it already chewed for me?? The scale was at 233 today, whi ...   read more

Enjoying Eating, but missing that "light" feeling   18 y  
One bad meal can't derail the process...
Today is another day I’m eating solids, and I feel ”clogged”. Not that I’m not eliminating, but just that heavy feeling. I’m looking forward to a liquid fast after my trip. Today we started the day with a raspberry, pineapple, peach smoothie. 100% nutritious. Everyone loved it. My daughter (7) didn’t feel well this morning, and went back to bed with an ambitious pile of books (about 40). She read about 10 of them, and then decided she was well enough for toast and hot chocolate. Hubby made it for her. I would have given her some more fruit, but I wasn’t home.... My lunch was p ...   read more

Liver Flush Successful; New Raw Food Book   18 y  
Green Smoothies, here I come.....
Here are the details of my liver flush... I stuck to the program perfectly, eating no fat at all, and nothing but water after 2pm. The epsom salt/apple juice mixture was as bad as I remembered, but the straw trick helped and I got it all down. I drank the OO/GFJ mixture at 10:10pm and went straight to bed. Hubby cleaned juicer and kitchen for me (even the dinner dishes!!) I couldn’t sleep for about a half hour, but my mailman brought me my new book ”Green For Life”, and I read it until I was sleepy. Then I slept through the night. I usually wake up about 5am for my first trip to ...   read more

Day of Liver Flush!   18 y  
Liver Flush tonight, preparations underway!
Today I will definitely be doing the liver flush. I had pineapple/orange/banana smoothie for breakfast. The whole family started with a smoothie, waited a 1/2 hour, and then I fed them cinnamon rolls (freshly baked). I’m eating a pickle for lunch. Apple juice was my mid-morning snack. I’ll be doing the Clark flush tonight, and hope to be feeling well enough to take the kids skating at 2pm tomorrow. If not, hubby will take them, and I’ll stay resting. I’m feeling much stronger today, so I think the spinach yesterday was a good idea. I do have some unusual canker sores under my ton ...   read more

Liver Flush Moved to Friday Night   18 y  
Low in iron, craving spinach
Hi everyone! I’m not having a very good day. I have been low in iron the last year or so, so I ate a bunch of spinach. I seemed to be craving it, so I nibbled on raw spinach off and on all morning. Now I feel really sick to my stomach, and just cannot even think of doing the liver flush. I don’t feel ”bad” about the delay, because my energy has been low and I think I really needed the spinach. Friday works for me just as well as Thursday, so I’ll be doing it then. I’ll check in tomorrow. Roni   visit the page

Day 11: Liver Flush Tonight   18 y  
Preparing for liver flush tonight. Lot's of fun in the snow.
Beautiful morning! 6” of snow so far! Lot’s of exercise happening on this snow day! I broke the MC by adding apple juice for a few days, then on Day 10, I added a smoothie for breakfast (pineapple, orange, banana) and a small salad later in the day. I also tasted a raw cracker (pretty good, but need to work on the seasonings a bit). I am ready to do my liver flush tonight. No fat at all today, nothing after 3pm except water (I adjusted the time by 1 hour to accomodate a meeting I have tonight.) I am NOT looking forward to the apple juice/epsom salt mixture, but don’t mind the gr ...   read more

Day 9: Looking forward to goals I can reach!   18 y  
MC Day 9, reaffirming my goals
Today is day 9 of my MC, although I’m adding diluted apple juice now to prepare for my liver flush. I am no longer craving junk food, but I think I WOULD eat it if I COULD. I’m definitely not ready to add solids back in! Each night I cook for the family, and then sip a lemonade while they start eating. When my lemonade is finished, I excuse myself from the table and come to my computer to read posts/blogs or rest while reading my new raw food book. I’m still spending time with the family, but emphasizing that I can take care of myself, too. I feel much more confident about making t ...   read more

Day 8, adding apple juice; raw crackers prepped   18 y  
15.5 pounds gone; crackers in the dehydrator
Today is Day 8, and I’m going to start adding in some diluted apple juice in prep for my liver flush. I also finished prepping my raw crackers, and got them into the dehydrator. I am not really experienced with these, but I did make some once last spring w/wax paper. This time I’m using teflex sheets. Hopefully it’ll be much easier! By the way, got my daughter involved with the crackers; maybe she’ll like them. She’s more into ”natural” food, so I keep lots of vegees and fruit around for her. My son is much more into gourmet, and will be making my raw nut loaf when I’m ready to eat ...   read more

Day 7: Rough Day!   18 y  
Bad day is over, tomorrow will be better
Well, I have to say the day started well enough. I was in a good mood. Got out of bed around 6 and spent an hour taking care of things around the house. Then I got ready to go to Sacramento for the day, and the downslide started when I realized it was going to be a bad hairday. Nothing anyone could say to me was right. I took everything the wrong way and let myself get upset about stupid, unimportant things. Fortunately I saw myself and worked at pulling myself together. Unfortunately, I was BARELY together. Not my best day. I did make it through the pizza party, although it w ...   read more

Day 6 Weigh-in and Funny Story!   18 y  
Funny story and Day 6 weigh-in
This has been my best MC so far, in spite of the killer headache for 2 days early on. As of this morning I was down 5 lbs! I am feeling great and have energy. I had to work today, and I wanted to share a funny story... I took an extra bottle (20 oz) with me because this particular interview can run over 2 hours. My respondent is familiar with my weight loss and I have given her the recipe, but she’s never tried it before. When she saw me she commented on how great I looked, and asked if I was still doing my lemonade thing. I said I was, and that I had even brought some with me. Wh ...   read more

I begin Day 6 13.5 pounds lighter!   18 y  
13.5 pounds lost in 5 days with MC/juice
HURRAY! I have never dropped this fast before. I keep expecting the scale to slow down, but I’ll take it! I’m back to where I had stabilized after my last cleanse. From here, it’s REAL weight loss. I went to bed early last night, but couldn’t sleep. So I picked up my new book ”The Raw Detox Diet” and read for a while. It’s really good! I’m really looking forward to eating again. It’ll be hard to resist, but I know that if I were to stop fasting at this point, it would be the SAD cheese and pasta I’d be reaching for. My cravings aren’t pure yet (not even close). So I will stick ...   read more

End of Day 5   18 y  
Day 5 ends with me hiding from homemade apple pie...
Well, made it through another day. Now I have 9 left. Today was not a great day, although it started pretty well. By 9:30 a.m. I was SO tired. Couldn’t sleep, but I was able to do some work from the couch today. I even folded some laundry SLOWLY while watching a movie with my 12 yr old son. By mid-afternoon, the bad headache had returned. Hopefully it will be gone tomorrow. Also, my Smooth Move tea worked every hour or two right up until 3pm. No tea tonight! I have to be out of the house for hours tomorrow, and nowhere near a restroom. I’ll have to do an enema before my shower ...   read more

Day 5, Moving Forward, Results of Measurements   18 y  
Day 5 of MC, Results of Body Measurements
Another day behind me, and I’m glad to say that I won’t be reporting my weight today, as I weighed three times yesterday. But it is my day to retake measurements. So, here goes... Well, maybe later. Seems the kids have found my fabric tape measure, and didn’t put it back. Woke them up to find it, and neither have touched it. I guess it grew legs and ran away... I’m sure it will turn up soon, but I’m really disappointed because it’s my first weekly measurements since I took the starting ones. I want to see the results. I just made my Smooth Move tea and I’m letting it steep a ...   read more

Found my old blog, but continuing with this one...   18 y  
Connection to old blog
Just wanted to say that I found my old blog under my old username (t1ghtwad), and added a note that I’ll be restarting my journey, and tracking it here. I am still doing well. Just finished making dinner for the family. Made a double batch and stuck the extra casserole into the freezer for next week. I’ll pull it out some day when I’m not feeling strong. Each one will provide 2 meals if I add vegees/salad on the side....   visit the page

Day 4 continues...   18 y  
Reading Blogs to get encouraged
I have been reading blogs for hours, linking to websites that are awesome and I feel SO encouraged! I am still on Day 4, and feel ready to meet the challenges ahead. I realize I have been addicted to cooked food for a long time. My worst offenders are ice cream and sunflower seeds (roasted/salted/in the shell). I am going to stay away from the SAD forms of these from now on. I am going to take charge of my health, because no one else can do it for me... I have some knowledge, lot’s of raw equipment, and a semi-supportive family (hubby and 2 kids). I’m not going to waste anymore ti ...   read more

Day 4 of my Incredible Journey   18 y  
Day 4 of my MC, Down 8 pounds, Long road ahead
Well, I started a blog 85 days ago, and lasted 2 days. This time I want to keep posting. Here’s a bit of background... I’m a 37 year old woman, happily married w/2 children, who has numerous health issues. Most of them come from, or are made worse by, my weight. My highest weight was a little over 250 lbs. A few years ago I lost 38 pounds and maintained the loss for a long time. I have allowed it to come back, and last week I was back up to 243 lbs again. NOT good. I have chronic low back pain from a birth defect, and also have moderate to severe joint pain (all over). Especial ...   read more

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MC, Juice Fasting, Liver Flushing, Raw Food and Exercise will lead me back to better health and fitness. more...

Last Activity: 18 y ago
52 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
21 Comments   Last comment 18 y ago

viewed 151,768 times
Created: 18 y   Feb 23 2006


J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

Cleanse the Liver in 9 Days
Feel great again!

End Constipation Now
Let oxygen remove old, impacted fecal matter as it detoxifies and...

Comments (10 of 21):
What is an MC?! Deradune 18 y
Re: I know how you… count… 18 y
I know how you feel midge 18 y
You've come a long… Dazzl… 18 y
Thanks for the enc… count… 18 y
great work ausjulie 18 y
go girl! n/t ren 18 y
Re: great job! countrygir… 18 y
great job! raddish 18 y
Re: Great idea! countrygi… 18 y
All Comments (21)

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